Peter Murphy Channels John Lennon For Chase Bank.


Hmmm. I would gone with “Cuts You Up” and had someone destroying their credit cards. Or maybe hand out Instant Karma cards with new checking accounts? BUT THAT’S ME.

Never Date Outside the Division.


New series of spots out by Mullen for the Bruins. A bear mascot throwing down never gets old.

It’s Metter To Bix Things Up.

Innit? From Gorgeous in the UK comes a nice little twist on a beverage spot for J20.

Trojan Stimulates Your Economy.

When the going gets tough, the tough get the Bonus Pack. In times like these, it’s good to know Trojan is right there behind you with a stimulus package you can count on.

Sponges, Kings Disparate Things

“He likes big butts and he cannot lie,” and, the spooky King of fast food has grabbed more press this week than all his competitors, combined.

This time, the creepy King has teamed with popular Bikini Bottom star and actor, SpongeBob SquarePants (of Nickelodeon fame) to promote a 99-cent BK Kids Meal. They released a new 30-second spot this week, and it’s a banging hit, ranking third for viral video views according to Visible Measures. This disparate pair has our attention!

Yet, the duo has gained unwanted scrutiny from the activist group Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, an organization made up of educators, healthcare practitioners, activists, parents, and authors. A portion of their Mission Statement reads:

The commercialization of childhood is the link between many of the most serious problems facing children, and society, today. Childhood obesity, eating disorders, youth violence, sexualization, family stress, underage alcohol and tobacco use, rampant materialism, and the erosion of children’s creative play, are all exacerbated by advertising and marketing.

Damn! I’ve been blaming my parents and society all these years! I suppose that the only thing left to say now is, “I’m sorry,” and, if your child’s singing, “I like square butts and I cannot lie…” it’s time to head for Burger King.

Jeff Louis is a professional Senior Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Coordinator. His passion is writing, contributing to BMA as well as freelancing. He’d love to hear from you: www.linkedin/in/jefflouis or on twitter @jlo0312.

Post Concedes to Putting the ‘No’ in ‘Innovation’


Post Shredded Wheat, that most generic of cereals, did itself a favor and passed on that most generic of cereal commercials: a shot of mom, dad and the happy kids, pouring cascades of milk onto yielding gobs of grain.

“Little Spicy Mexican” Offends Mexico

Mexico, offended by this Burger King Whopper spot (click on Read More), cites that the world community is given “a bad impression” of the country. The spot, which ran in Spain and Europe, has been pulled by Burger King Corporation, who obviously didn’t get it “Their Way.” Mexico believes the spot portrays Americans as superior to Mexicans, and took exception to, “The taste of Texas with a little spicy Mexican,”

The newspaper La Jornada ran a front-page story under the headline “Denigrating advertising,” and said the ads “show Mexicans as notably inferior to all Americans.”

But an editorial cartoon in another Mexican newspaper, Reforma, showed a short Mexican dressed in a wrestler’s mask holding a hamburger, with the caption “The only thing more insulting than deceptive ads are the ones that expose the truth.” Both professional wrestling and fast food are popular in Mexico.

Mexico, to no one’s surprise, has much to worry about these days. The Mexican government risks collapse at any moment, the country is flat broke, and her people are leaving in record numbers. Not to mention that there were 5612 murders in 2008 resutling from a violent drug war. The drugs in question are being shipped the United States, causing the Obama administration to pledge $700 Million to help Mexico fight the drug cartels.

So, it’s a good thing Mexico’s watching out for their REP; otherwise, we might get the wrong impression…

Jeff Louis is an professional Senior Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Coordinator. His passion is writing, contributing to BMA as well as freelancing. He’d love to hear from you: www.linkedin/in/jefflouis or on twitter @jlo0312.

K-Y Swears It Can Intensify Female Pleasure.


I just showed a Sexually Active Female Friend (SAFF) one of the spots from the latest campaign for K-Y Intense — a product that claims it’s scientifically proven to get girls off harder.

Tacky, Yet Effective


Ad pros groan at the mention of infomercials, yet their continued existence means they pay off. Why not get ahead of the game and add it to your arsenal? Besides, it’s like providing annuities to your favorite stars of the last century.

Paul Hirsch  has been practicing communications since 1983. He now owns his own marketing/pr firm in Northern California. Paul specializes in media relations, marketing collateral, website development and ad design. You can learn more about him on Facebook or by visiting

Norwegian Parkinson’s Association Pokes Fun at, Uh, Parkinson’s.


Rather than focus on fractured families and the slow, tragic waltz toward death, the Norwegian Parkinson’s Association (Norges Parkinsonforbund) decided to add a little jazz to its disease awareness campaign.

They Call Him Dr. Love. And Guess What He’s Drinking!


In the event you thought you could go one day in ad land without a cheap pun, we’re gonna help stop that ludicrous idea right now.

Sprint Gets on the Level with New Palm Pre Ad


@emmanuelvivier of Buzz Paradise drew our glances to the first-ever Sprint ad to feature the delectable Palm Pre.

GM Says America Needs A Comeback?

Hearken back to the days of yore, when America was Built Ford Tough and Chevy had launched what was the start of An American Revolution, became The Heartbeat of America, and grew strong, Like a Rock. At the same time, Buick offered consumers The Spirit of American Style. The cars and the ads were  inspiring…making us want to love America more than we already did. Yep, the good ‘ol days, how we miss ‘em. Thus, it’s fantastic news to hear that GM is gonna bring ‘em back!

Will they be able to pull it off? GM would like us to think so, counting on their new “Total Confidence Plan (TCP),”  announced by several new TV spots meant to inspire America. The TCP provides payment protection if you get laid off ($500/month for up to 9 months), guarantees trade-in value for your vehicle, and also provides a 100,000 mile drive train warranty. The premise behind the spots is that GM is rebuilding from the “ground-up;” but, based on the ouster of former GM CEO Rick Waggoner, it looks like they’ll be using the famous ”top-down” strategy instead.

The spot anouncer starts with: “You know what America needs right now? America needs a comeback…”

No, what America needs right now is for GM to pull their own weight. There are two primary goals in business: 1) Make a profit, and 2) Stay in Business. Very simple. The third thing most pick up along the way: Keep the Government out of your business. Although GM’s restructuring efforts don’t seem to address a single one these items as of yet, it is only fair to give them more time…

(This Announcement was paid for by the Automotive Bailout Package, with funding and support from taxpayers like you.)

‘Hey, Guy, Take a Free PC for Being in Our Ad and Talking About How Special You Are.’


One of the biggest complaints about CP+B’s wacked-out Gates/Seinfeld campaign was that it didn’t really do much to push the product. In fact, it didn’t mention the product at all.

Offensive Ad? You Decide.

Most of us have vices, those haunting addictions or habits that are unhealthy, uncool,  unapproved, against the law, or absurdly annoying. From eating too much red meat to knuckle-cracking, there is something you do that is bad for you. For me, it’s waking up, but I’m trying to stop.

We have habits that offend others, those that offend our bodies, and some that do both. The poster-child for the “both” category has got to be smoking. Not only is it terrible for you, it’s terrible for others, and in many places, against the law. Efforts to get people to stop smoking have ranged from protests and ad campaigns to changing laws and levying huge tax increases.

Personally, I could care a less if you smoke–unless you mean something to me–which most of you don’t. However, if you are a smoker and want to quit, there is a new spot out of Australia that might be able to help. Unfortunately, it has become controversial, aka “offensive,” so use it while you can. Truly powerful television.

Harmony Korine Does Heartstring-Pulling LibMu Spot


Liberty Mutual continues its ongoing Responsibility Project with this :60 ad.

Microsoft Bites Apple

Are you a PC?
Not are you PC, but are you a PC? IE, do you use a PC rather than an Apple? We’ve all been witness to the battle played out over TV, online, and in print…Microsoft vs. Apple, Apple vs. Microsoft. This is no David and Goliath altercation, but the two biggest bullies meeting on the corner to pound the crap out of one another. Yet, deep inside, they realize that they need one another…with most of Apple’s apps available on a PC, and Microsofts’ apps available on Apple, it’s a struggle for dominance where each concedes that the other has some really good qualities.

It’s a wonder they haven’t come together to capitalize on the other’s strengths rather than working to pulverize one another. Some of the strongest unions have been birthed by radically opposing forces: The US and Japan, Tom and Jerry, India and Pakistan, etc.

Microsoft’s newest entry into the foray is comprised of numerous spots, varying in length, of people that are claiming to be “a PC.” Some are cute, some informational, and the others are a bit boring. One of the better ones is Laptop Hunters (seen below).

<a href=";playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:0bb6a07c-c829-4562-8375-49e6693810c7&#038;showPlaylist=true&#038;from=msnvideo" title="Laptop Hunters $1000 – Lauren Gets an HP Pavilion">Video: Laptop Hunters $1000 – Lauren Gets an HP Pavilion</a>

Whether you are Mac or PC doesn’t matter to anyone but you, and the company from which you purchased your computer. So be it. But, why can’t we all just get along?

US Census Counts on Ad Campaign

us-censusbureau-bwsealThe US Census announced this week that it is launching a $250 Million ad campaign aimed at reaching low-income, urban minorities, urging them to fill out 2010 US Census forms. More than half of the dollars will be spent on traditional and social media, and a quarter of the dollars will be devoted to Asian, black, and Hispanic media outlets.

Minorities have been hard to reach, according to, due to “distrust or suspicion of government, leading to a fear that census responses may be used by immigration or law enforcement officials to deport or incarcerate or may disqualify (them) from social welfare programs.”

Well, that kinda makes sense, doesn’t it? If you’re breaking the law, you probably wouldn’t want too much attention drawn to your activities.

It’s estimated that the 2000 Census missed counting 3 million people, so basically we’re spending $83 bucks a missed head to improve accuracy (based on the 2000 estimate).

In a brilliant statement defining what the US Census is all about, Tom Mesenbourg, acting director of the bureau stated; “The primary goal of the census is to count everyone once, only once, and in the right place.” (

But that doesn’t address how the campaign will reach poorly educated, low-income, and disenfranchised people via Social and Traditional media channels. I guess we’d have to start by determining cable and Internet penetration…

‘He Lives Vicariously … Through Himself.’


He once had an awkward moment — just to see how it feels. He can also speak French. In Russian.

Playboy TV (Somewhat Feebly) Aims to Improve on Reality


It’s hard! times! for the world’s most recognizable epicure of biped bunnies.