10 Ways Brands Can Help With Voter Registration Starting Now

With the 2020 election fast approaching, corporate America has a unique opportunity. Without taking sides, brands can show their commitment to social impact by promoting two things everyone can get behind: voter registration and voter turnout. Last year saw the highest voter turnout for a Midterm Election in 100 years, and now the race for…

Tariff Wars Between China and the US Could Negatively Impact the Holiday Shopping Season

The current tariff war between China and the U.S. has put the marketing industry in uncharted–if not unprecedented–waters. No one in our industry has ever had to navigate around a full-fledged trade war before. No longer something in the abstract that we all read about in textbooks, the exchange of tariffs that the Trump administration…

What Losing 100,000 Twitter Followers Over Night Taught Me About My Business Priorities

I’m in Instagram unfollow jail. Again. And I don’t like it. At all. And it’s amazing at the same time because it reminds me of the power dynamic I’m operating under. We live in the land of the free and the home of the brave, yet as soon as I save up enough bravery to…

Clients Are to Advertising Creatives What Editors Are to Writers

The sound of tearing paper can be heartbreaking. Especially if the paper has some of your writing on it and is currently being ripped in two (no, wait, make that four). That’s a flashback to the distant days when I worked on a local newspaper. Back in 1987, we typed and submitted our copy on…

Essential Second-Quarter Stats for Ad Tech and Platforms

Editor’s note: Adweek worked with Matthew Scott Goldstein, a consultant with a deep knowledge of the media industry, to craft his quarterly newsletter into an Adweek article. Through his findings on various industry earnings calls, we’re bringing you insights about how your favorite brands, agencies, media companies, publishers and tech companies are performing on a…

The Most Insightful Data From 28 Media, Marketing and Tech Companies’ 2019 Q2 Earnings Calls

In early 2017, I was helping a client, and we were amazed that Facebook revenue was growing so much. I read about the revenue increase in one of the many trades, then I stumbled upon the Facebook earnings call and was hooked. I was on the edge of my seat listening about the quarter. I…

Essential Second-Quarter Stats for Agencies and Media Companies

Editor’s note: Adweek worked with Matthew Scott Goldstein, a consultant with a deep knowledge of the media industry, to craft his quarterly newsletter into an Adweek article. Through his findings on various industry earnings calls, we’re bringing you insights about how your favorite brands, agencies, media companies, publishers and tech companies are performing on a…

Debunking 3 Myths About Latino Consumers This Hispanic Heritage Month

On the eve of the first Hispanic Heritage Month in 1968, Hispanics made up between 4-6% of the U.S. population. Today, that number is 18%–or nearly 60 million people. With backgrounds as diverse as America itself, Hispanic Americans are representing us in Congress and in C-suites, in stadiums and on screens, and in larger numbers…

If Disruption Is What You Really Want, Here’s How to Put It Into Practice

The definition of disruption has become diluted by our industry’s obsession with turning well-intentioned concepts into overused buzzwords. You’ve almost surely been in a briefing where the ask has been some form of disruption: disrupt creativity, disrupt the internet, disrupt culture, disrupt the way we use X product in Y space. This isn’t just about…

4 Ways Ad Tech Can Prepare for Impending State Privacy Laws

Europe set the bar with GDPR. Washington, California, New York, Nevada and Maine are each on the road to regulating the use of consumer data as well–at least within their own jurisdictions. National cyber privacy law is coming; versions of one are being passed around in the Senate and in Congress. We just don’t know…

Brands Need to Take Action Around Important Social Issues Like Suicide Prevention

Earlier this year, I was in a horrific motorcycle accident and lost an arm to paralysis. When something like that happens, your mind almost inevitably can default to a dark place–frequently. Though I’ve otherwise recovered nicely, some days are just overwhelming. Thankfully, I have the support of family, friends and work to help keep me…

Why Brands Need to Find Ways to Connect With Hispanic Consumers

As the United States begins National Hispanic Heritage month, both consumers and brands should take the time to reflect on what it means to be Hispanic in the U.S. and how can brands better engage and empathize with this 18% minority voice in America. It’s important to point out that Hispanics share a language and…

Why Brands Need to Target the Nerdier Segment of Their Consumer Base

D&D. MCU. Hall H. Naruto. PogChamp. If you know these terms, chances are you’re a nerd. While nerds used to be thought of as basement-dwelling, Steve Urkel glasses-wearing, awkward stereotype, nerdiness is now a badge of honor. Nerd culture has infiltrated mainstream culture, creating countless avenues for brands to leverage. If you’re not convinced, look…

How to Be Prepared the Next Time Google Changes Its Algorithm

A core Google update can hit like a force of nature. It can rip through the internet like a wildfire or an earthquake, leaving a trail of damage in its wake. While Google does issue warnings, it’s hard to predict exactly how a specific update will play out once it’s released. Sometimes businesses don’t know…

Climate Activism Requires More Than Just Sustainability Statements From Brands

This summer I kayaked an Alaskan lake where, just a few years ago, a glacier covered the landscape. Alaska, now the fastest warming state in the country, shows the dramatic ravages of a warming planet. The experience, both breathtaking and heartbreaking, became my climate story. Everyone has a climate story, whether they know it or…

9 Tips From Google’s CMO for Creating a More Inclusive Work Environment

Today I work in two industries–tech and advertising–that care deeply about diversity, but where old habits have held back progress. We have made progress but, like many in the industry, the journey is ongoing. For instance, sitting in creative reviews over the last year, there was more diversity in our casting. We have been auditing…

4 Tips for Dealing With the End of Millennials’ Reign

I’m what marketers like to call a millennial. We’ve been the most talked about generation for years, gracing the front page of Time Magazine, putting our name to a glorious yet delicate shade of pink and famed for our love of fidget spinners. We even have our own Monopoly board, one where you can dine…

Own the Customer Experience With Brand Digital Commerce

This four-part series aims to help executives better understand how to succeed in digital transformation. In part one, we identified three critical pillars of success: The right strategy, culture and partner relationships. The adoption of sophisticated cloud marketing technologies and data. A direct-to-consumer brand digital commerce channel. Here in part four, we’re focusing on the…

3 Ways Creatives of Color Can Battle the Self-Doubt That Tokenism Breeds

I have been in advertising for about a decade now, and I have yet to work at an agency with a black account director. In the early stages of my career, I found that odd, but as things progressed and I moved from agency to agency, I soon realized it was an unfortunate norm. So,…

4 Steps for Inspiring Marketers to Take Climate Change Seriously

This story is part of a weeklong series on climate change and sustainability. It’s in partnership with Covering Climate Now, a global journalism initiative to cover climate change in the week leading up to the U.N. summit on climate change in New York on Sept. 23. Click here to learn more about the initiative and…