Obama: Some Political Ads ‘Go Overboard’

Barack Obama talks to "60 Minutes" about high-stakes ad game.

Mercedes-Benz veicula campanha criada pela natureza

Esse é mais um caso de publicidade em que o making of é mais interessante do que o resultado final.

Para promover o motor sustentável Euro 6 de sua linha de caminhões, a Mercedes-Benz fez com que a campanha fosse inteiramente criada pela natureza.

Posters com as letras vazadas foram colocados no ambiente “selvagem”, permitindo que animais e insetos deixassem suas pegadas e, dessa forma, marcassem o texto da peça.

A criação é da agência N=5 de Amsterdam, que aproveitou os cartazes como mídia exterior.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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New York Magazine Cashing in Online

New York magazine, which expanded its blog The Cut into a fashion and lifestyle website last month, is having its best year in a decade.

Hello H5

A partir du 11 octobre, la Gaîté lyrique devient l’écrin de la marque HELLO™ créée de toutes pièces par le collectif H5 qui a ainsi pu penser des installations célébrant l’identité de cette marque factice. En collaboration avec Fubiz, H5 et la Gaîté lyrique vous proposent de participer à cette exposition / concours.

/ Concours

Le principe du concours est de concevoir une planche de 4 logos de HELLO™ à travers les âges :

1812 : Halloway Inc. est créée à Chicago, au 2 Highland Street. Son but : développer un moyen de transport idéal pour réduire les distances et s’ouvrir au monde. L’aigle royal est choisi comme symbole de cette ambition.
1932 : Rebaptisée HELLO™, la marque est l’un des plus gros partenaires des JO de Los Angeles. Elle est devenue un empire de l’énergie, alimente le village olympique, construit routes et chemins de fers.
1963 : HELLO™ est devenue une icône de l’American Way of Life. S’appuyant sur les techniques balbutiantes du marketing, HELLO s’associe aux meilleures agences de Madison Avenue pour un nouveau logo ainsi qu’une baseline « Say Hello to the world! ». HELLO est un acteur majeur de la conquête spatiale grâce à son travail de recherche sur les nouvelles technologies, sources d’énergie comme le nucléaire, télécommunication comme la miniaturisation des transistors, médecine…
1984 : HELLO™ est un modèle de l’Amérique de Ronald Reagan et du capitalisme insolent des 80′s, à tel point qu’elle apparaît dans les films de science fiction pour symboliser les marques qui dureront éternellement. Recherche en armement, construction d’hôpitaux privés, diversification dans les villages de vacances, balbutiements des téléphones mobiles et de l’informatique personnelle : HELLO™ est dirigée d’une main de fer par son conseil d’administration, après que la famille du fondateur ait été écartée.

/ Détails

Le logo HELLO™ est à télécharger ici. Le jury sera composé du collectif H5 ainsi que des représentants de la rédaction de Fubiz et de la Gaîté Lyrique. Les récompenses : les finalistes verront leur création exposée à la Gaîté lyrique du 15 octobre au 31 décembre 2012 et sur hello-h5.com, seront invités au vernissage le 14 octobre et recevront un pack cadeau HELLO™.

Envoyer vos créations par wetransfer à hellohello@gaite-lyrique.net – Seules les contributions contenant 4 logos (un par époque) seront jugées. Fichier pdf vectoriel ou un fichier jpeg de 1600 pixels de large. Date limite : 5 octobre.

1er prix : la meilleur planche de 4 logos à travers les âges
2° prix : les 4 meilleurs logos par époque
3° prix : prix du jury pour le logo le plus abouti, quel que soit son époque

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National Zoo: Baby Giraffe

“Welcome, Baby Giraffe, to our Family. National Zoo.”

Advertising Agency: Porta, Santiago, Chile
Creative Director: Gonzalo Baeza, Mariano Pérez
Art Director: Fernando Muñoz, Chino Andrade
Account Executive: Daniela Ortiz
Copywriter: Michelle Guichard
Illustrator: Gonzalo Arevalo

Nike mostra as jornadas paralelas do críquete na Índia

Na Índia, o críquete é um lance sério, com uma Copa do Mundo do esporte rolando atualmente. Seguindo a linha da campanha “Find Your Greatness”, a Nike lançou naquele país um filme que mostra jornadas paralelas entre a seleção profissional, um time de colégio e o críquete jogado nas ruas.

O trabalho assina com “Bleed Blue”, em referências ao uniforme azul da equipe indiana, mas prega o respeito e o valor do esporte em todas as classes, independente da habilidade profissional de cada um.

A criação é da JWT de Bangalore, que mantém o aspecto global das campanhas da Nike, mesmo criando para um país culturalmente independente.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Here’s How Jimmy Kimmel’s Tracy Morgan Emmys Stunt Played on Twitter

That and more social-TV tracking on TV's annual night of simultaneous celebration and self-loathing.

Girls (And Cow) Lip Sync Flo Rida


The California Milk Advisory Board is out with a new video, the latest directed by Fred Savage. In the video, two girls lip sync “iYiYiY” by Cody Simpson to their webcam.And a cow joins in. Yea, a cow. It’s cute enough so send it to all your friends. Sned it to your kids. Send it to your parents. They’ll all love it. And Deutsch will thank you for sharing its work.

Lana Del Ray Does ‘Blue Velvet’ For H&M


Having just finished re-watching Twin Peaks on Netflix, this new H&M work featuring Lana Del Ray singing Blue Velvet is apropos. Directed by Johan Renck, Del Rey’s version of the 1950’s classic is as mysterious as any David Lynch project you could imagine.

Of the work, H&M Creative Director Donald Schneider said, “We are excited to have Lana Del Rey, the new star and style icon, as the face of our fall campaign. Lana is totally unique, and we wanted to create a print and film campaign that’s just as special. The mood is very L.A. noir and is inspired by our Fall collection, which also fits with Lana’s own personal style.”

It’s not your average commercial work. And it’s a wonderful departure from your usual, run-of-the-mill retail commercial work.

Old Spice Helps Greg Jennings Mix Business With Pleasure


Continuing in the vein of the original “I’m on a horse” but you didin’t know it until the end Old Spice commercial, Wieden + Kennedy is out with an ad featuring Green Bay Packers wide receiver Greg Jennings who debunks the old myth that one should never mix business with pleasure. Well, at least when one wears Old Spice.

Funny stuff. Goofy stuff. Now stop fooling around and bring back Isiah Mustafa

Curvy Kate Wants You to Guess Model’s Bra Size


– Curvy Kate wants you to guess Laura’s bra size.

– Perhaps…the most epic transportation ad ever. If you haven’t seen it already.

– Google now predicted to represent 15 percent share of the display ad market by year’s end.

– Which creatives have the best agency food. Hungry Creatives aims to find out.

– It’s not a MillionDollarHomepage but it’s the same idea just with wishes.

– Check out Performance Insider’s top ten CPA affiliate networks.

‘Clairvoyant’ Proves Everyone’s Entire Life is Online


In an effort to call attention to the fact (like it or not) your entire life is now accessible online, Duval Guillaume teamed up with “clairvoyant” Dave who sat down with a few people and revealed increasingly detailed information about their lives. And then, the big reveal and the campaign message: “your entire life is online. And it might be used against you. Be vigilant.”

Check out the video.

Free-Spirited Cruising Editorials – The Glamour Germany ‘On The Road’ Photoshoot is Youthfully Retro (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) The Glamour Germany ‘On The Road’ editorial captures the free-spirited essence of youth. Heading towards the horizon in a vintage car, the threesome embraces a casual adventurous spirit…

Robert Horne Group: Imagine the Possibilities

Paper manufacturer Robert Horne was keen to catch the eye of the creative industries with the launch of its latest paper, Imagine. True to the paper’s name, we wanted to create a promotional campaign that would fire the imagination of a design-savvy audience: to suggest that with imagination, anything is possible. We paired evocative thoughts on the nature of creativity with seemingly impossible illustrations to create a set of posters that would inspire and engage.

Advertising Agency: Magpie Studio, London, United Kingdom
Creative Director: David Azurdia, Ben Christie, Jamie Ellul
Illustrator: David Azurdia
Design: Magpie Studio, David Azurdia
Account Supervisor: Alex Wood

Steelhouse Simplifies Online Ads With A2


As a creative, you want your work to shine wherever it is seen right? But you dread all the technological hassles that go along with converting your idea to a workable online ad unit, right? Coding sucks. Flash doesn’t work on mobile. HTML5 challenges some browsers. And all those rich media technologies make your head spin. Are we right? Of course we are.

Well, perhaps, your life may get a bit easier. A company called Steelhouse has launched A2, a new tool that brings the simplicity of drag and drop and point and click to online ad creation. The company says the tool will allow for the inclusion of video, images, location-aware information, product carousels, social sharing and content derived from behavioral data.

Of the offering, Steelhouse CEO Mark Douglas said, “Whether they want to admit it or not, brands are embarrassed by the quality of their display advertising. Display ads are stuck in a static time warp surrounded by a world of video, mobile apps and social tools. The reality is that the ads brands want have been too hard and time consuming to create.”

It might be worth check out if you’re actively creating online ads but can’t stand all the complexity. Check out the intro video below. And you can see one of the ads in action here.


Voici cette impressionnante vidéo en time-lapse dévoilant de superbes paysages sur une musique de Of Monsters and Men. Une réalisation de Doug Urquhart et son studio The Upthink Lab, parti avec sa femme Karen 2 semaines en Islande pour célébrer leur 3ème anniversaire de mariage. Plus d’images dans la suite.


Robin Hood Tax

A difficult birth.

Read more on Adbusters.org

VCCP opens Aussie office

VCCP is expanding into Australia, opening an office in Sydney where the advertising agency will launch an as yet unnamed major brand into the Australian marketplace.

Havas calls time on Euro RSCG name

The Euro RSCG brand was scrapped today after 20 years to be replaced by the name Havas Worldwide.

Google, Skoda and Boden sponsor Mumsnet blogger conference

Google, Skoda and Boden have signed up to sponsor Mumsnet’s inaugural BlogFest event that will feature speakers including the high-profile columnists Caitlin Moran and Liz Jones.