Burger King’s Ad Campaign: Ignorant

Burger KingAnother faux pas from the now controversial brand, Burger King. This time, instead of offending an entire country, it went after an entire religion. Burger King’s latest ad release includes the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi sitting in front of the new “Texican Whopper.” The tagline is ‘La merienda es sagrada’ – the snack is sacred.

It seems as though Burger King has taken the “even-negative-press-is-still-press” approach to its advertising strategy because, as Ad Age eloquently explained, “…It’s easy to assume that it was planned: Particularly “edgy” work is sent abroad with the expectation that it will soon reverberate on American soil, accompanied by lots and lots of news coverage.”

Ad Age goes on to discuss ad agency involvement and the debate of who did what and who’s affiliated with which campaign, but quite frankly, I think that all are responsible. Whether or not Crispin was involved overseas or another small agency was contracted by the franchise, the point is that the entire brand suffers. Truly. It’s clear that Burger King has lost control of its brand to a point that it’s now globally hurting consumer loyalty. That, or Burger King has the absolute worst brand positioning plan.

The ads were created in an attempt to increase sales. As CNNMoney reported, an increase in sales does not mean an increase in profit. So, what logic is there in creating campaigns that will discourage buyers faith in the brand by offending them? The fact of the matter is that as a straggling brand attempting to follow in the shadows of the golden arches, you DON’T TOUCH RELIGION. Anyone heard from Mel Gibson lately? You’re not just offending that religion, you’re offending anyone who believes in religious respect.

What should we expect in the next ad, Burger King, swastika fries?

Rena Prizant is a Copywriter, Ad Creative and mammal in the Chicago area. Visit www.RenaPrizant.com or @WriteLeft.

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