100 Last Minute Gift Ideas – From Phone-Generated Picture Albums to Extravagant Steel Gift Cards

(TrendHunter.com) Christmas will be here in one week’s time and most people have yet to purchase any gifts to go under the tree; this list of last minute gifts will help you figure out what to buy within the…

25 Apocalypse-Ready Vehicles – Survive the End of the World with These Powerful SUVs

(TrendHunter.com) These apocalypse-ready vehicles are perfect for an off-road adventure or can even help you survive the end of the world.

Surviving and thriving when disaster strikes is of critical importance,…

Leo Burnett ECD Justin Tindall presents three great ads he had nothing to do with

Television ads for Match.com, Volkswagen Polo and Stella Artois have been singled out by Leo Burnett executive creative director Justin Tindall for being three great ads in recent years.

Amour.com Dating Website: Spaghetti

“Don’t spend your evenings on your own.”

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG 360, Suresnes, France
Executive Creative Director: Hugues Pinguet
Copywriter: Peter Moyse, Dimitri Hekimian
Art Director: Thomas Derouault
Photographer: Joey Lawrence
Illustrator: Christophe Huet, Asile
Art Buyer: Isabelle Baud
Account Supervisor: Sophie Cavazza
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Vincent Huttin
Account Manager: Axel Ripley

Skittles: Create the Rainbow

URL: www.createtherainbow.com

Advertising Agency: BBDO, Toronto, Canada
Executive Creative Directors: Peter Ignazi, Carlos Moreno
Associate Creative Director: Michael Clowater
Art Director: Jeff Cheung
Creative Technology: Jeff Vermeersch
Agency Producer: Beatrice Bodogh
Account Management: Chitty Krishnappa, Saloni Wadehra
Project Management: Matt Dewaal, Mark Carpenter
Production Company: Jam3
Digital Creative Director: Pablo Vio
Digital Producer: Michael Dobell
Production Coordinator: Greg Benedetto
Developers: Mikko Haapoja, Sunil John
Live Action Production: Thelonious Films
Director: Matt Eastman
Editing: Jam3
Visual FX: Rafael Ludwig
Post Production: Rafael Ludwig
Colour: Jam3
Music: RMW
Sound Design: Drastic Music
Seeding: Denizen, Unruly
Media: MediaCom

Golden Fish Print Awards: Creatives

“Creatives only use 10% of their talent
It’s time to bring out the rest
The 19th Golden Fish Print Awards”

Advertising Agency: ACW Grey, Tel Aviv, Israel
Executive Creative Director: Tal Riven
Creative Director: Ziv Meiri
Art Director: Itzik Cohen
Copywriter: Idan Levy
Client Team Director: Dani Brande
Account Director: Sarit Sternhell
Agency Executive Producer: Meital Tzoref
Agency Producer: Racheli Zatlawi
Studio: Shlomi Barda
Illustrators: Miriam Moshinsky, Gal Shkedi, Yotam Cohen

New Mexico Jiujitsu Academy: Eugene, Jeffrey, Milton, Deborah

Juijitsu doesn’t require you to be bigger or stronger than your opponent. It only requires you be better. If these people can do it, you better believe you can too.

Advertising Agency: McKee Wallwork Cleveland, New Mexico, USA
Creative Director: Daniel Andreani
Art Director: Dave Ortega
Copywriters: William Conner, Beckett Nodhal Guerrero
Photographer: Wes Naman
Custom font creator: Ashley Powers

Publicis acquisition to bolster BBH’s mobile credentials

Swedish mobile agency Monterosa is planning to open an office in London associated with BBH next year, following its acquisition by Publicis Groupe.

Arno Shaver: Jail, Women

“The Smell on your beard gives you away.”

Advertising School: Miami Ad School, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Erico Braga
Art Directors / Copywriters: Pedro Martoli, Caio Gatti, Leandro Catrufo
Photographers: Pedro Martoli, Caio Gatti, Leandro Catrufo

Acerca Nutritional and Sports Consulting: Mr. ThreeTimes Gold Disc Winning Rap Star, Mr. Worldwide Chief Executive Officer Man of the Year

Advertising Agency: Giovanni+DraftFCB, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Benjamin Yung Jr., Cassio Zanatta
Copywriter / Art Director: Adriano Alarcon
Photografer: Zarella Neto
Illustrator: Fabio Vido
Image Retouching: Rodrigo Cortez
Art Buyers: Tina Castro, Gisele Miranda, Daniel Gonçalves
Account Manager: Pedro Fuhrer
Planner: Pedro Cruz
Advertising Managers: Renata Sagretti, Bruno Viana

Google+ reunites Wallace and Gromit stars for Christmas ad

Google is reuniting the characters from the ‘Wallace and Gromit’ films for a festive video aimed at highlighting how Google+ can bring together family and friends.

#A.I.L / artists in laboratories, episode 15: Ollie Palmer


This week i’m talking with Ollie Palmer is a designer, artist, a tutor at Bartlett but he is also the guy who’s so interested in dancing insects that he’s embarked on a 6 year project to choreograph and stage an Ant Ballet.

During the interview, Ollie talks ants and more precisely Argentine ants, a particularly invasive species that the UK wants nowhere near its shores. We also learn about the best way to collect ants, to synthesize pheromones and end the show with a few words about the Godot Machine, a device built for the sole purpose of preventing a single ant to move around continue

Absolute Radio’s owner resurrects talks with potential buyers

Absolute Radio’s owner, Bennett, Coleman & Co, is understood to have recommenced talks with potential buyers, after calling off a sale last year.

Gale from the Red Planet

Echolab, un studio spécialisé dans le sound design, a imaginé avec le studio de motion-design Korb ce que donnerait la diffusion du son et l’impact sur la planète Mars. Le résultat est tout simplement hallucinant, aussi bien sur le plan visuel que sonore. A découvrir en images dans la suite.

Echolab - Gale3
Echolab - Gale2
Echolab - Gale1
Echolab - Gale
Echolab - Gale5

Five key lessons on selling the baby

Adam & Eve did it, as have AKQA, LBi and McGarry Bowen, but selling your business is a big decision that can fail to meet expectations unless your goals are clearly defined from the outset.

36 Decadent Oreo Desserts – From Crunchy Peanut Brittle Pops to Cute Cotton Tail Confections

(TrendHunter.com) Oreo desserts make it even harder for you to try and resist the temptation of the cream filled chocolate cookie.

Infusing your savory lip smacking treats with Oreo cookie crumbles can really boost…

Top 100 Ultra Luxury Items in 2012 – From Stylish Sport Supercars to Luxurious Ocean Floaties (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) Ultra luxury items come in various shapes and sizes, from supercars that make the driver feel like James Bond to million dollar bracelets to turn any average fashion-lover into a haute couture queen….

Godrej by JWT

Advertising Agency: JWT, Mumbai, India
National Creative Director: Tista Sen
Creative Director: Pitam Desarker
Art Director / Copywriter / Photographer: Lakshman Khude
Illustrator: Deepak Jadhav


The post Godrej by JWT appeared first on desicreative.

84 Elephant-Inspired Products – From Enormous Elephant Buddies to Sculptured Elephant Gifts

(TrendHunter.com) The elephant, a mammal most prominently seen at the circus or out in the safari, is being commemorated in this list of elephant gifts and items.

Depending on which country you are in, elephants…

42 Unusually Designed Guitars – From Sweet Confection Axes to Carbon Fiber Guitars

(TrendHunter.com) Play a few cords on one of these unusually designed guitars that forcefully go against the idea of what a standard acoustic or electric guitar should look like.

Perhaps you are a big fan of…