House 1101 by H Arquitectes

En 2013, les architectes de l’agence espagnole H Arquitectes ont conçu cette maison familiale située à Sant Cugat del Vallès, à Barcelone. Le design travaille sur les matières en confrontant le béton, la brique rouge, le vieux bois avec une dominante de blanc minimaliste. Les photos sont signées Adrià Goula.

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House 1101 1

Cities From The Sky

Voici de nombreuses vues impressionnantes prises depuis le ciel sur des lieux et des pays aux 4 coins du monde. New York, les pyramides d’Egypte et l’Arc de Triomphe à Paris sont assez reconnaissables mais il y a également des vues plus surprenantes comme ce cliché au milieu de l’Océan Indien. A découvrir dans la suite.

New York, Etats-Unis.

Dubaï, Émirats Arabes Unis.

Shanghai, Chine.

Mexico, Mexique.

Barcelone, Espagne.

Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.

Venise, Italie.

Spoorbuurt, Nord des Pays-Bas.

Turin, Italie.


Moscou, Russie.

San Francisco, États-Unis.

Paris, France.

Seattle, Etats-Unis.

Chicago, États-Unis.

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Sculptural Metallic Leaves in Barcelona

Les équipes espagnoles de cabinet b720 Arquitectos ont repensé l’architecture et le design du marché en extérieur barcelonais Els Encants Vells. Une création sculpturale de métal en suspension impressionnante, permettant d’allier avec talent la tradition à la modernité. A découvrir dans la suite.

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Sculptural Metallic leaves in Barcelona3
Sculptural Metallic leaves in Barcelona2
Sculptural Metallic leaves in Barcelona1
Sculptural Metallic leaves in Barcelona5

Barcelona Kaleidolapse

MyLapse nous présente une belle utilisation du Kaleidolapse, effet visuel permettant d’ajouter un effet kaléidoscopique à du time-lapse. Reprenant les plus grands lieux et monuments de Barcelone, cette vidéo permet de redécouvrir la ville catalane sous un autre regard. A découvrir dans la suite

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Barcelona Kaleidolapse
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Sagrada Familia Perspectives

Clément Celma est un photographe basé à Barcelone. Passionné de photographie et notamment de panoramas, ce dernier nous propose de découvrir une série de clichés prises à l’intérieur de la Basilique de la Sagrada Familia, symbole de la ville catalane pensée par Antoni Gaudí. A découvrir dans la suite.

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Midnight Barcelona

Découverte du travail de Pau García Laita qui nous propose sur la musique Starscapes de ‘The American Dollar’ de découvrir en time-lapse la ville de Barcelone de nuit. Cette belle création tournée au Canon 550D et appelée simplement « Midnight Barcelona » est à découvrir en HD dans la suite de l’article.

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Midnight Barcelona3
Midnight Barcelona

Typies: Almofadas-Alfabeto

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Todo mundo gosta de almofadas. Mas se você gosta de almofadas e de tipografia, essa ideia vai cair muito bem.

Criada em Barcelona, Typies é uma coleção de almofadas-alfabeto, de A a Z, com listras na frente e uma cor sólida atrás.

Tem em dois tamanhos e entrega no mundo todo, incluindo Brasil.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Summer Barcelona

Voici « Summer Barcelona », le titre de cette superbe vidéo tournée par le jeune réalisateur Pau García Laita l’été dernier dans la ville espagnole de Barcelone. Utilisant intelligemment la technique tilt-shift pour montrer la ville catalane comme une miniature, cette création dynamique est à découvrir dans la suite.

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Summer Barcelona3
Summer Barcelona2
Summer Barcelona
Summer Barcelona5

Projeto Bola Vermelha

Você pode até chamá-lo de pirado, mas a história é que o artista plástico Kurt Perschke criou um projeto chamado Redball, onde ele viaja por vários países com uma imensa bola vermelha. Fotografando, filmando e captando um material muito curioso. E ele defende tudo isso assim:

“Através desse projeto eu me torno um catalisador para novos encontros dentro do cotidiano. A experiência parece ser sobre a bola, mas o verdadeiro ponto está no que o projeto pode criar para aqueles que o experimentam. A bola viaja ao redor do mundo e as pessoas se aproximam de mim na rua com sugestões sobre onde colocá-la em sua cidade. E neste momento a pessoa não é mais espectadora, mas um participante no ato imaginativo.”

Até aqui o projeto já passou por Saint Louis, Barcelona, Sydney, Portland, Scottdale, Chicago, Toronto, Taipei, Abu Dhabi e Norwich. E vem mais por aí.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Pi-pi-pi-pizza Boo-boo-boo-boomerang

Amigos, eu sou grato por viver nesses tempos de internet. Não consigo imaginar um mundo sem que qualquer pessoa tenha acesso para publicar todo tipo de groselha online.

De que outra maneira você conheceria a incrível e inovadora Pizza Boomerang? Eleita a melhor pizza voadora de 2011, é uma daquelas criações da genialidade humana que você nunca poderia apresentar para um cliente de verdade. Uma pena.

Mas a produtora Sofa, de Barcelona, resolveu botar em prática mesmo assim. You’re doing it right!

Se você não apreciar o vídeo, é o tipo de pessoa que não merece experimentar esse delicioso alimento voador. Alguém sabe se o YouTube tem um recurso de “repeat” automático?

/dica valiosa do @rafaelziggy

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Perfect Reflexion ? / Le reflet fidèle ?

cities2007 cities2008
Davivienda Bank “money transfer” – 2007
Claim : “Your international money transfer faster…”
Agency : Leo Burnett (Colombia)
Western Union “Transfer money in an instant” – 2008
Source : Cannes BRONZE LION
Agency : Saatchi & Saatchi (Vietnam)
Miroir mon beau miroir, dis moi laquelle de ces deux campagnes est la plus belle (et la plus originale?)

Living in Babylon (BAC! part 1)

While in Barcelona i visited BAC!, the contemporary art festival located mainly at the CCCB center.

Poster of the festival featuring a photo from Michael Wolf‘s series “Arquitecture of Density”

This year the theme “Babylon” aims to draw parallels between today’s city and the ancient Babylon, which used to be the largest city in the world from ca. 1770 to 1670 BC, and again between ca. 612 and 320 BC.

This year BAC! Festival attempts a radiography of modern Babylon, where multiculturalism, grand offers and good restaurants coexist harmoniously alongside social inequality, poorness, ghettos, marginalization, housing and mortgage problems. A handful of installations, plenty of photographic works and video art pieces.

My selection is below but if you want to read more about the exhibition, BAC! generously put the whole catalog online for you to download, browse and read. It’s in castellano and catalan, with english translation at the end of the PDF booklet.

Photo Julio Soto Gurpide

I was fascinated by Julio Soto Gurpide‘s photo series On Common Grounds which portrays places that symbolize fallen modern utopias.
India: The city of Chandigarh, designed by Le Corbusier as the political and administrative centre of the new India, is today the playground of ragged children.
Former-Yugoslavia: Thousands of neighbours share the walls of an imperfect communist dream in Mamutica (Mammoth, sometimes known as Mamut), the largest building (by volume) in Zagreb and Croatia, as well as one of the largest apartment blocks in Europe. This apartment complex was built in 1974 in Novi Zagreb.

Photo by Julio Soto Gurpide

Brazil: Despite their promise to bring prosperity to the jungle zone, the petrolific landscapes of Cubatao have resulted into a contaminated area where it is impossible to breathe.

Continue reading…

Nocturna (Bac! part 2)

Living in Babylon (BAC! part 1)

One of the most striking and enchanting pieces i saw at BAC!, the contemporary art festival in Barcelona, is Yamila Fontán’s Nocturna. The audiovisual installation uses several artistic disciplines to tell a very intimate story in a very intimate way. Nini is a cabaret performer and Ema is selling the tickets at the entrance. They are friends and lovers.


One night Ema wakes up and Nini is gone. She’ll dreamingly go through the city looking for her friend.

It was the first time i saw a work based on stereoscopic images that was in no way cheesy and is actually very sexy and elegant. It reminded me of the view master toy.

Ouside and inside the Nocturna cabin

You enter a booth, the size of the ones you’d find in train stations to make passport photos. Or is it the kind of booth they have in peep shows? Nothing tells you what might happen in there, only your own curiosity will have you take the following actions:

You enter, sit down, the curtains are red, the armchair is red and comfortable. Adjust your seat, lean on and place your eyes in front of the binocular-like apparatus. The story unveils in 3D images which change when you press a button, just like the View Master. There’s also a sound track which changes and brings a new atmosphere each time the protagonist visits a new location. You can’t choose your role, you have them all: you’re a voyeur, a curious child, the reader of a fotonovela and an art lover.


Each stereoscopic image is made of 2 photographies which were taken with a 35mm camera featuring a double objective lens. What the spectator sees is in fact two diapositives displayed at the same moment.


The 34 images of the story are mounted on a cylinder and at its center is the screening light. The cylinder moves the photos and is activated by a motor which in turn is controlled by a PIC microchip which adjusts the sound track and the intensity of the light as well.

I really felt sucked into another world, the images were exquisite, the women made me question my heterosexuality, the soundtrack mysterious, the story… Well, you get it, right? I loved that work.

All images courtesy of Yamila Fontán.