Golf GTI: Click if you can

À essa altura do campeonato, algumas pessoas já se acostumaram com aqueles cinco segundos obrigatórios de propaganda que o YouTube exibe antes de alguns vídeos. Daí entra aquele desafio das agências, de criar algo que prenda a atenção do internauta nestes cinco segundos iniciais, antes que ele tenha a chance de clicar em pular. Isso ou criar uma propaganda que diga em cinco segundos o que outras precisam de 30 segundos ou mais. Foi o que a DDB Espanha fez para o Golf GTI da Volkswagen.

Em Click if You Can, a DDB apresenta um comercial rápido para um carro veloz, que o usuário pode até tentar pular, mas terá de alcançá-lo. Se o internauta ficasse curioso em saber mais, bastava clicar no banner sobre o vídeo para ser levado a um site com informações sobre o carro.

No ano passado, mostramos uma ação interessante dos chilenos da MayoDigital, que também usava os cinco segundos obrigatórios para sugerir que as pessoas mudassem de atitude.


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Oakley apresenta a reinvenção do carrinho de golf

A Oakley queria comunicar sua parceria com o golfista Bubba Watson, e para fazer isso decidiu criar um novo produto: a evolução do tradicional carrinho de golf.

A agência Thinkmodo diz que o veículo realmente foi fabricado, apenas uma unidade, e revelado poucos dias antes do torneio The Masters Golf, que começa do dia 11 de abril.

Utilizando a tecnologia de um hovercraft, o chamado BW1 pode se locomover na grama, areia e água.

O vídeo acima, além dos quase 5 milhões de views em 3 dias, aumentou o tráfego no site da marca em 40%, e deu 10 mil novos seguidores no Twitter para Bubba Watson.


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How Is Bubba Watson’s Hovercraft Golf Cart Not an April Fools’ Joke?

At first glance, it looks like it has to be a prank. But despite being released suspiciously close to April Fools' Day, Bubba Watson and Oakley insist that the new hovercraft golf cart in the video below is real. Designed by Neoteric Hovercraft, the vehicle—if it's real—is the coolest thing to happen to golf since, well, Bubba Watson. The 2012 Masters champ, as always, has some amusing, self-deprecating one-liners in the demo video, which rolled out Tuesday, a day after April Fools'. "I see a lot of stares, a lot of laughs," Watson says. "And then they actually see how efficient it is. I think it's really going to get more people involved. They're just going to want to drive the hovercraft and not play golf. But I mean, that's how I got started, driving a golf cart, and then golf got in the way."

Nike’s New Tiger Woods Ad Says More About Us Than Him

Now that Tiger Woods has regained the top ranking on the pro golf tour, Nike is celebrating its star endorser's comeback with an online ad emblazoned with one of Woods's favorite soundbites, "Winning takes care of everything," along with the word "Victory" next to the company's swoosh logo. The ad has stoked the flames of controversy in social media, with some claiming it sends a bad message in light of Woods's marital infidelities that surfaced a few years back, costing him some endorsement deals, tarnishing his image and threatening to derail his career—not to mention crushing the marriage in question.

There are hundreds of press reports about the ad and countless tweets and comments, all manner of Internet chatter, folks expressing opinions pro and con. Much of the coverage has focused on what impact the ad will have on Nike's brand. That's a fair question, but as anyone who's followed marketing for more than 10 minutes should realize, it's answered almost as soon as it's asked. This is a blip that quickly stirs passions but has no lasting effect. By next week it will be all but forgotten. Nike and Tiger will carry on. (They been here before, of course, when Nike released that rather peculiar Tiger ad following the scandal.)

In a larger and more intriguing sense, the story is a microcosm of the state and price of fame in the digital media landscape. If you start winning in the public eye and achieve some notoriety, you'd better take care and be on your guard about everything, because legions are eagerly watching and waiting and we'll pounce at the slightest provocation. This says a lot less about Woods, Lance Armstrong or other tarnished icons than it does about the rest of us, who live vicariously to varying degrees through such "heroes and villains." Most of us will never experience the life-changing thrill ride of winning and losing on a grand scale, because for whatever reason, we can't commit our whole beings to daunting tasks, athletic or otherwise, and fight through the pain, injury and public pressure to victory. Hell, most of us will never truly win or lose at anything.

So, we cheer on Woods, Armstrong and the rest when they triumph, and weep at their defeats. We damn them when they fall from grace and welcome them back with accolades and big-bucks sponsorships when they've reformed enough for our liking.

In this way, such imbalanced relationships become symbiotic and reciprocal. Tiger and Lance play out high-def dramas with, at times, their careers and livelihoods on the line. We play along on our sofas, remotes in hand, flipping among our thousand channels. Social media intensifies and personalizes the experience. We become actors in their story—mostly in our own minds, of course, but in increasingly more palpable ways than ever before—as commentators and commenters, bloggers, tweeters and pinners. Our input flickers across PC desktops and smartphone screens, shared in real time with thousands, maybe millions, all eager to feel more deeply and understand—if only briefly, and through the exploits of others—what words like winning and everything really mean.

The Rumble: Tiger Woods e Arnold Palmer defendem seus troféus na porrada

É fato que eu conheço tanto de golf quanto sei construir um foguete espacial. Portanto, sequer sei dizer quem são os velhinhos – Arnold Palmer e Lee Trevino – que acompanham Tiger Woods nesse bom comercial que promove o jogo “PGA Tour 14″.

E não me mande procurar no Google.

Woods, que voltou a ser o número 1 no ranking, entra na porrada com uma gangue que quer roubar seus troféus. A cara de filme de ação certamente é uma tentativa de atrair uma audiência jovem para os seniors do esporte.


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Mercedes-Benz vs. Bola de golf: Um desafio a 290 km/h

A Mercedes-Benz deu um SLS AMG Roadster pro David Coulthard – pra quem não conhece, o piloto de F1 – e o mandou alcançar uma bolinha de golf a 290 km/h.

O feito foi registrado por diversas cameras e pelo Guinness Book, inclusive, como mostra esse vídeo dos bastidores.

/via DigitalBuzz

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Beijing Sports Radio Campaign

L’agence Ogilvy & Mather Hong Kong a pensé cette superbe campagne print pour la Beijing Sports Radio. Utilisant les différents environnements sportifs pour créer des phylactères, représentant ainsi le dialogue et le commentaire sportif, ces visuels sont à découvrir dans la suite.



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Volkswagen bring us back to 1983 / L’inspiration leur a posé un lapin?

rabbit1983 rabbit2011
Volkswagen Golf Rabbit GTI – 1983
Headline : “The rabbit that makes… vroom”
Source : French Art Directors Club 1ST PRIZE WINNER
Photographer : Marc Bicker
Agency : DDB Paris (France)
Volkswagen Golf Rabbit – 2011
Who’s the fastest rabbit in the world?
Source : VW spanish Facebook Page
Photographer : Joan Garrigosa
Agency : DDB (Spain)

Ball crashed on a car’s roof / Rebonds multiples

Nike ambient – 2004
Source : commercial archive
Agency : Ogilvy & Mather (Singapore)
crashkswiss2008 LESS ORIGINAL
K-Swiss Roland Garros Ambient – 2008
Source : CB News,
Agency : Kassius (France)
PGA Tour Superstore – 2008
Source : Cannes Lions Archive,
Agency : TheRichardsGroup Dallas (USA)