Sagmeister & Walsh ‘Robbery’ Was a Stunt

Oh look, another studio desperate for attention.

You may have noticed a story in Creative Review last Thursday about a “robbery” at Sagmeister & Walsh’s Manhattan offices. As Stefan himself would say, “bullshit.

It was an elaborate stunt conducted by the dudes at Achos, a “communication and design agency” based in Barcelona. The post linked above was fake, and they even “launched” the hashtag #creathieves, which has yet to catch on.


As Achos told the REAL Creative Review:

“We’ve been huge admirers of the work of Sagmeister & Walsh since we were students…We wanted to demonstrate that we’re young, we’re hungry, and we’re coming to take the work that’s currently going to the top agencies in the world. We thought going into their studio and stealing their work was a good declaration of our intentions. So we went into their studio and stole their work.”

More accurately, they recreated the studio based on the S&W home page’s 24-hour webcam. Then they bought a domain and recreated the Creative Review site for the purposes of the stunt.

They worried about the reaction, but S&W was glad to play along:

We are deeply saddened by this loss. Next time take the printer.

— Sagmeister & Walsh (@sagmeisterwalsh) April 16, 2015

Jessica Walsh herself promoted the story after meeting with the Achos people at a conference near Barcelona:

The story behind the guys who stole our work :) @achosbarcelona

— jessicawalsh (@jessicawalsh) April 21, 2015

It was an elaborate stunt, but these guys might be mistaken if they think they are going to “take” the work currently with “the top agencies in the world.”

Criativos revelam para o D&AD Awards os jobs que gostariam de ter feito

Todo mundo, em algum momento da carreira profissional, acaba se deparando com um job que gostaria de ter feito, uma ideia que gostaria de ter tido e que fatalmente faz com que a gente se pergunte: “como é que eu não pensei nisso antes?”. A boa notícia é que até os grandes criativos passam por essa situação, como confessam Dan Wieden, da Wieden + Kennedy, Iain Tait, do Google Creative Lab, e Jessica Walsh, do estúdio Sagmeister & Walsh, na divulgação do D&AD Awards 2014.

A campanha, criada e produzida pela Wieden + Kennedy tem ainda animações de abertura sensacionais, assinadas pela Factory Fifteen para a Nexus Productions.

Climate Change Name, ideia da Barton F. Graf 9000 para a 350 Action, foi a escolhida por Dan Wieden. Em resumo, a proposta da campanha era que a World Meteorlogical Organization (Organização Meteorológica Mundial) passasse a usar nomes de políticos que negam os efeitos das mudanças climáticas para nomear furacões e tempestades.

Iain Tait, por sua vez, apontou as lâmpadas que mudam de cores Philips Hue e sua conexão com o If This Then That (IFTTT), enquanto Jessica Walsh destacou o novo logo do Whitney Museum.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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40 Days of Dating

Voici 40 Days of Dating, une initiative pensée par 2 designers Jessica Walsh et Timothy Goodman qui ont décidé de sortir ensemble pendant 40 jours pour apprendre à se connaître soi-même et comprendre ce qu’ils désirent. Cette expérimentation fait l’objet d’un site et de créations afin d’illustrer chaque journée.

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Aizone Typography

La luxueuse enseigne Aizone présente au Proche Orient a demandé au studio Stefan Sagmeister et à Jessica Walsh de diriger la création d’une série de photographies magnifiques utilisant la typographie sur corps pour magnifier les modèles. Plus d’images de cette série « Aizone Typography » dans la suite de l’article.

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