FCB Brasil Helps CNA Students Learn English, with Pizza

Last year, FCB Brasil teamed up with language school CNA for “Speaking Exchange,” a program which brought together English students in Brazil with Americans living in retirement homes. This year the agency teamed up with Culver City, California-based pizza parlor Bella Vista Pizzeria to once again provide CNA students with real-world English speaking experiences.

The agency utilized a technology that allowed them to intercept calls from patrons ordering pizza from Bella Vista Pizzeria and transfer them to students at CNA, who then fielded the orders. Customers were given the option to ask for a regular carry-out order, or receive a discount (based on the length of the phone call) for talking to a CNA student. If they spent enough time on the phone, customers could even receive a free pizza. Students then sent the orders back to a printer at Bella Vista over the Internet, who got the pizzas in the oven while customers were given the option to continue speaking with the students to add to their discount. While it may lack the heartwarming qualities of last year’s “Speaking Exchange,” it’s still a clever way to provide real-world English speaking experiences to CNA students. And with the potential for customers to earn a free pizza, it’s really a win-win for everybody.


Advertised brand: CNA
Advert title: Hello Pizza
Product: English School
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waqIuNFcZfY

Advertising Agency: FCB Brasil, Sao Paulo, Brazil
VP Creative Directors: Joanna Monteiro and Max Geraldo
Digital Creative Director: Pedro Gravena
Creative Directors: Adriano Alarcon and Carlos Schleder
Copywriter: Alessandra Muccillo and Lui Lima
Art Director: Andre Mancini and Rômulo Caballero
Digital Production: Bolha
Project Manager: Lia D’Amico and Suelen Mariano.
Information Technology VP: Gerson Lupatini
Account: Mauro Silveira, Alec Cocchiaro, Pedro Führer, Diogo Braga and Thiago Figueiredo
Planner: Raphael Barreto, Frederico Steinhoff, Alice Alcântara and Stephanie Day.
Media: Alexandre Ugadim, Cris Omura, Rafael Amaral, Monica Oliveira, Aline Lins and Camila Oliveira
RTV: Charles Nobili and Ricardo Magozo
Production Company: Crash of Rhinos
Director: Miguel Thomé
Co-Direction: João Luz
Photographer: Marcos Ribas
Account Production Company: Diego Melo and Mary Lacoleta
Editor:  Miguel Thomé
Sound Producer: Cabaret
Editor: Guilherme Azem
Account Sound Producer: Cayto Trivellato
L.A. Producer: EAT (Entertainment, Art, Talent)
Client Supervisors: Luciana Fortuna, Nicadan Galvão e Ricardo Martins

Brazilians Learn English by Taking Real L.A. Pizza Orders in Sequel to Famous Campaign

FCB Brazil had a big hit last May with its “Speaking Exchange” idea for CNA Language Schools—a campaign that connected young Brazilians wanting to learn English with elderly Americans in retirement homes looking for someone to talk to. (The work took home 10 Lions from Cannes, and was among the 10 most-awarded campaigns there.)

Now, agency and client are back with a follow-up, featuring another interesting way to get Brazilians some real-world practice with their English.

This time the partner is Bella Vista Pizzeria in Culver City, Calif. Customers who call the pizza place can choose to place their order as usual—or be connected to a student in São Paulo who can take the order instead. If they chose the latter, they’re compensated by way of discounts, depending on how long they chat with the students.

The video isn’t as heartwarming as the original. The pizza orders are way more transactional, and the cultural meeting point here is less starkly fascinating than before. But as mentioned at the end of the new clip, this model is probably more scalable—and thus, perhaps even more useful in the long run.

Indeed, CNA is now asking businesses in the U.S. that accept customer orders by phone to visit the CNA website and sign up for similar programs.

Client: CNA
Agency: FCB Brasil, São Paulo
Creative Directors: Joanna Monteiro and Max Geraldo
Digital Creative Director: Pedro Gravena
Creative Directors: Adriano Alarcon and Carlos Schleder
Copywriter: Alessandra Muccillo and Lui Lima
Art Director: Andre Mancini and Rômulo Caballero
Creative Technologist: Márcio Bueno
Digital Production: Bolha
Project Manager: Lia D’Amico and Suelen Mariano.
Information Technology VP: Gerson Lupatini
Account: Mauro Silveira, Alec Cocchiaro, Pedro Führer, Diogo Braga and Thiago Figueiredo
Planner: Raphael Barreto, Frederico Steinhoff, Alice Alcântara and Stephanie Day.
Media: Alexandre Ugadim, Cris Omura, Rafael Amaral, Monica Oliveira, Aline Lins and Camila Oliveira
RTV: Charles Nobili and Ricardo Magozo
Production Company: Crash of Rhinos
Director: Miguel Thomé
Co-Direction: João Luz
Photographer: Marcos Ribas
Account Production Company: Diego Melo and Mary Lacoleta
Editor:  Miguel Thomé
Sound Producer: Cabaret
Editor: Guilherme Azem
Account Sound Producer: Cayto Trivellato
L.A. Producer: EAT (Entertainment, Art, Talent)
Client Supervisors: Luciana Fortuna, Nicadan Galvão e Ricardo Martins

Speaking Exchange mostra que os dois lados de uma história podem ser bons

Pode vir iPhone 17s, podem vir novos Spotifies, podem finamente inventar o teletransporte e a maquininha de dentista sem barulho: a evolução da tecnologia ainda consegue ser batida por ideias simples (mesmo que viabilizadas pela tecnologia) que favorecem o desenvolvimento das pessoas. É como aquela história da corrida espacial, dos EUA demoraram 2 anos e meio inventando uma caneta que escrevesse em gravidade zero enquanto os Soviéticos optaram por levar lápis.

Enfim… Um projeto do CNA, escola de idiomas, me chamou atenção justamente pela simplicidade. Aquela sensação de que qualquer pessoa podia ter pensado nisso antes, mas simplesmente não pensou.

Criada pela FCB Brazil, o Speaking Exchange conecta estudantes brasileiros que querem ganhar fluência em inglês a idosos moradores de asilos de Chicago. E fim. Pronto. Eles conversam, estudantes somam conhecimento e velhinhos ganham uma das coisas mais valiosas nessa idade: atenção. Tudo isso via um programa de conferência, praticamente um clone do Skype.

Depois, é claro, professores entram em ação para assistirem as conversas, acompanharem o desempenho dos alunos e corrigir alguns deslizes gramaticais.

O vídeo acima explica tudo isso. Para os mais sensíveis, vale preparar um lencinho antes de ver.

Speaking3 Speaking2

(Obs: Este não é um post patrocinado, apesar de cliente e agência serem brasileiros. Eu, inclusive, trabalho para uma agência concorrente e espero não ter problemas por ter divulgado a ação. Ok, chefe?)




Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Olympus vs. CNA

O leitor Matt Montenegro apontou essa incrível “semelhança” entre a famosa “The PEN Story” da Olympus, com um comercial da escola de inglês CNA.

A história contada através de fotos é realmente uma boa ideia, mas a cópia fica tão boa quanto o original. Dessa vez, nem dá para culpar o orçamento.

| Via Superlatido