Best-of Food Art on Fubiz
Posted in: UncategorizedPour ce mois de Mars, l’équipe de Fubiz vous a préparé un nouveau best-of coloré sur le thème du « Food Art ». Au menu : des sculptures, des pantones, des kits, du monochrome, du stylisme, des paysages, du tricotage et de la junk-food. Des créations gourmandes sont à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.
Monochrome Breakfast Series by Fabienne Plangger with Sebastian Hierner, Karin Stöckl and David Reiner.
Creative Food Sculptures by Dan Cretu.
Creativity with Food by Hong-Yi.
Fat & Furious Burger by Quentin et Thomas.
Food by Emily Blincoe.
Foodscapes Photography by Carl Warner.
Good Food for Goodforks by Marion Luttenberger.
Pantone Tarts by Emilie Guelpa.
Re-Imagining Fruits and Vegetables by Sarah Illenberger.
Taste Shapes According to the Nature by Felipe Barbosa and Rafael Medeiros.
Knitted Food by Ed Bing Lee.
Food Throttle Series by Dennis Adelmann.
Athletes Meals by Sarah Parker and Michael Bodiam.
Breakfast Project by Bamsesayaka.
Food Art by Sakir Gökçebag.
Pantone Food by David Schwen.
Fruit Figures by Scholz & Friends.
Outfits Made of Foods by Yeonju Sung.
Paper Craft Sculptures Of Food by Maria Laura Benavente.
You Are What You Eat by Mark Menjivar.