The Escape Pod Launches ‘Falling Letters’ for Wheat Thins
Posted in: UncategorizedChicago-based agency The Escape Pod crafted a pair of “Falling Letters” spots for Wheat Thins in collaboration with production company Station Film.
Both spots feature a man interviewing his subject about snacking habits (“Real people. Paid participants.”) as, in the background, letters fall from a giant Wheat Thins billboard, crushing cars below them. As the letters fall, the sign spells out “Eat This” and the interviewer asks his subject to read the message. The brand seems to be selling this as prankvertising, or at least the names for the videos on YouTube (such as “Dude STUNNED when Wheat Thins Billbaord Falls onto Parker Cars) make it seem that way, but it’s kind of hard to imagine anyone falling for it.
According to Station Film’s Justin Reardon, however, there was a degree of spontaneity to the ads. “The Wheat Thins client showed a lot of trust because there was no blueprint for what The Escape Pod wanted to do,” he said. “It took a dedicated team fueled by a lot of open minds. And I think it all paid off and was lots of fun, too!”
Client: Wheat Thins
Spot Names: Falling Letters
First Air Date: 2/9/15
Agency: The Escape Pod
Executive Creative Director: Vinny Warren
Managing Director: Norm Bilow
Agency Exec Producer: Kent Kwiatt
Producer: Mary Ann Holecek
Creative Director: Kurt Lenard
Art Director: David Harper
Copywriter: Felicity Pal
Production Co.: Station Film
Director: Justin Reardon
Exec Producer (s): Michael Di Girolamo,
Producer: Norman Reiss
DP: Ross RIchardson
Editorial Co.: Cutters
Editor: Matt Walsh
Music & Sound Design Co.,: Roll Sound Inc
Caroline Gibney