Brief Explanation
We develop a cookbook in a limited special edition: ‘The Real Cookbook’. Its the first cookbook that has actually earned such a title: A cookbook that readers can genuinely cook and eat, that’s because its pages are made of 100% fresh pasta. And packaged as a classic lasagne dish. The book was sent to business partners as a customer loyalty measure and was intended to generate and draw attention to the publisher’s range of cookbooks.
Describe the brief from the client
Every year, a vast number of printed publications centred around cooking and eating hit the stands: 26,000 books worldwide. In spite of this, the Gerstenberg Publishing House, a small publishing company that specialises in high-quality culinary and art books, needs to manage to rise above the rest.
Description of how you arrived at the final design
As simple as the idea may be, its realisation was a challenge. Over several weeks, various printing methods and dough consistencies were tested in order to achieve an optimal print and cooking image. In the end, a secret dough recipe combined with a traditional book printing process delivered the ideal result. With a little sauce between the pages and a sprinkle of cheese on top, ‘The Real Cookbook’ becomes a lasagne that can be baked in the oven at 200 °C. The prose, etched on the 4 inner pages of the pasta, ruminates on the subject of cooking.
Indication of how successful the outcome was in the market:
‘The Real Cookbook’ made some awesome noise in publisher`s and booksellers’ circles. And quickly created a buzz throughout the web: Over 250 blogs reported on the meaty masterpiece worldwide. A resource of valuable PR for the Gerstenberg publishers was generated.
Advertising Agency: Kolle Rebbe Hamburg, Germany
Account Manager: Gereon Klug, Inga Eickholt
Executive Creative Director: Antje Hedde, Sascha Hanke
Creative Director: Antje Hedde, Katrin Oeding
Art Director: Reginald Wagner, Antje Hedde
Copywriter: Gereon Klug
Graphic Designer: Christine Knies
Photographer: Jan Burwick, Christoph Himmel