Best-of Realistics Paintings on Fubiz

Pour ce deuxième best-of de Mai, Fubiz vous a réunis les plus belles œuvres sur le thème du «Realistics Paintings». Une palette colorée réunissant les artistes les plus doués pour la peinture hyperréaliste. Des expressions humaines qui semblent être des photographies, des fruits et des objets plus vrai que nature.

Amazing Glassy Paintings by Jason de Graaf.

Hyper Realism Art by Simon Hennessey.

Hyper Realistic Paintings by Joshua Suda.

Hyperrealistic Paintings of Women by Yigal Ozeri.

Pastel Icebergs by Zaria Forman.

Photorealistic Paintings by Jantina Peperkamp.

Realistic and Colored Paintings by JKB Fletcher.

Realistic Paintings by William Fisk.

Photorealist Paintings by Bertrand Meniel.

Motion Blur by Horyon Lee.

Paintings by Juan Carlos Manjarrez.

Hyperrealistic Paintings by Jacques Bodin.

Hyperrealism Paintings by Damian Loeb.

Hyper Realistic Paintings of Packages by Yrjo Edelmann.

Celebrities as Neoclassical Paintings by Replace Face.

Hyperealistic Human Body by Omar Ortiz.

Surreal Paintings by Paco Pomet.

Paintings by Leah Yerpe.

Hyperrealistic Paintings of Women’s 4.jpg
Photorealistic Paintings by Jantina Peperkamp 6
Hyper Realistic Paintings by Joshua Suda 3
Hyper Realistic Paintings of Packages 14
Celebrities as Neoclassical Paintings 15
Realistic and Colored Paintings by JKB Fletcher 7
Motion Blur by Horyon Lee 10
Surreal Paintings by Paco Pomet 17
Realistic Paintings by William Fisk 8
Hyperrealistic Paintings by Jacques Bodin 12
Amazing Glassy Paintings 1
Pastel Icebergs by Zaria Forman 5
Hyperealistic Human Body 16
Juan Carlos Manjarrez Paintings 11
Hyperrealism Paintings 13
Hyper Realism Art 2
Leah Yerpe 18
Photorealist Paintings 9
visuel_Best-of Realistics Paintings on Fubiz

Best-of Timelapse on Fubiz

Pour ce deuxième best-of du mois d’avril, nous avons réuni, pour vous, le meilleur du timelapse : cette jolie technique qui permet d’accélérer le temps pour le voir passer et qui permet aux paysages, aux fleurs, aux gens et aux villes de se mouvoir. La sélection est disponible dans la suite.

Infra Red Timelapse by Glen Ryan & James van der Moezel.

Malaria Illustration by Edson Oda.

Mauna Kea Heaven Timelapse by Sean Goebel.

Melancholia Timelapse by Enrique Pacheco.

Mirror City Timelapse by Michael Shainblum.

Beyond Nature Iceland by AprilGarden.

City Lights by Colin Rich.

Dan Black – Hearts by Chic & Artistic.

Death Valley Dreamlapse by Sunchaser Pictures.

Dreamscapes by Jonathan Besler.

Family Portraits Timelapse by Anthony Cerniello.

First Footprints by Murray Fredericks.

Flowers Timelapse by Katka Pruskova.

Heild Timelapse Trailer by Trailperpark Studios & Petur K. Gudmundsson.

Landings by Cy Kuckenbaker.

Limitless Graffiti Timelapse by Selina Miles.

Radiance by LakeSuperiorPhoto.

Rumble and Sway NY Timelapse by The Seventh Movement.

Into The Atmosphere by Michael Shainblum.

Supercell Thunderstorm Time Lapse by Mike Olbinski.

The World Outside my Window by David Peterson & Random Photons Productions.

The Making Of Design Fu Mural by YIU Studio.

This is Shanghai by Rob Whitworth.

Welcome Home Timelapse by Michael Shainblum.

White Noise Movie by TimeLine Films.

Cityscape Chicago by Eric Hines

Yosemite Timelapse II by Colin Delehanty & Sheldon Neill.

Adventure Is Calling by Shane Black.

Alchemy Nature by Evosia Studios.

Disneyland Timelapse by Matt Givot & Dan Douglas

20-Supercell ThunderstormTimeLapsebyMikeOlbinski
19-Rumble and Sway NYTimelapsebyTheSeventhMovement
1-Into The AtmospherebyMichaelShainblum.

Best-of Food Art on Fubiz

Pour ce mois de Mars, l’équipe de Fubiz vous a préparé un nouveau best-of coloré sur le thème du « Food Art ». Au menu : des sculptures, des pantones, des kits, du monochrome, du stylisme, des paysages, du tricotage et de la junk-food. Des créations gourmandes sont à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

Monochrome Breakfast Series by Fabienne Plangger with Sebastian Hierner, Karin Stöckl and David Reiner.

Creative Food Sculptures by Dan Cretu.

Creativity with Food by Hong-Yi.

Fat & Furious Burger by Quentin et Thomas.

Food by Emily Blincoe.

Foodscapes Photography by Carl Warner.

Good Food for Goodforks by Marion Luttenberger.

Pantone Tarts by Emilie Guelpa.

Re-Imagining Fruits and Vegetables by Sarah Illenberger.

Taste Shapes According to the Nature by Felipe Barbosa and Rafael Medeiros.

Knitted Food by Ed Bing Lee.

Food Throttle Series by Dennis Adelmann.

Athletes Meals by Sarah Parker and Michael Bodiam.

Breakfast Project by Bamsesayaka.

Food Art by Sakir Gökçebag.

Pantone Food by David Schwen.

Fruit Figures by Scholz & Friends.

Outfits Made of Foods by Yeonju Sung.

Paper Craft Sculptures Of Food by Maria Laura Benavente.

You Are What You Eat by Mark Menjivar.

20 You Are What You Eat by Mark Menjivar
19 Paper Craft Sculptures Of Food by Maria Laura Benavente
18 Outfits Made of Foods by Yeonju Sung
17 Fruit Figures by Scholz & Friends
16 Pantone Food by David Schwen
15 Food Art Sakir Gokcebag
14 Breakfast Project by Bamsesayaka
13 Athletes Meals by Sarah Parker and Michael Bodiam
12 Food Throttle Series by Dennis Adelmann
11 Knitted Food by Ed Bing Lee
10 Taste Shapes According to the Nature by Felipe Barbosa and Rafael Medeiros
9 Re-Imagining Fruits and Vegetables by Sarah Illenberger
8 Pantone Tarts by Emilie Guelpa
7 Good Food for Goodforks by Marion Luttenberger
5 Food by Emily Blincoe
6 Foodscapes Photography by Carl Warner
4 Fat & Furious Burger by Quentin et Thomas
3 Creativity with Food by Hong-Yi
2 Creative Food Sculptures by Dan Cretu
1 Monochrome Breakfast Series by Fabienne Plangger with Sebastian Hierner Karin Stockl and David Reiner