The top 5 Cannes Lions-winning campaigns you need to know about right now

The biggest winners from the festival plus some you may not have yet seen.

Weber: Weber Foam PU

The Municipality of Guayaquil / ZUMAR Projects Unit: The Bright Invader

The Municipality of Guayaquil Digital Ad - The Bright Invader

The day gaming fought against skin cancer…

Ecuador is located in a region highly exposed to ultraviolet radiation, increasing Melanoma Skin Cancer rates among its citizens.

The sun has become the ultimate villain to fight from this new reality, so we decided to bring the danger of sun exposure to the world of game streaming. To achieve this, we adjusted the brightness settings of the most popular video games to an excruciating maximum; a simple action that transformed streaming into annoying and lethal sessions.

On World Melanoma Day, we joined forces with BroooTv (the largest gaming channel in the country) to bring the dangers of excessive light to streaming sessions and raise awareness about skin cancer among their fans.

During the live event, we reached more than 50 thousand people in different countries. Streamers answered hundreds of comments and questions about skin cancer in real-time, along with prevention guidelines, starting a conversation within a community that thought itself to be invincible.


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Voyeur Integrated Ad -
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Voyeur Integrated Ad -
Voyeur Integrated Ad -

More than one thousand portfolios in one.

Neiwai: The Radical Change

Neiwai Integrated Ad - The Radical Change
Neiwai Integrated Ad - The Radical Change
Neiwai Integrated Ad - The Radical Change

China is experiencing a new wave of feminism. Yet certain elements of its language continue to hold women back. The character that represents women, the radical ‘n?’ (?), is used in many negative words like jealousy, cheating, trickster, and more.

Neiwai, China’s progressive lingerie brand, spreads awareness about sexism in Chinese language by replacing the female radical with real women. Neiwai’s campaign uses out-of-home, digital and social touchpoints to bring problematic words to prominence.

Maria da Penha Institute: Call

Maria da Penha Institute Digital Ad - Call

Suddenly, the pandemic forced us to stay home. But for many women, staying home doesn’t mean being safe. Domestic violence has increased 50% during the social isolation period.

To shed light on this situation, we created a short movie using another element that has become frequent during the pandemic: video calls at work.

Pepsi: Fake Agenda

Pepsi Digital Ad - Fake Agenda

Everyone knows that Brazilians love football and a passion for international championships, has become part of the fans’ routine. Through a tool that allows the user to add appointments to any online calendar such as Google Calendar and Outlook, Pepsi created the invitation for a “Very Important Meeting” that takes place precisely during game times. “The idea is not to encourage people to miss important meetings, but to bypass those meetings that could be an email”.

James: Take Over Codes

What if on the busiest shopping day of the year, in a coupon-supported category, we hacked all competitors’ coupons?

We asked the audience to share with us the coupons from other players and, with our “purpleficator ray”, we enabled some as a James coupon.

Video of James | Take Over Codes

Champion Energy: It's Time for Some New Energy

Video of More Cord

Pride@Tech: Retold with Pride

Pride@Tech Digital Ad - Retold with Pride
Pride@Tech Digital Ad - Retold with Pride
Pride@Tech Digital Ad - Retold with Pride
Pride@Tech Digital Ad - Retold with Pride
Pride@Tech Digital Ad - Retold with Pride
Pride@Tech Digital Ad - Retold with Pride
Pride@Tech Digital Ad - Retold with Pride
Pride@Tech Digital Ad - Retold with Pride
Pride@Tech Digital Ad - Retold with Pride
Pride@Tech Digital Ad - Retold with Pride
Pride@Tech Digital Ad - Retold with Pride
Pride@Tech Digital Ad - Retold with Pride

To celebrate Pride 2021, we reimagined the world’s most iconic classics, with Pride. Introducing RETOLD WITH PRIDE. Stories like Pride and No Prejudice, Dragula, The Gay Gatsby, Life of Bi, Little Women Loving Women, including local classics like Ibong Adana, Florante at Awra, Si Malakas at si Makisig, reimagined and retold with proper LGBTQ+ representation. These stories were performed at the live reading on June 26, starring popular LGBTQ+ artists, educators, activists, poets, and creators.

Netflix vai permitir que usuários vejam episódios apenas parcialmente baixados


Há alguns anos, a Netflix ofereceu um recurso bastante interessante para quem usava a maior plataforma de streaming do mundo por tablets ou smartphones: os downloads. Com a possibilidade de baixar os episódios de séries ou filmes antes de assisti-los, você poderia se preparar para um dia fora de casa, ou uma viagem, ou qualquer …

Leia Netflix vai permitir que usuários vejam episódios apenas parcialmente baixados na íntegra no B9.

From AR Games To Witty Swans, The Best Brand Campaigns From Wimbledon 2021

The first round of Wimbledon tennis matches got underway on Monday against a backdrop of grey, rainy skies in London. Despite the grim weather forecast, The Championships provide a creative playground for brands eager to engage fans after the most famous summer tennis tournament was cancelled last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This year’s…

Messenger From Facebook: How to Delete a Sticker Pack

Messenger From Facebook allows users to download sticker packs containing embellishments that they can send in conversations. Users are allowed to download as many sticker packs as they want, and new ones are regularly released in the application. If you ever decide that you want to delete one of the sticker packs you’ve downloaded, our…

Heineken's beer cooler robot will help roll out new summer campaign

The autonomous cooler on wheels is helping roll out a new digital-first summer campaign in the U.S.

Pesquisa diz que brasileiros LGBTQIA+ aprovam campanhas do mês do orgulho, mas escondem sexualidade no trabalho


Um estudo realizada pela empresa de pesquisa digital MindMiners em parceria com a plataforma SafeSpace revela que a maioria dos brasileiros LGBTQIA+ enxergam de maneira positiva as campanhas de marketing realizadas em junho, tradicionalmente o mês do orgulho, mas ainda não se sentem confortáveis para revelar sua sexualidade no ambiente de trabalho. Realizada de forma …

Leia Pesquisa diz que brasileiros LGBTQIA+ aprovam campanhas do mês do orgulho, mas escondem sexualidade no trabalho na íntegra no B9.

Times celebram Dia do Orgulho LGBTQIA+ com camisas e Vasco protagoniza gesto histórico


O dia de hoje (28) é o dia do Orgulho LGBTQIA+, e vários dos principais times de futebol do Brasil aproveitaram a data para se posicionar à favor da causa de formas variadas na rodada do futebol deste domingo (27). Nas redes sociais, praticamente todos fizeram postagens ou até mudaram a foto de perfil para …

Leia Times celebram Dia do Orgulho LGBTQIA+ com camisas e Vasco protagoniza gesto histórico na íntegra no B9.

P&G Marketing Chief Marc Pritchard on Ad Representation and Lessons From the Pandemic

In March, Procter and Gamble (P&G) released “Widen the Screen” a campaign that would aim to broaden the perspectives of society when it comes to how it perceives Black citizens through a hero spot and a series of one-minute YouTube films outlining the misrepresentation they continue to face. The two-minute spot shows different genders and…

Boost With Facebook Good Ideas Festival Kicks Off

With an eye toward helping small and midsized businesses in their recovery from the pandemic, Facebook is kicking off the Boost With Facebook Good Ideas Festival Monday, calling it a seven-week virtual experience to provide free training, resources and inspiration. The Boost With Facebook Good Ideas Festival will be hosted by actress Zoe Saldana and…

The ‘Third Connected Age’ of Tech Is Here—Is Your Company Prepared?

Editor’s note: This piece is part of our Columnist Network series, which explores the tactical thoughts and actions from Adweek’s community of high-level experts. Today, Rishad Tobaccowala shares his weekly newsletter–this installment focuses on the potential of tech and talent to unlock new levels of success. A river of change is carrying everybody and every…

Napster Group Embraces Heritage With New Brand and Membership Growth Campaign

If you’re someone near to 30 or above, then you’ll probably remember the file-sharing platform Napster which pre-dated Spotify by over half a decade in allowing online users to download (without official permission by the owners) and listen to songs, watch movies and television shows. Now the music streaming company will launch a new identity…