Knorr #LoveAtFirstTaste – Behind The Scenes (2016)

Knorr #LoveAtFirstTaste - Behind The Scenes (2016)
The behind the scenes of the love at first taste managed even more accidental innuendo than “just RAM IT IN MY MOUTH”. We have: “The nut throwing incident, I got nutted in the eye”, as well as “she just kept shoving it in my mouth, and I couldn’t take any more”. Now I’m not sure if I’m horny or hungry, but I do know it looks like some of the couples in this experiment genuinely hit it off. Yasmin and Joshua seem to compliment each other, her the energy bundle to his broad shouldered coolness. Ben and Mia could make some steamy steak nights out. Antonio and Irma like the spicy food and discovered that hand feeding each other was quite hot.

Twix – coffee with a Twix – (2016) :30 (Denmark)

Twix - coffee with a Twix - (2016) :30 (Denmark)
Twix, the two sticks covered with caramel and chocolate, decided to tease Swedes, Finns and Danes with this little clip that was shot in a café in Copenhagen. From the outside it may look like your regular coffee joint, but as unsuspecting patrons discover, it’s populated by identical twins inside. Not only that, they’re also dressed the same and synchronize things such as reading the paper and answering the phone. Peoples reactions are fun, one guy seems to think “sod it, I’m photographing all of this or nobody will believe me”, while others wear bemused smiles while sipping coffee.

Nadia Zinck Thiesen, Client Manager at Patchwork explains: “We filled a cafe? with sets of identical twins, who synchronized their movements, creating a surreal universe for other patrons. In other words, the TWIX humor and duality, comes to life in a subtle way for the viewers, as they watch the patrons’ surprised reactions.”

“TWIX already has a strong position in the market, and we would like to ensure this for the coming years,” adds Laura Rajala from MARS. “Patchwork’s plan for 2016, will add a ton of humor and relevance to TWIX, and I am looking forward to seeing how the target group reacts.”

Grandma's Cookies – Park – (2016) :46 (USA)

Grandma's Cookies - Park - (2016) :46 (USA)
Grandma’s cookies are a cookie that smells so delicious and nostalgic and looks so homemade that anyone who sees you eat one becomes convinced that you are their grandma. Like, their actual grandma. And absolutely nothing will convince them otherwise. Also, of course you have to use cable-stitch.

These are quite weird.

McDonald's "Emoticon City" (2015) 1:00 (France)

Set to a cover of “Video Killed The Radio Star,” this trippy bit of goodness from BETC creates an emoticon city. Whether you are happy, sad, angry or sleepy, you’re always welcome at McDonalds.

Splendid chocolate "First time" (2015) :37 (Israel)

Kids try bitter dark chocolate for the first time. When you grow up, you’ll get it. Ha.

Bar-B-Q Plaza – The Waiters Mom – (2015) 5:30 (Thailand)

Bar-B-Q Plaza - The Waiters Mom - (2015) 5:30 (Thailand)
You already know that this is a Thai ad that runs over five minutes, and it’s about mom, so I’ll just assume that you’ve got the kleenex handy. This ad for Bar-B-Q Plaza starts with a tedious ‘test’ taken by their staff a month before mothers day, where most of the questions start really drilling into the staffs relationship with their mom.
“When did you last have a meal with her?”
“What does she like?”
As the staff sink into emotional piles of guilt in their desks, body language like unhappy children, the piano and violin music swells. Oh damn you Thai emotional ads, you’re good. The whole idea is to give the staff a chance to bring their moms to the restaurant before mothers day as they will be working during mothers day – a very busy day in the restaurant business. Tugging at the emotional strings of the viewers again and again, as we now get to see the staff treat their moms to dinner and find out what they responded to the survey questions. Hugs and tears all around! This gets so sentimental it’s mawkish and painful. Please come back weirdo Thai ads like that ghost lightbulb one, all is forgiven!

Danepak "Serious Bacon Club"(2015) 1:30 (Denmark)

Fronted by the Danish founder of the Serious Bacon Club, Morten, Danepak explores the bacon-obsession that is gripping us all.

KFC "Fun Loving" (2015) :30 (USA)

The youngsters with their breakdancing and spontaneous road trips. They love KFC. They also love Norm McDonald. Have you ever checked out his twitter account? He’s really into sports and he’ll give commentary on the games he watches (ESPN or someone should just make him a commentator) and he’ll often times go on long storytelling diatribes that even storify can’t keep up with. I’d much rather check him on Twitter that in this spot. The longer form versions show off more personality but it’s as if W+K and KFC made a pact to make the 30’s interesting and make the 15’s all about the food which minimizes McDonald’s personality to the point it could be anybody at all rattling off the contents of the menu.
Least he’s gettin’ paid for it, so good for him.

KFC "Busy People" (2015) :15 (USA)

Everybody’s busy. So eat fast food. Says Norm McDonald as Colonel Sanders.

KFC "The Real Colonel Sanders" (2015) :30 (USA)

First, Darrell Hammond revived Colonel Sanders for KFC. Now, Norm McDonald has taken the reigns, claiming Hammond wasn’t the real Colonel Sanders, but he is in fact, the real Colonel Sanders. It’s not really even weird, despite trying, because but it’s that meta form of advertising we’ve come to expect from W+K. So here’s a freebie for Portland: Do a crossover ad. Darrell hammond and Norm McDonald show up in their Colonel Sanders guises in the Old Spice commercials to tag team wrestle Terry Crews and Isaiah Mustafa. I’m sure there’s a new KFC scented-body wash as well. The kids will love it.

KFC "celebrity Colonel" (2015) :30 (USA)

You can’t just grab any old Hollywood actor like Norm McDonald (or Darrell Hammond before him) and dress them up like Colonel Sanders, can you? I mean….

Carl's Jr "Natural Beauties" (2015) :30 (USA)

Ho-ho-ho, you fooled me, Carl’s Jr. I thought you were showing me buttocks but nope, you’re showing me food porn in the form of ‘shrooms. Also, I love the term “all-natural.” It’s so meaningless and can’t be held to any sort of legal-scrutiny. It’s that kind of verbiage that really makes people love advertising.

Uncle Ben's "Teach" (2015) :30 (Canada)

Cute animated spot for Uncle Ben’s with a godo message, too. Kids learn from us how to eat and how to cook. This is a fact I know from experience. So I applaud Uncle Ben’s for continuing its Ben’s Beginner’s campaign, designed to get their kids in the kitchen and start a lifelong habit (and maybe even love) of cooking. The initiative starts at Uncle Ben’s microsite, with the help of Logan Guleff, winner of Master Chef Jr.’s second season. In addition to cooking tips, Guleff wants user generated content, i.e. pics of dishes you prepared using specific ingredients. You might even win one of three grand prizes: $10,000.

And that might be what it takes to get kids off their butts and into the kitchen. According to a survey reported in Marketing Mag, Uncle Ben’s parent company Mars, found that 77% of Canadian families eat home-cooked meals, only 12% are letting their kids help prepare the meals.

KFC "Fakation" (2015) :30 (USA)

For the launch of its new product Hotbox, KFC and MRM//McCann Romania have come up with a Fakation: a campaign targeting teens stuck in the big and hot cities, while their friends are in vacations in exotic places. Now everyone can take a vacation) or at least fake one, no matter where they are.

Here is the translation.

You go on Facebook and everybody’s on holiday. Every-bo-dy.
Whatever, at KFC you have fun in the city like you’re on holiday.
Go, order, and you’re already wherever you want.
Spain? Take a photo and let’s also go to Greece.
You also caught the sunset.
Another snap in the boat and that’s it.
Now upload it on social media and wait for the envy.
With Holiday flavors from KFC you’re in Spain, Italy and Greece.

Taco Bell "Bacon Club Chalupa" (2015) :30 (USA)

Bacon you can’t eat is bacon you don’t need. Fair enough. Nice song choice. So melodramatic for bacon. I’ll bet this mall smells amazing.

Lean Cuisine "Elizabeth Ryan" (2015) 2:00 (USA)

This is the two minute version of the Lean Cuisine :30 spot featuring Elizabeth Ryan the motorcycle-riding baby-delivering woman extraordinaire who eats Lean Cuisine at work. As a piece of content it’s quite interesting. She keeps the shilling to a minimum although I have never seen a freezer that is solely stocked with one product, so yeah, the b.s. flag went up a bit. Still at least they kept the bite and smile out of it. Just like their packaging it seems like Lean Cuisine has gotten a much-needed update. Nice.

Lean Cuisine "Night Nurse" (2015) :30 (USA)

In addition to rebranding its packaging, Lean Cuisine is also getting personal by introducing us to the women who eat it. In this case, RN Elizabeth Ryan who rides a motorcycle to work and delivers babies on the night shift. I like the fact they aren’t selling this as a usual diet food.

T.G.I. Friday's, Google, Youtube named in suit filed by "Catcalling" video girl

TMZ and NY Post reports that Shoshana Roberts, the woman who was catcalled in a video that got over 40 million views has now filed suit for $500,000. “It’s frustrating when the nonprofit gets donations, and the director gets ad revenue, and I get people wanting to slit my throat.”.

Roberts filed suit against director Rob Bliss and Hollaback! – the anti-street harassment group – for using her likeness to promote their agenda. She’s also named T.G.I. Friday’s who parodied the the catcall vid for one of its ads, as well as Google and Youtube.

Roberts still prominently displays a link to the on her professional website.

McVitie’s – Oaty flying Squirrel – (2015) :30 (UK)

McVitie’s - Oaty flying Squirrel - (2015) :30 (UK)
A tired-looking worker on her morning commute trundles toward the office, when her partner opens a pack of McVitie’s Breakfast Oaty Breaks in the car. Cute the 80s style action music from the TV show Airwolf, and the adorable jet-pack equipped squirrel careering through the air, because nothing is quote as cutely odd as McVitie’s. It’s sweet, you know.

McVitie’s Breakfast will launch the tasty range with a £3 million media spend including TV advertising by Grey London, social media plan with MEC, as well as a PR activity from 3 Monkeys Communications. In addition, new packaging has been introduced to keep the brand fresh and modern; the colourful new packaging will help differentiate the McVitie’s Breakfast range from the rest of the market. The range comprises of McVitie’s Breakfast Oaty Breaks, McVitie’s Breakfast Biscuits and McVitie’s Fruit & Oat Bakes.

Head of Healthier at United Biscuits, Kerry Owens said:The launch of McVitie’s Breakfast advertising campaign marks another momentous occasion for us, with further expansion into the healthier breakfast biscuit market. With 55% of us eating breakfast on the fly, it’s no surprise that the healthier biscuits category is worth £467million, and breakfast biscuits have been driving the growth in this category. We recognise that modern lives are starved for time, but hungry for tasty on-the-go breakfasts, so we’re delighted to introduce the latest additions to our McVitie’s Sweeet family, and hope that it brings an oaty oomph to breakfast-loving folk across the UK.

Gregory Porter "Puttin' on the Ritz" (2015) :40 (UK)

This video for that old time classic song is actually an ad for Ritz Crisp & Thin. How has this idea not been done before? It seems so first thought.