Mobile Marketing on the Rise – How to Capture Your Moving Audience

The mobile markets are growing or rather, they are still growing. The proliferation of smartphones and tablets is only looking to increase, with many experts stating this may finally be the nail in the coffin for the desktop computer.

In just two more years, users in the US will access more content through their mobile devices than through their computers, with 30% of them using their smartphones or tablets to do Internet searches for local stores or events.

Mobile technology has proven to be incredibly useful to both personal and professional endeavors and goals; thanks to smartphones, we can keep in touch with email from the office and continue to be productive, even if we’re standing in line at a store. Thanks to the app versions of many business and office software, we can continue working on a project even when we’re sitting on the patio of the local deli or in the library.

QR Codes

A big boom for many businesses and products is the use of a QR code generator, which allows users to view products, messages, URLs, and more simply by scanning their smartphones.

Why are QR codes so interesting? The ability to encode what is essentially a barcode with information about your company or product that people can read within minutes is prominent in the new ‘on the go’ world that mobile technology has created. A potential customer passes by an ad or stand with your QR code on it, they can quickly scan it with their smartphone and perhaps look at it later or with the use of an app, view it on their desktop computers once they return home.

Mobile technology as a whole is set to greatly expand, both in terms of use and monetary gain for businesses. In 2013 alone, global ad revenue grew 400% and it’s expected to continue that growth as we head into 2014 and 2015. Now is the perfect time for businesses to look into or prepare their mobile marketing strategies.

QR code generation is just one marketing strategy for mobile, but there’s also email marketing and social media marketing.

Email Marketing

With email marketing, you have your customers sign up for updates or new releases of your products or even a weekly or monthly newsletter that will go straight to their inboxes. Despite the rise of text and chat programs (and along with them, text marketing), email is still a king when it comes to keeping in contact with people and building up communication between parties.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is marketing to users on the various social networks, like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Google+. This is sometimes a hard strategy to pull off by businesses, as they will sometimes forget the social aspect within social media; engagement is the important key and the social networks can be a great way to promote the business, the product, the website (where the email or QR code might be), and can go a long way in building trust with consumers.

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