Sometimes we let fear get to us and lose sight of one simple fact: As long as clients need to convince consumers to purchase their products and services, the ad industry will never disappear. Clients need creativity and are willing to pay if you can help them accomplish their goals.
From time to time a new technology comes along that convinces clients they don’t need your creativity anymore, so they cut back or let us go entirely. It’s a cycle that has happened time and time again, from the first shopkeeper who put up a painted sign to attract more business to the latest application of Facebook. Before long, though, everyone adopts the latest technology and the need for fresh creativity to distinguish themselves arises.
What is different this time? Many new technologies and tactics have hit the scene at the same time. It didn’t help that these tactics are often much less expensive than traditional media. Oh,we also hit the worst recession in more than 70 years. When the economy comes back, I think we’re going to see a rush back to creativity. When it does, it’ll do us well to concentrate more on the message and less on the messenger.
I think we’re already seeing a dire need for creativity. The obligatory Facebook page, Twitter account, and YouTube page is already old hat (and often a necessity), but it’s not enough without significant creative backing to get interaction. I think marketers are starting to grow weary of the social media snake-oil salesmen. These outlets are important and will never go away, but we’re starting to see it’s just part of a much bigger picture.
Search will also be a permanent marketing fixture from now on, but it’s one thing to show up in a search, and it’s another to be convincing. Once seen as enemies, Google and Madison Ave. are working together to capture display-ad dollars (35% of Internet ad spending last year) and make a more cohesive experience for consumers. Neilsen is in a relationship with Facebook and are proving to marketers the viability of display ads. The need for creativity is growing.
This industry will never be easy again. There will never be another television advertising business model. The best way to get a consumer to notice your brand will always be a moving target. Dare I say not every client is a candidate for a huge social-media campaign, just as every client doesn’t need a 30-second TV spot. It’s important to learn how to play in these new playgrounds, but we also need to stop trying to be experts in tactics and instead try to be experts in creativity, an unattainable but not unworthy goal.
Josh Fahey is a freelance copywriter with a passion for creating creative and strategic content and communications. Check out his website where you can find his blog, portfolio, and resume. joshuawfahey@gmail.comor Twitter: @joshfahey