Infográfico reúne bigodes icônicos do cinema

Para marcar o lançamento de The Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues –  que aqui no Brasil recebeu o título de Tudo Por um Furo – no Reino Unido, a rede britânica de cinemas Vue criou um divertido infográfico relembrando bigodes icônicos do cinema. Afinal, é impossível imaginar o personagem Ron Burgundy sem sua inconfundível bigodeira.

My Movie Moustache and Me defende que a maior marca da personalidade de um homem é o seu bigode. “Um bigode não existe apenas para ser uma marca da masculinidade, mas para comunicar ao mundo as idiossincrasias e peculiaridades do homem”.

A introdução é seguida por uma seleção de dez estilos de bigodes – entre eles o Burgundy, Butcher, Jafar, Lorax, Bandit, Jules, Gable, Groucho, Goodman e o Chaplin, é claro.

E, caso você esteja se perguntando, no Brasil Tudo por um Furo tem estreia prevista para 14 de fevereiro de 2014.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Saturn: Rethinking Everything

A few months back, GoldRush wrote an interesting post on the Saturn “Anthem” spot and the potential that the “Rethink” mantra has on revitalizing a somewhat-lost brand. I’ve been watching the Saturn campaign with hope and anticipation over the past few months, and this morning, was media-blasted with the newest Saturn spot for the Vue, “Rethinking Everything” on broadcast TV.

This is definitely the most prominent presentation of the “Rethinking Everything” approach. It’s certainly an interesting stance, and this particular spot is a bit warmer and less in-your-face than the “Anthem” spot. While it’s nothing incredibly noteworthy in terms of creative, the visuals and the sound track do work well to communicate the feeling of hope and change. But at the moment, it still only seems like a corporate mantra. As Gavin insightfully commented on the Anthem spot,

I hope they also do something about the dealer network and the brand promise that it fails to deliver. Rebranding is not just for the aspirational part of your business — it should filter through all of your touchpoints.

Judging from much of the forum banter on, Saturn still has a long way to go before the Rethink mantra is fully implemented – and accepted with open arms. But there’s something about this re-brand that has me pulling for ‘em. We’ll see.