Clorox "Contest" (2015) :15 (USA)

Yup, kids really do this. Yup, Clorox will fix it. Great cast here.



Clorox "Mop" (2015) :15 (USA)

Cue “ick factor” in 3….2…1. Very funny spot for Clorox. Love they’re showing what people really use it for, and not just for the old “household grime!” Bonus points for the disgusting sound design.



Clorox "Buckle" (2015) :15 (USA)

Poor kid. All you need is the power of suggestion here to know this won’t end well.



Stoneham Mountain Resort "Snow gun stunt" (2015) 1:15 (Canada)

Mont-Sainte-Anne & Stoneham resort want to know how far you’ll go for a free lift ticket? Are you willing to run past snow guns? I’ll bet you are.



Royal Canadian Mint "Sir John A. MacDonald" (2015) :30 (Canada)

There’s a new $2 dollar coin in circulation up in Canada, to honor the first Canadian Prime Minister, Sir John A MacDonald. It’s kicking off the celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary.



Lipton Sparkling iced Tea "Tiny Bubbles" (2015) :30 (USA)

Sung to an updated bouncy version of the Hawaiian classic “Tiny Bubbles,” this trippy spot features people floating around after drinking sparkling Lipton Tea.



Field Guide: Part 1 Plan X

From Adbusters #118:

In 2012, DARPA — the mad scientist wing of the pentagon, revealed a new and highly classified research and development project called PLAN X.

An effort to bolster the US military’s recently established established Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) so that it may “dominate the cyber battlespace,” the plan will dramatically accelerate the development and acquisition of new weapons, with a focus on lowering the engagement threshold so that personnel without detailed technical expertise can be seamlessly deployed into the hyperlink conflict matrix.

PLAN X is a deliberate attempt to render cyber warfare more accessible, user-friendly and intuitive, to the point where it includes an effort to transform the digital world into a 3D landscape that can be navigated with Oculus Rift, allowing soldiers to experience cyberspace much like they would the arid terrain of Iraq or Afghanistan.

Of the plan’s many curious dimensions is an attempt by DARPA technologists to create a real-time map of the entirety of cyberspace — which includes billions of computers, handheld devices and other intermeshed nodes of interest.

This move by DARPA, which in 1969 created the networks that would eventually evolve into the web we so casually surf today, confirms what many have suspected all along: that the Internet has always been and continues to be primarily a theater for warfare.

Please govern yourselves accordingly

— Douglas Haddow. This piece is Part One of the Field Guide to Virtual Warfare from Adbusters Issue #118.


Field Guide: Part 2 Spot the NARC

From Adbusters #118:

If while reading a news item,

you’ve ever been brave enough to venture below the fold into the vast uncharted darkness of an online comment section, you may have noticed how vile, offensive and discouraging the experience can be.

This generalized toxicity is due to a number of factors, most of which are rooted in the unchecked freedom of expression afforded by anonymity. When certain netizens are permitted to interact with others without having to reveal their identity or be responsible for their words, they often take advantage of the situation and say things they wouldn’t otherwise say.


Netizen: I support Politician A’s policies 🙂 they see kewl. lol.

Netizen: Politician A is a super-Hitler and you are feminazi communist pig-f****r for support his progressive jihadist agenda. AINEC.

In such cases, Netizen 2 is often labelled a “troll.” Meaning, an Internet use who posts deliberately provocative messages online with the intention of ausing mental distress and/or widespread calamity.

But sometimes a troll isn’t just a troll, but an agent of DEZA.

Shorthand for disinformation, DEZA refers to a particularly unpleasant brand of astroturfing that is aimed at legitimizing or delegitimizing targeted political or corporate entities. A recent example of this practice was the ubiquitous presenceof Kremlin-funded Pro-Putin commenters on Crimea-related news items.

Other examples of DEZA-esque activity include:

  • Samsung marketing operatives who are paid to highlight the shortcomings of competitors and to disinfect negative news about Samsung on Taiwanese technology forums.
  • Fox News public relations staff members aggressively attacking critics on rival newsmedia comment sections.
  • The government of Israel paying students to spread hasbara (pro-Israel propaganda) throughout a variety of online spaces, particularly those that feature discussions related to Palestine.
  • Men’s rights activists masquerading as women in order to infiltrate Jezebel’s Groupthink forum.
  • A Koch Industries-backed “non-profit” created to circulate anti-net neutrality spam.

— Douglas Haddow. Part 2 of the Field Guide to Virtual Warfare from Adbusters Issue #118.


Field Guide: Part 3 Black Hole of the Internet

From Adbusters #118:

Facebook has 1.32 billion users, 864 million of which visit the site everyday for an average of 21 minutes.

The lion’s share of the world’s connected (not currently located behing the Great Firewall of China) fit into a similar browsing pattern, spending their free time browsing the corporate surface web — which in addition to Facebook includes sites like YouTube, Yahoo, Google and Amazon.

The handful of sites at the top of the Alexa rankings command the majority of our attention spans. Then there’s everything else that is easily found through a teriary search protocol: blogs, Reddit, news outlets, Pinterest, Craigslist, et cetera.

Beyond this lies the deep web, also known as the invisible or hidden web. You cannot Google your way through it and it is estimated to be some 500x larger than what we’re able to see on the surface. To understand just how big the deep web really is, consider the following: in 2008, Google had indexed approximately 1 trillion unique URLs. The number has grown substantially since then, and the deep web is 500 times bigger than whatever that number is now.

Typically associated with a laundry list of very bad things, the deep web is actually a generic term that simply describes areas of the Internet that are not accessible by standard search engines, which includes things like academic databases and organizational intranets.

Take another step into the deep end and you’ll find The Onion Router (TOR) — a network of virtual tunnels that allows its users to “protect their privary and defend themselves against network surveillance and traffic analysis.”

Now this is where things start to get interesting and weird. It’s also where you’ll begin to peel back the layers to find those shadowy corners of the Internet that the news warned you about.

Tor features sites like:

  • The Sild Road anonymous market
  • Bankers of God: offering citizenship services and “diplomatic world introductions.”
  • Bitmix Bitcoin Laundry
  • PayPal Heaven: “easy money!”
  • Anonymous Firearms: ”I will sell firearms for bitcoin, I can accept escrow.”
  • Black Ops Forgery: *Fake passports *Stolen identities *Counterfeit Yens.
  • Netflix4U: Dirt cheap Netflix accounts.

— Douglas Haddow. Part 3 of Field Guide to Virtual Warfare from Adbusters Issue #118.


Honda Wants To Push You To Read Real Fast

I took a speed reading class once when I was in college. It seemed the smart thing to do, given the intense workload. But I couldn’t train my eye to skim. Then one day the teacher asks, “by chance are you a writer?” Writers can’t speed read, she told me. They care too much about […]

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Ferocious Temporary Tattoos – The Shark Finger Tattoo Features JAWS Around Your Cuticles

( The sound of the menacing JAWS theme song dances in your head as you rest your eyes upon the Shark Finger Tattoo. These tiny cute temporary tattoos are anything but terrifying. Coming in an…

100 Innovative Wine Packages – From Photocopied Bum Branding to Frosting-Inspired Wine Labels (TOPLIST)

( These examples of different wine packages show how even with a standard shaped bottle, your beverage can still stand out with the right branding and design.

Many alcoholic beverages differentiate…

Vida longa e próspera, Mr. Spock


Às vezes uma boa história não é o suficiente: ela precisa ser bem contada. Da mesma forma, um personagem só se torna um ícone se o seu intérprete tiver talento o suficiente para torná-lo único, inesquecível. James Bond, por exemplo, vem colecionando atores nas últimas décadas, mas ninguém conseguiu deixar uma marca tão forte quanto Sean Connery. E Zachary Quinto pode até tentar, mas nunca haverá outro Mr. Spock como Leonard Nimoy.

Foi com tristeza que li a notícia da morte de Leonard Nimoy, aos 83 anos, vítima de uma obstrução pulmonar causada pelo tabagismo. Apesar de ter feito diversos filmes, o ator de aparência frágil e até um pouco estranha realmente se tornou uma das mais importantes figuras da cultura pop graças ao seu personagem de Jornada nas Estrelas.

Leia também:Duelo de Spocks

A princípio, Spock seria um coadjuvante da série, um alienígena de caráter duvidoso. Graças a seu intérprete, entretanto, o personagem acabou se tornando um dos protagonistas, além de nos ensinar incontáveis lições ao longo de quase 5 décadas, entre séries e filmes. E a maior ironia de todas era que justamente o mestiço de terráqueo e vulcano era o mais humano da tripulação da Enterprise.

Em seu último tweet, Nimoy escreveu que “A vida é como um jardim. Momentos perfeitos podem ser alcançados, mas não preservados, exceto na memória.” Isso me fez pensar em todos os momentos perfeitos que tive ao longo da minha vida, parte deles na companhia do senhor Spock e de outros membros da Enterprise. Estão todos preservados na minha memória.

Fica, então, a certeza de que mais uma vez não precisamos nos despedir, porque Leonard Nimoy continuará vivo em sua obra e em nossas lembranças.

Vida longa e próspera, Mr. Spock.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Doner Names Jason Gaboriau, Zihla Salinas New Los Angeles Leaders

Doner’s Los Angeles outpost has named and Zihla Salinas and Jason Gaboriau as its new leaders.

Ms. Salinas, executive VP and managing director, will oversee operations of the Los Angeles office. Mr.Gaboriau, executive VP and executive creative director, will oversee creative. They will report to David DeMuth, co-CEO and president, and Rob Strasberg, co-CEO and chief creative officer. The MDC Partners agency has offices in Detroit, its headquarters, Atlanta, Cleveland, London and Los Angeles.

Doner Los Angeles was most recently run by Rob Palmer, exec VP and executive creative director, who left the agency earlier this month. Its biggest client is UPS, for which the shop handles all the marketing for its 100-plus co-ops across the country.

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DDB SF Presents Pissing Contest for Bleach

DDB San Francisco released one of the funnier ads we’ve seen in a while, for a brand you might not associate with humor: Clorox Bleach.

In the 15-second spot, a mother walks in on her sons putting downs lines of tape in the bathroom. When she asks what they’re doing and one of them answers “A distance contest,” the spot cuts to an arm slamming down a container of Clorox and a voiceover delivers the line “For life’s blecahable moments.” The ad invites viewers to share their own “bleachable moments” with the hashtag #BleachItAway.

While you might not expect a humorous approach to work for a brand like Clorox, it does so very well here. That’s thanks in part to the insight that, hey, the source of messes can sometimes be pretty funny, but also because the acting and comedic timing are really spot on. To top it off, the social initiative might unearth some funny stories of its own and the “bleachable moments” framework leaves a lot of room for future ideas.


Pinturas com ilusões de ótica impressionantes


A discussão na internet desde ontem à noite é o tal do vestido azul e preto (ou dourado e branco?), uma ilusão causada pelo nosso cérebro ao ver as cores. Mas nem toda ilusão de ótica é involuntária. Há artistas que deliberadamente criam outras ilusões com uso de perspectiva, na linha dos famosos trabalhos de M.C. Escher.

Um deles é o ilustrador canadense Rob Gonsalves, que cria fantásticas ilusões em imagens que vão mudando conforme você vai passando os olhos pelo quadro, transformando um objeto em outro e alterando a perspectiva da cena. Com um trabalho prolífico, Gonsalves tem diversas ilustrações que podem ser vistas no Facebook do artista, uma mais louca que a outra. Veja algumas delas abaixo.

rob2 rob4 rob5 rob7

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Mamilos 14 – Greve dos caminhoneiros, Swiss Leaks, Oscar e juiz folgado


Mamileiros e mamiletes, o forninho tá caindo! Estradas e portos fechados, cidades sem combustível, ameaça de desabastecimento: o cenário de um nó logístico se desenha com notas trágicas. Depois de muito ensaio conseguimos colocar a Michelle na frente do microfone pra nos ajudar a entender as saídas que se desenham para essa crise, junto com o Daniel.

Mas antes vamos dar uma palhinha sobre os discursos maravilhosos do Oscar, o juiz cara de pau, a cilada que armaram para o rapper Mc Cert e os bilhões escamoteados pelo HSBC.

Taca-lhe pau nesse Mamilos

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02m26 Fala que eu te escuto
07m32 Trending Topics
30m24 Treta da Semana: Greve dos caminhoneiros
1h35m13 Farol Aceso

Edição: Caio Corraini
Música: The miseducation of Lauryn Hill


Críticas, elogios, sugestões para ou no



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Me explica: Vazamentos do HSBC
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Entenda o SwissLeaks

Greve dos caminhoneiros
Bloqueio ao porto de Santos
Falta de combustível
Preços de frutas disparam em SP
Nota da NTC sobre a paralisação dos caminhoneiros
Greve dos caminhoneiros ameaça produção de aves no PR
Os riscos de um movimento horizontal ser encampado

Farol Aceso
Ju – Piranho, do Porta dos Fundos e Citizen Four
Mi – Rápido e Devagar, duas formas de pensar
Cris – Me explica
Dani – Por que a intervenção do governo pode gerar prejuízos à sociedade?

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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That's So '90s: Watch Macho Man Persuasively Sell the Daily News in This TV Commercial

In 1994, Macho Man Randy Savage was an international star of the World Wrestling Federation and the New York Daily News was a thriving business, with a new rich owner, Mort Zuckerman.

Today, Macho Man’s dead and the Daily News is for sale after reportedly losing $20 million a year.

But let’s remember the heady days — back when newspapers printed money for their owners — with this 30-second ad for the Daily News that apparently ran in 1994, tied to that Sunday’s Wrestlemania X coverage. (The Daily News wasn’t able to immediately confirm that it really did run.)

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CHART: Lester Holt Delivers for 'NBC Nightly News'

The Chicken Littles who squawked that the sky was falling after Lester Holt’s first week filling in for Brian Williams behind the “NBC Nightly News” desk have fallen silent, as the Feb. 16 to Feb. 20 newscasts put up huge ratings.

Mr. Holt’s second week as the “Nightly News” anchor averaged 10.1 million viewers, per Nielsen figures, only the fourth time this season that NBC has reached that milestone. No other nightly newscast has hit that mark in eight seasons.

More important, Mr. Holt improved on the newscast’s quarterly deliveries of adults 25 to 54 by 6%, adding 134,000 members of the demo most coveted by evening news advertisers. Week two of Mr. Holt’s tenancy also edged his predecessor’s final five days in the anchor chair, effectively muzzling earlier chatter as to how viewers would flee after Mr. Williams’ departure.

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Bajibot Issues Earth Hour Anthem for Timex

Bajibot is launching a causevertising campaign aligning Timex with Earth Hour in a new anthem ad.

Earth Hour, organized by the World Wildlife Fund is set for 8:30 PM on March 28th, at which time those participating will shut off all lights for one hour to conserve energy. Bajibot aligns Timex with the brand by inroducing, via montage, a series of young urbanites. All of them are noticeably rocking Timex, which becomes even more apparent when they check their watches and turn out the lights. But it’s not just lip service from Timex, the brand promises to donate a dollar for every pledge shared (up to a maximum donation of $50,000). Head on over to the Earth Hour Timex site for more info.