Halifax's Horrifying Date-Night Ad Will Make You Not Want to Date for a While

The downtown business commission in Halifax, Nova Scotia, created this video to get you to buy one of its date-night packages. But it might force you to give up dating altogether.

The concept is actually based on this viral video from 2009, featuring a montage of 1980’s VideoMate dating profiles that was truly full of nerfherders. Halifax’s collection of clueless Romeos and one singular Juliet is likewise sure to bring the Internet to the schadenfreude party as quickly as the original did.

The point is that the hardest part of dating in Halifax is finding someone to date. (And that is probably true, given that OkCupid has an outdated interface, eHarmony will reject you, Craigslist will probably get you killed, and you’re now going to have to pay twice as much for Tinder if you’re over 30.)

But if you’ve got the dating part covered, Halifax will handle the rest.

And after watching the video, couples probably will book date nights right now—if only to make sure they never have to get back in the dating pool again.

40 Days of Dating

Voici 40 Days of Dating, une initiative pensée par 2 designers Jessica Walsh et Timothy Goodman qui ont décidé de sortir ensemble pendant 40 jours pour apprendre à se connaître soi-même et comprendre ce qu’ils désirent. Cette expérimentation fait l’objet d’un site et de créations afin d’illustrer chaque journée.

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Infographic: Where to Go on a First Date

San Francisco-based designer Alex Cornell slapped together an instructional chart about where to go on a first date, and I have to say he's pretty much on point. In some cases, he's even being too nice. Anyone who takes a first date to a sports bar deserves the crappy evening ahead of them, in my opinion. I'd also argue with him about house-party dates if we were in the same room, because unless something like this happens, they're generally awkward for the other person. But whatever, those are minor nitpicks. Alex made a pretty helpful (and respectful) date-advice poster, with none of that obsessive, dating-as-a-science Ted Mosby crap or any fratty PUA weirdness. His seating-suggestions poster is similar in tone, and similarly helpful, although the visuals are a bit lazier.


Don’t Miss This Press Release!

no-broken-heartAre you tired of dating games? Does developing a healthy partnership seem impossible? Are all the best ones already taken, or playing for the “wrong” team?
Do you find yourself awake in the middle of the night, alone with a cat you don’t remember buying and your favorite late night TV, with one question burning in your mind?

“If I’m so successful, good-looking and smart, why am I still and lonely?”

Your friends tell you that it’s just a “matter of time” before the “right one” comes along, but secretly you wonder if you’re flawed. Your “friends” are all hooking up while you look for that special guy everywhere, everyday. It’s starting to take a toll on your sanity, your work…
Well, I am not a Relationship Coach, but I play one on BMA, and if there’s one thing missing in your dating life that you use daily in your professional life, it’s a plan…a chart to tell you where you’re going, and how to get there. If you’ve had thoughts of inadequacy, and “what’s wrong with me, I’m hot?” I’ve got fantastic news for you: There’s a new dating site that is going to change your life forever. It’s an interactive platform called YourDatingPlan.com, and although there’s no such thing as a free lunch in this economy, you can join for FREE for a time as part of this limited offer.

Announced today via PR Newswire, YourDatingPlan.com has heralded the launch of their site that will change the way that single people will end your dating drama for good. Might as well delete the loser names out of your iPhone…you won’t be going back there anymore!

Sound too good to be true? It’s not; this is the real thing. What’s their magic method? An individual blueprint written out, to lead you to the Nirvana relationship you’ve been missing. Go to your computer right now and login to www.YourDatingPlan.com and sign up now. Once on the site, you’ll answer a series of questions from which the site will create your customized, step-by-step dating program. The questions have been rigorously tested and, when answered honestly, will be optimized and “scientifically processed.” Once the numbers have been crunched, the result will be a detailed action plan that you’ll be able to follow. The plan is catered specifically for you, taking your needs, situation, and personality into consideration.

YourDatingPlan.com is perfect no matter what stage of your life you are in – beginners in the dating world, people taking another stab at love by re-entering the dating scene or if you are just not happy in your current dating life. No more depending on friends for the answers…

We all know that there’s no such thing as a “free lunch” anymore, but the great thing about love is that it’s always been free! Now love is free with a step-by-step methodical way to reel that love home to you.

Jeff Louis is a Strategic Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Coordinator. His passion is writing, contributing to BMA as well as freelancing. He’d love to hear from you: linkedin.com/in/jefflouis or twitter.com/jlo0312.