Katrin Schacke Artworks

Focus sur le travail de Katrin Schacke, une directrice artistique de talent. Avec des projets plus impressionnants et réussis les uns que les autres, cette artiste allemande nous propose de découvrir son univers aux multiples facettes avec des installations surréalistes à retrouver dans la suite.

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Pinball Drawing Machine

STYN est une installation que Sam Van Doorn a construit pour son diplôme. Il a repensé un flipper et l’a reconstruit comme un objet design possédant une grille avec impression. En jouant simplement sur une feuille blanche, les billes dessinent un motif aléatoire, dépendant de l’interaction et de l’utilisateur.

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Transcendant Light Photography

James Tapscott est un artiste australien qui nous propose de découvrir de superbes photographies réunies sous le nom de « Transference ». Avec l’utilisation de câbles optiques illuminés, le photographe nous propose des clichés jouant avec talent sur la lumière dans de très grands espaces. Plus d’images dans la suite.

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Drop Eco Hotel

Drop Eco Hotel est le nom de ce concept imaginé par In-tenta. Imaginé comme une chambre d’hôtel amovible, cet exemple de micro-architecture propose une structure modulaire composée de bois et de fenêtres transparents sphériques. Une initiative respectueuse de l’environnement à découvrir dans la suite.

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Frank Dog Lamp

Focus sur Frank Lamp, cette très jolie lampe en bois pensée par le studio thaïlandais Pana Objects. Livrée en kit, cette création reprenant la forme d’un chien peut être modulée et positionnée de différentes façons afin de mimer le comportement d’un animal. A découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.

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Light Emitting Dudes

Light Emitting Dudes est une vidéo réalisée par Frank Sauer qui a réuni les 3 freerunners Jason Paul, Shaun Wood et Anan Anwar dans les rues de Bangkok. Afin de rajouter un aspect visuel très réussi, la costume designer Christina Zahra a équipé ces derniers d’une tenue de LED de couleurs.

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Fall in Central Park

Jamie Scott est un amoureux de nature mais aussi de la ville de New York. Ce dernier a choisi 15 endroits dans Central Park et a tourné 2 jours par semaine pendant 6 mois l’apparition progressive de l’automne. Une vidéo où la nature, pourtant située au centre d’une des plus grandes villes du monde, est magnifiée.

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AFP Pictures Of The Year 2012

A l’instar de l’agence Reuters l’année dernière, voici une compilation des images les plus marquantes de l’année 2012 sélectionnées par l’AFP et proposant de couvrir tous les sujets de l’actualité dans le monde. Des images impressionnantes et très touchantes à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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Fisherman Rubber Boots: Boots Packaging

Design a packaging for rubber boots with the aim to:
-distinguish the brand on the shelf among competitors in the specialized stores and to attract
the consumers’ attention.
-create a contemporary and appealing image of the “Fisherman” boots as a very high-quality
specialized footwear for fishing and emphasize the features of the product!

Everybody is aware of boots primary function – protection from water. However, there are many advantages that are not obvious at the first glance and consumer might not be aware of. «Fisherman» boots are able to protect the wearer from a wide range of dangers: environmental debris, biological threats, natural, chemical and electrical hazards.
We realized that probably the best way to communicate protective functions of the boots would be using the example of underwater creatures. This topic is very relevant for fishermen and creates an excellent opportunity to combine several types of risks in one visual.

The package itself is designed as a mini-stand and works as an eye catcher. An illusion of boots immersed in water draws attention focus consumer’s attention to all protective properties of the “Fisherman” boots.

Design a packaging for rubber boots. Rubber boots for fishermen: basic design, up to 40 centimetres in height, recommended for the coastal fishing and movement in the water no deeper than 40 centimetres. Packaging will be used to promote the product in stores.

Advertising Agency: Good Media, Almaty, Kazakistan
Creative Director: Igor Mitin
Art Director: Berik Yergaliyev, Rustam Gareyev
Designers: Darina Baimukhanova, Farhat Omirbaev, Andrey Serduk
Account Director: Renat Abdrakhmanov
Account Manager: Diana Saibekova

StockLogos “prevê” o futuro de logos famosos

Dizem que para se ter uma ideia do futuro, é preciso conhecer o passado. Com muito bom humor, o site StockLogos aplicou essa filosofia na prática para tentar prever como será a evolução de alguns logos famosos. A Apple, em sua incansável busca pela simplicidade, atingirá o máximo do minimalismo – caminho também a ser seguido pela Volkswagen. Já o KFC terá de se render à onda vegetariana, mudando não apenas sua identidade visual, mas também seu posicionamento no mercado. A Shell também enfrentará o mesmo desafio, voltando-se para a produção de energia solar.

A Coca-Cola permanecerá a mesma, enquanto a Pepsi terá de cortar os excessos, em algum momento… A Ford alcançará um patamar de outro mundo, enquanto Explorer e Nokia parecem estar com os dias contados…

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Fresh’N’Friends: Fruit Figures

All adults know: healthy eating is important. The organic supermarket chain Fresh`N´Friends benefits from that situation. There is just one small problem: kids hate healthy food but they love sweets. And worst of all: kids won´t listen to logical arguments. Therefore, our task was to convince the kids without lecturing them. Instead of calling attention to that problem with a traditional ad campaign we chose to solve the problem. The solution was a new product: fruit figures. To make fruits as appealing as sweets for kids we designed fruit arrangements that suit children. Boring fruits were designed in shape of teddy bears, kittens, flowers – all the things kids love. Just like ordinary fruit salads the fruit figures were sealed, put in a tray and sold in Fresh´N´Friends stores. And to open the design process for those who should really be involved, we let the kids design their own fruit figures. Over 3,500 designs from children were submitted. The rabbit figure of five-year-old Dario got the most votes and was therefore added to the product range.

Advertising Agency: Scholz & Friends, Berlin, Germany
Creative Director: Martin Pross, Matthias Spaetgens, Wolf Schneider Mathias Rebmann, Florian Schwalme
Art Director: Alexander Doepel, Sandra Krebs, Bjoern Kernspeckt, René Gebhardt, Loic Sattler, Jinhi Kim
Photographer: Attila Hartwig
Account Manager: Benjamin Baader, Masa Matejic, Anna Kubitza, Sebastian Vetter, Miriam Spahrbier
Postproduction: Maren Boerner
Graphics: Peter Schoenherr, Simon Rossow

Absolut Vodka: Absolut Unique

The idea was to make four million unique bottles, so that each and every bottle becomes a limited edition in itself.But how do you do that? We had to rebuild the production line and use every possible aspect of glass decoration in a new and randomized,but controlled, way. We defined colors,coatings,patterns, and paint methods and then waited to see what the machines would create. Every bottle is numbered (1-4,000,000) and the numbers are mixed before the cases are sent out to the world. In most markets ,bottles are sold at the regular price for a bottle of Absolut.

Advertising Agency: Family Business, Sweden
Creative Director: John Lagerqvist, Mårten Knutsson
Copywriter: Tove Norström
Art Director: Fredrik Lindquist
Photographer: Jens Mortensen
Account Manager: Anna Andrén
Account Director: Cecilia Steenberg Forsberg
Final Art: Andy Chong, Anna Jarl
Artist: Julia Schilleras, Fredrik Källqvist

Raum D Studio for People With Dementia: Vivid Memories

To generate awareness for Raum D, a therapeutic studio for suffers of dementia, we decided to trace the life story of a theoretical Alzheimer’s patient. We created a 3D model of a brain, capturing its full diversity with extreme attention to detail. By doing so we made this person’s memories once more accessible. We toured this exhibition, which incl. 4 ‘panels’ representing personal and historical milestones in a person’s life, in major cities along the Rhine and Ruhr rivers. Person’s with Alzheimer’s have no hope, as of yet, of a cure. As their disease progresses, they often become increasingly confused and isolated. Raum D is a therapeutic studio for people with dementia. Here, creative work offers patients new ways of dealing with their memories.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy, Germany
Creative Director: Andreas Steinkemper
Copywriter: Kajo Strauch, Jill Keehner
Art Director: Paul Kuna, Annika Fohler, Rouven Maccario, Vitali Gahl
Production Company: Shotopop
Agency Producer: Mario Kaltenbach
Illustrator: Casper Franken
Art Buyer: Carol Redfield
Project Management: Anke Breuer
Executive Creative Director: Thomas Schwarz

Fast Track Trampoline Russia

Coup de cœur pour le studio Salto Design qui a imaginé, à l’occasion du Archstoyanie Festival à Nikola-Lenivets en Russie, cette incroyable installation de trampoline. D’une longueur de plus de 50 mètres, cette infrastructure appelée « Fast Track » est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article en images.

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Geometric Sandcastles

Dans l’esprit de la campagne Dirt is Good, l’artiste Calvin Seibert nous propose des châteaux de sable absolument magnifiques. Avec des structures géométriques composées délicatement, ces œuvres éphémères réalisées sur la plage sont à découvrir dans une série d’images dans la suite

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Batavo: Inspired by nature

Batavo, one of Brazil’s main dairy products brands, seeks to develop products inspired by nature. As a result, the NBS agency created an advertisement using natural paints whose production is based on fresh fruits.

Advertising Agency: NBS, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Carlos André Eyer, Cassio Faraco, André Lima, Pedro Feyer
Art Director: Daniel Scheiner, Tammy Aires
Copywriter: Rafael Miranda
Illustrator: Tammy Aires
Production: W3 Filmes
Photographer: Ricardo de Vicq
Graphic producer: Giba Silvestre
Art-Buyer: Rose Zanetti

O Hobbit: Quatro belos posters desenhados a mão promovem o filme em IMAX

Falta pouco para a estreia de “O Hobbit: Uma Jornada Inesperada”, mas nunca é tarde para o lançamento de novos e belos posters para promover o filme.

Esses quatro cartazes de personagens divulgam, especificamente, a versão em IMAX, com um design que imita os mapas feitos a mão da Terra-Média, além do texto escrito em élfico.

Belas artes para se ter na parede de casa.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Joupi: Joupi Bag

Existing problem:
Make the JOUPI signs more visible, but also entertain in stores our targets: parents and children.

Suggested strategy:
Our strategy has been to differentiate ourselves in this very competitive market.
The challenge was to illustrate the slogan of our sign “Expert en sourires d’enfants” on basic communication tools and to find promotional tactics in the absence of major investments in the media.

Description of the launch of the campaign and of its implementation:
Creative axis: We created an animated and interactive paper bag that can demonstrate visually and directly to our customer the effect the toy he just bought will have on his kid. Simple: the bag is empty, the child’s face is sad but when the customer holds the bag by its handles, the child’s face shows a big smile. The success was huge therefore the client decided to continue this year and distribute the bag in over 100 outlets during the christmas activity peak season.

Advertising Agency: Havas 360, Paris, France
Creative Director: Thomas Derouault
Art Director: Sabrina Leva, Thomas de Belleville
Executive Creative Director: Thomas Derouault, Hugues Pinguet
Advertising Manager: Marie-Claude Morat
Account Supervisor: Anne-Flore Seringe
PR: Delphine Le Floch
CEO: Vincent Mayet, Matthieu Habra

Nishinihon Tenrei: Life Is Endless

We wanted to create an unconventional poster for funeral service. We expressed what remains after death – human bones – with pressed flowers. We rolled out the campaigns at venues for funeral consulting services and areas near the client’s business locations. We wanted to create an unconventional poster for funeral service. We expressed what remains after death – human bones – with pressed flowers. Client was able to appeal the new image for funeral service.Consumers were able to have a new perspective on funerals.

Advertising Agency: I&S BBDO, Tokyo, Japan
Creative Director: Mari Nishimura
Copywriter: Mari Nishimura
Art Director: Naomi Hou
Designer: Naomi Hou

Stone Gate

Stone Gate est une réalisation du designer italien Raffaello Galiotto présentée pour la première fois par Lithos Design à la 100% Gravity Exhibition, à Verone en Italie. Avec une forme de cercle, cette structure pesant 5 quintaux est à découvrir avec différentes images dans la suite de l’article.

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