Inspired-Inspirers Issue 7

We go live once again with a brand new release.

This time we have the wonderful collaborations of Jeff Soto, Sorin Bechira, Perttu Murto and Tom Lane.

Go get inspired!

Inspired-Inspirers Issue 6

Fresh out the oven now comes our 6th delivery.

A well rounded issue with collaborations by amazing creatives Tom Muller, Florencia Mazza, Pete Harrison and Sheena Aw.

Great contents to start off a great year.

As always big thank you to our guests and you for dropping by.

Alex Trochut 2009


Super genius illustrator/typographer Alex Trochut just dropped a brand new update.

Go on and get your brains blown the f**k up.

60 Unite for Children in my hands

It’s been a while ago since I told you about 60 Unite for Children, a project by I told you about 60 Unite for Children, a project by UNICEF dwhere 60 designers and artists from around the world showcase graphics and thoughts related to children.

After a lot a lot of thinking, and when I realized that now shipping costs are free, I decided to buy it.

And yesterday, after a week, the book got to my hands

A kickass purchase. The 180 pages book contains a huge amount of top notch works plus some beautiful thoughts.

Want a copy?. Go get yours at the official website.

Raúl Burgos releases his website

Good friend Raúl Burgos, after a long time wait, has finally released his personal website with some of his hot works.

Stay sharp for this guy.

Portfolio updated

I’ve just updated my portfolio with 6 new works among which I include a font that is free to download.

Halfway is a font I’ve developed from the idea of reducing characters while maintaining their meaning. It’s still a 1.0 version, so there may be some updates done to it in the future or I might release a rounded version I’m working on.

The font is still under an Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Creative Commons license, so you can use it for personal projects while giving credit to its author, and for commercial projects you have to ask for my permission.

Within the zip file you’ll find all three weights (Normal, Bold and Black) in TrueType (TTF) and OpenType (OTF) versions to use in PC and Mac.

You can download it directly through here: Halfway; or from the portfolio.

Hope you like the update and any comments you may have please don’t hesitate to contact me or leave a comment.

The KDU: featured members interviews

KDU Interviews

Down at the Keystone Design Union headquarters everyone is always busy with the pile of work that keeps on coming in, however, good ol’ coleague David Harris (A.K.A. SON) has been taking the time to interview a few of our family’s featured members.

So far he’s gotten his chat on with Neil Duerden, Nelson Balaban and more recently Pawel Nolbert.

Pretty cool interviews to get to know and see what different members from around the globe are up to.

Stay sharp for interviews to come down at the KDU global news site.

Xtrabold updates and turns a year older

Nelson Balaban Jr.

Xtra-talented, xtra-young, xtra-humble, xtra-friendly homie Nelson Balaban Jr. (A.K.A. Xtrabold) has turned 19 years old today and to celebrate he drops in his all new portfolio with killer killer work as always.

Only 19 and already killing it. Amazing. Who knows what he’ll be doing in 5 or 10 years!.

Congrats homie!. Big up!.

Diego Quintana x KDU x Slick Corea

Phil Chang (A.K.A. Slick Corea) is an excelent designer, music producer, apart from being a KDU creative consultant.

A while ago he asked some people to collaborate with his senior thesis project: A full length rap album alongside a graphics book with images related to each one of the songs.

Being a rap and design fan, I couldn’t let this chance slide.

Now Phil just released the album under the title of Children of Idiom along with the book, and they’re both kickass.

Inside the album you’ll find excelent excelent tracks (the beats are insane) alongside top-notch musicians; and in the book you’ll find the incredible works of people like Emeric Trahand, Adhemas Batista, Josh Vanover, Radim Malinic just to name a few.

Also, of course, there’s my modest collaboration to the project (second image above).

An absolute honor to be in such a fun project with exceptional artists, plus working with Phil was a joy by itself. Cool cat indeed.

Thanks a bunch to mr. Chang for making me a part of this kickass project, and much success on works to come.

Of course the invite is open for everyone to download the album, a the book, and the sweet little Extras pack on the website.

Graphic Design: 25 Interviews

Via Design Float I found out that the always interesting Noupe recently made a list of 25 interviews with graphic designers from around the world.

Among the interviewed are big names Chuck Anderson, Cristiano Siqueira, Maciej Hajnrich and Matt W. Moore.

A very good and well rounded list that lets you understand a bit better how these image-making gurus think.

Diseño Emergente 2.0

Diseño Emergente 2.0

First off I’d like to apologize for the size of the image, but I think in this case it’s worth it.

A little over two years ago, a small group of chilean design students decided to generate an online space that allowed design students from all its branches and schools to share their projects and create contact and collaboration networks that led to improve and enhance the national design scene. That website was Diseño Emergente (Emerging Design).

Now, with an insanely powerful base of monthly visitors and projects, Diseño Emergente is, without a doubt, the space where chilean (and slowly more latinamerican) design students converge and share, debate and display their ideas.

By chance of life, I had the pleasure of being one of the first few members of this community and for a while I was part of their staff, with whom to this day I keep a very close relationship.

This is why seeing progress like the one I’ll refer to is trully a reason for pride and satisfaction, knowing that in Chile there are people who dare to take the plunge, to go against the odds, and do it right, with love for what they do and the seriousness and responsability it deserves.

The reason for this slightly long post is to tell you about the release of Diseño Emergente 2.0,. A total review of the website’s interface and functions was made directly from the input of its own users and not just what the staff thought was right.

Even if you’re not a spanish-speaking person, I encourgae you to take a look at the portfolios section, I’m sure you’ll find a few things that’ll blow your mind.

For someone like me, who’s passionate about design, programming and interaction, this website really is a luxury. A whole bunch of new features that speed up your reading time, enhance relationships between users and also enhance the participation of 3rd party users from chilean student design.

So I’m just leaving the invitation open for you to check out the all new Diseño Emergente, ’cause even with its many haters, it’s impossible to deny its real cultural and design weight in chilean society.

My biggest congratulations, and deepest respect to the staff that daily tries to take chilean design to the next level. People like these are the ones that count.

Diego Quintana at YayMonday


Today, with great surprise, I found out I just appeared on issue 21 of the great website YayMonday.

The thing about this site is that each monday, 9 new creatives from around the world are displayed.

Quite an honor to be there, plus, they also featured my man Veggie, so it’s a double-pointer for the chilean folks.

Also, big up to Ricardo Villavicencio who was featured on issue 19.

Link: Diego Quintana at YayMonday.

Veggie updates

Though it’s not the freshest news, I couldn’t let it slide.

My dog-homie-buddy Guillermo Alarcón, A.K.A. Veggie just updated his website with new freshhh works.

100 best spanish-speaking design blogs

Good ol’ Barbón from the always attractive NiceFuckingGraphics recently dropped a list of the 100 best spanish-speaking design blogs, and to my surprise, my website’s in there.

A huge honour considering that my website is basically just a mix of my personal tastes regarding design, digital art and overall trends; which apparently and fortunately has been well received by the people coming in.

A big shout out to Barbón for the consideration and I invite you guys to pass by his website ’cause it’s really making a buzz around the latinamerican blogosphere.

Link: 100 best spanish-speaking design blogs.

Brand Nu updates again

Super hot, world famous, trend-setting designer Radim Malinic (A.K.A. Brand Nu) just dropped a new version of his website with some on-fire new works.

Sagmeister’s book packaging


Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far is the latest book by the master Stefan Sagmeister, one of the grand designers of modern day design.
A while ago I read that the book’s packaging was laser cut to reveal different swapable patterns through Sagmeister’s face; but this video really explains how it works.
Awesome. The one I like the most is the T.
Plus the book is really cheap!. US$24 at Amazon.
Via: ComputerLove.

TODO, interaction design

Just today I received a comment on my blog from the very people who were behind the amazing Artificial Dummies I posted a while ago. They’re the great minds of TODO, and the heads up was from their very own Andrea.

TODO is, in their own words, an interaction and media design agency. Stablished in Italy, this group has a whole lot going for them. Kickass interactive works, a kickass website, a kickass video collection and even better, an amazing level of creativity.

At the risk of being a bit repetitive, the video I left you above is an explanation of the almighty Artificial Dummies. Beautiful music and a subtle explanation on the little creatures.

Still I urge you to check out their websites. Their work is really a pleasure to watch and imagine.

Thanks a lot Andrea on the heads up! Much success!.

TODO at vimeo.

Pocket rainbow


By Masashi Kawamura.
Beautiful, simple and smart.
Via: DesignYouTrust.

Design salaries 2007 survey


The fellas over at Coroflot take a yearly survey to designers from different areas and places all over the world. It’s purpose is to answer different questions regarding salaries throughout countries, creative fields, specialities, etc.
The image shown above shows the yearly income around the world for a designer in year 2007. For our short-sighted friends around here, the country with the lowest yearly income is Brazil with US$25,869, and the one with the highest is India with US$65,262 a year.
Be sure to check the survey to see several other interesting charts as well as prior years’ surveys.



Quite a while ago, when my interest for digital art started turning obsesive, I realized that most of the artists that blew me away then (and still do today), had one thing in common: They all were part of the Keystone Design Union.
It was then that I set myself as a long term goal to one day be a part of this select group of artists and visionaries I admire so much. And today finally, it’s true. I’m finally a member of the group I so admire.
My deepest thanks to the good David Harris for all his assitance and answering my ever-growing amount of questions, and of course to the great David Gensler for recruiting me.
It’s an honor to share up-close with such talented people.
So from now on around here, you can also trust The KDU.