Y&R New York Taps Historical Figures in Support of H2O

Y&R New York has launched a new campaign for Partnership for a Healthier America’s Drink Up initiative. The Partnership for a Healthier America, by the way, is the nonprofit, which works with Honorary Chair Michelle Obama, devoted to solving the childhood obesity crisis.

The campaign calls on the power of historical figures Muhammad Ali, Audrey Hepburn and Albert Einstein to celebrate the importance of drinking water. In the above 30-second spot, for example, Ali delights at a press conference while the camera slowly focuses in on his glass of water, followed by the line, “No wonder he never lost a press conference,” and then the “Water. So talented yet so humble tagline.” Other spots in the campaign employ a similar effect. The campaign also includes online banner ads, digital billboards, and a social media component utilizing the hashtag #spreadthewater. Credits and Albert Einstein spot after the jump. continued…

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Tang Yau Hoong une frases famosas e ilustrações em série de pôsteres

O ilustrador Tang Yau Hoong, que ficou bastante conhecido pela série Negative Space criou uma nova coleção de pôsteres que combinam ilustrações bem-sacadas com frases conhecidas de Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Margarete Mead, Nelson Madela, Henry David Thoreau, George Bernard Shaw, Santo Agostinho e Lao Tzu.

Para ilustrar “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”, Hoong voltou a trabalhar com o espaço negativo. A ideia lembra um pouco aquela imagem do logo da Apple com o perfil de Jobs, que começou a circular logo depois de sua morte, em 2011.

A-journey-of-a-thousand-miles-begins-with-a-single-step-Tang-Yau-Hoong Patience-is-the-companion-of-wisdom-Tang-Yau-Hoong Imagintion-is-the-beginning-of-creation-Tang-Yau-Hoong Its-not-what-you-look-at-that-matters-its-what-you-see-Tang-Yau-Hoong Its-always-seemsimpossible-until-its-done-Tang-Yau-Hoong Always-remember-that-you-are-unique-Tang-Yau-Hoong

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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