Any Tips on What This Underwear Ad Means With Its ‘Turtlenecks’ Metaphor?

Let’s cut to the chase: This is an ad about circumcision. Why is this spot for Australian underwear brand Bonds about circumcision? Ostensibly, it’s because their underwear is comfortable for men who were snipped after birth or who still keep it au naturel, though it’s unclear whether that’s actually ever been an issue when it…

David Beckham Finds a Somewhat Less Chiseled Partner for Latest Underwear Ads

The earnest, staid tone of underwear advertisements easily lends itself to parody. And while that tactic has been on trend, new Late Late Show host James Corden has taken it a step further with David Beckham, a man who is famous for stripping down to his skivvies.

Hawking a fake new line of underwear, D&J briefs, Corden and Beckham tout the support of the right pair of briefs, noting that D&J can help quash existential anxieties, like, “Is there a reason to life? Is there a meaning to my days?”

It makes sense that Beckham would be game to mock his spots, given that the star revealed he had to leave the room when his Super Bowl spot for H&M ran last year. (It seems he didn’t want to watch peoples’ reactions to him running around in his underwear.)

While the spoof isn’t perfect—leaning on Corden’s weight for a punch line can be a bit much—it is fun to watch Beckham smolder while Corden goofs off.

Adults Apparently Wanted Underoos So Badly, They're Already Sold Out

Never underestimate the power of nostalgia, even in the form of quasi-ironic undergarments.

Internet users of a certain age have been abuzz over the past 24 hours about a new line of superhero-themed Underoos sized for adults and available at Hot Topic.

In fact, of the eight sets announced yesterday—Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Batgirl, Harley Quinn, Captain America, He-Man and Skeletor—the only two left in stock as I write this are Harley Quinn and Batgirl, both available only in large. (The Batman underwear literally went out of stock and then vanished while I was typing this.)

It’s doubtful we’ll need to wait too long to see these return. With such an immediate and voracious response from wistful children of the ’80s (and probably a fair share from the ’90s or beyond), the resurgent Underoos will likely be back in stock before you know it.

Surely the next batch will have Green Lantern and Aquaman, catering to a more discerning man-child. And maybe, for the honor of love, She-Ra will even get the respect she deserves. Until then I guess we’ll just have to settle for Amelia Earhart and Marie Curie.

Here’s an image via i09 that includes the Captain America and He-Man Underoos no longer in stock:

Are These Feminist Superhero Panties Empowering, or a Tiny Bit Weird?

The underwear brand Dear Kate, a big proponent of using real people instead of models, has a new plan to empower women: It’s putting inspiring female faces right on its panties.

Its League of Ladies Collection features illustrations of four historical women—Marie Curie, Harriet Tubman, Amelia Earhart and Frida Kahlo—reimagined as superheroes.

Additionally, Dear Kate has called on real-life influencers to model the collection, including science communicator Kelly Carnes, actor and playwright Zoe Travis, Golly Magazine editor Roxanne Fequiere, and comedian Jackie Zebrowski.

With names like “Supermarie” and “Superfrida,” the panties feature a cartoon depiction of each woman’s face on the front and a design on the back. Which begs the question, are women even wearing panties with cartoons on them? I asked Twitter, where reactions varied from a resounding no to an open-minded maybe:

I love the idea of celebrating extraordinary women, but I wonder if this is an idea best suited for a (much) younger crowd.

I highly respect and admire Amelia Earhart, but I don’t know if I want to see her face every time I pull off a pair of jeans. I would, however, absolutely buy an 8-year-old girl a cute camisole and panties set featuring Marie Curie with a little hang tag that gives her a short lesson on Curie’s scientific accomplishments. (Business idea, Dear Kate, if you want to come out with a Dear McKenna line.)

We’ve seen how people react to brands that empower women, and I’m reulctant to criticize any effort to promote strong women. So allow me to soften the blow by saying that while I wouldn’t buy superhero panties for myself (and I am the target market), Dear Kate’s Sporty Bralets are off the chain.

David Beckham despe-se para a H&M

Mistura de jogador de futebol, galã e fashionista, David Beckham assina uma linha de underwear para a H&M. Para promover a nova coleção, a agência Marc Atlan Design contou com os reforços de Guy Ritchie na direção de um curta-metragem estrelado por um Beckham seminu correndo pelas ruas de Beverly Hills.

O filme é até divertido, apesar de ter um único objetivo: vender cuecas tentando nos convencer que qualquer homem pode ficar tão bem com elas quanto Beckham, que corre, salta muros, faz um gol e pula em uma piscina, tudo isso sem que um fio de cabelo fique desalinhado. As mulheres não terão do que reclamar…hm1 hm


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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le Slip Français apresenta uma forma nada convencional de se vender cuecas

Fazer diferente me atrai, em vários sentidos. Talvez por isso eis aqui uma mulher comentando um filme voltado principalmente para o público masculino.

E diferente por si só já é a ideia da BETC Paris criada para a marca de underwear le Slip Français, além de ter uma linguagem que não é nada convencional.

Por experiência própria não posso dizer que os homens e suas cuecas vivem em guerra, mas de fato poder ter uma que cuida bem de você é um apelo bem inusitado.

Nós, mulheres, não podemos negar que faz bem aos nossos olhos ver comerciais com homens de cueca em posições atraentes e barrigas saradas, mas nada melhor do que ser atraída pelo diferente.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Blown away … by the similarity / Soufflé par la ressemblance?

Bustop « Look your best » – 2005
Source : Cannes Archive Online
Agency : Clemenger BBDO Auckland (New Zealand)
Diva by Makole fashion store – 2012
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : Dunkelblaufastschwarz (Austria)

Missing one bit… of originality / Bonnet d’âne!

onecup2005 onecup2011
Breast Cancer Awareness / Field Marketing – 2005
Source : Cannes GOLD LION
Agency : DDB Brussels (Belgium)
Breast Cancer Awareness / Ambient – 2011
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : Bolero, Fortaleza (Brazil)