As referências do cinema em “Os Simpsons” [Tumblr]

Em seus 25 anos no ar, “Os Simpsons” já fez piada com muita gente, país, credos e convicções. Também já fez referência de muita coisa, principalmente do cinema.

O Tumblr reúne – em GIF’s animados – diversos momentos assim, incluindo a cena original.

Ainda tem pouca coisa, mas material não falta.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Tumblr da semana: Essa é a vida publicitária

As altas aventuras e confusões de vida de publicitário (fudido) sempre rendem piadas. Por mais clichês que sejam, a graça nunca vai embora.

Então reúna todas essas situações de uma típica agência com GIF’s animados, e você terá o genial: This Advertising Life.

Separei aqui alguns momentos memoráveis, mas você DEVE ver tudo.

Quando o cliente começa a falar


Quando estou esperando alguém elogiar o meu título com sacadinha


Como eu me sinto quando termino um projeto


Quando eu começo a perceber alterações que ninguém me contou


Quando me contam, impávidos, de que vou ter que começar tudo de novo


Indo embora da agência na sexta-feira


O fim da conversa em que o meu diretor de criação dá a entender que terei problemas


Quando percebo que a moça da limpeza está no banheiro

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Melhor Tumblr da semana: WTF QR Code

Quando eu tiro sarro de QR Code, algumas pessoas discordam, alegando que a tecnologia é sim muito útil, as empresas/agências é que não sabem usar.

Pode ser verdade, mas enquanto poucos acertam, podemos nos divertir com alguns casos absurdos de uso desses códigos com o brilhante Tumblr: WTF QR Codes

@brad_frost and @cvilly selecionam e fazem piada não apenas com aplicações estranhas, mas também com instruções de uso tão simples quanto era programar um videocassete.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Qual a diferença entre nerd e geek? A vida explica.

Dentre as discussões mais imbecis de nossos tempos, uma se avoluma e causa desconforto, principalmente após o hype de quadrinhos, gamificaçãozzzzzz da vida, mídias downloadáveis, produção autônoma e imediata de conteúdo, produtos da Apple e aplicativos em geral:

qual a diferença entre nerd e geek?

Você deve achar que faz parte de uma dessas categorias, mas dificilmente se enquadra, só tá usando uma camiseta escrito “Bazinga!”, atualizando um tumblr sem graça e fazendo ironia meia boca no Twitter. Ou mesmo procurando uma desculpa pro fato de estar mais gordo do que jamais esteve. E está tudo bem. A vida é assim mesmo, trata-se praticamente do mesmo que faço diariamente (fora o lance do “Bazinga!”, que tô sussa).

Enfim, pra efeito de checklist do cosplay mais hype da atualidade, consulte o infográfico abaixo.

Geeks vs Nerds

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Still Aren’t Using Social Media to Advertise?

Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Revver, WordPress, Reddit, Digg, Ning, Xing, Squidoo, Tumblr and Flickr (overwhelmed yet? I can go on) are all social media. What is the hype? It’s the talk of the town and everybody is doing it. However, is it of any use as a tool for marketing? It is! And you aren’t using it yet?

As a follow up to my last post, 10 Reasons to Use Online Video for Your Business, and a non-related follow up to Megan Green’s post, I thought I’d keep the ball rolling with 5 reasons why you must use social media to advertise your business:

It’s FREE – Connecting with customers/clients through Facebook and LinkedIn, posting your deals on Twitter, and demonstrating your expertise through a blog or video can all be done at the cost of $0. What it will cost, however, is time and some DIY prowess because each social media platform requires its own variation of communication for optimal effectiveness. Some initial research is suggested to decide which platform may best suit your business. However, if you’re a strong believer of “time is money” and are too busy to teach yourself social media, there are companies that can help you and your business get started for as little as $299.

Location, Location, Location – You want your product/service seen by as many people as possible, and, without any statistics to back me up here, there are a lot of people on the internet using social media sites. A lot. We’re talking hundreds of millions. For you naysayers: as of July, Facebook alone had 250 million users. Can you afford to ignore these people? A better question: can you afford to have these people ignore you?

Sharable – Not only will your product/service be seen, you can also have it shared. If a person on Twitter sees your tweet promoting your business and knows people in his or her network that can use it, he or she may pass the promotion on with a retweet. If you write a great blog post on the benefits of your service and submit it to social bookmarking sites, people can discover and rate it moving it up the site’s ranks, which allows more people to discover it. If you made an entertaining video about your product, it could be passed around to hundreds, thousands, and possibly millions of people. Imagine that, a :60-second video about your product seen by millions. It’s FREE advertising.

Long Lasting – Once your business/product/service information makes it onto these social media sites, it can live on forever. That’s a long time (don’t worry, it’s a good thing). There it is, your info being seen and promoted long after you posted it and readily available when you want to put some extra muscle behind it.

Engagement – People who use your product/service will have an opinion about it, and more often than not, they will voice their opinions through social media, and you should know exactly what they are saying, good or bad. If someone sings your praises by writing an elaborate blog post, you can share that with your network or use it as a testimonial on your website. If someone tweets a complaint about your product/service, you can address it and ideally change their mind. No one likes to feel ignored, so if you can show your customers/clients you care and listen, that will definitely strengthen relationships.

There are easily more than five reasons to use social media for your business, so be sure to come back for updates. As usual, feel free to ask a question or drop a comment.

P.S. Once again, to redeem my cool points, here’s a video from my Creative Director poking fun at so called “social media experts,” because you can’t be an expert in something that is constantly changing with new platforms, bells & whistles.

Tommy Liu, the man, the legend (to be) wields his pen of creativity against the injustice of mediocrity plaguing the world as the Senior Account Executive at Supercool Creative & SpotZero where he also manages the blog. Click here to view some of his battles (he doesn’t always win).