Heat Celebrates ‘Golf Without Limits’ for EA Sports

Heat recently launched a 30-second online spot for EA Sport’s Rory McIlroy PGA Tour 15 entitled “Shots” which celebrates the game allowing players to take more shots than ever before thanks to enhanced gameplay and no load times between holes.

Set to the LMFAO track “Shots” featuring Lil’ Jon, the spot shows gamers taking shots on a variety of courses both true to life and fantastical. While not explicitly addressing the game changes, the ad makes it clear that the franchise is making an attempt to appeal to more casual golf fans. Voiceover near the end of the spots tells viewers, “Play any way you want,” followed by the text “Golf without limits.” Of course, that song selection in itself, beyond being a pun somebody working on the spot couldn’t resist, also attests to the fact that Heat are targeting a broader audience for EA Sports, attempting to appeal to gamers who normally wouldn’t pick up a golf simulation. Of course by doing so, they risk alienating longtime fans, something they attempt to address by opening with more traditional shots before showing the wilder side of the game. The game is slated for a July 14 release, a handful of days before the beginning of the U.S. Open, which Rory McIlroy will miss this year with an ankle injury.


Chairman/Executive Creative Director:  Steve Stone
Creative Directors: Anna Rowland & Warren Cockrel
Art Director: Jenna Moeller
Copywriter: Will Knox
Executive Content Producer: Brian Coate
Business Affairs: Julie Petruzzo
Content Producer: Kami Shallenberger
Account Director: JT Pierce
Account Manger: Kevin John
Assistant Account Manger: Molly Reynolds
Editorial Company: Freelance
Editor: Nikki Winig
Assistant Editor: Dustin Leary
Conform/Color/Finish: Beast, San Francisco
Producer:  Tracy Coleman
Colorist: Dave Burghardt
Audio Facility: One Union Recording, San Francisco
Engineer: Joaby Deal
Producer: Lauren Mask
Music Track: “Shots”
Artist: LMFAO featuring Lil John

New York – One Sec Shots

Basés à San Francisco Sunset District Pictures a passé 12 jours à New York, emportant avec eux leur Canon 7D pour pouvoir filmer tous les moments marquants de leur voyage. En ne gardant que des séquences d’une seconde montées ensuite avec talent, le résultat permet de s’imprégner de l’ambiance de cette ville si unique.

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NYC - One Sec Shots2
NYC - One Sec Shots1
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Point of View Shots

Kogonada est un passionné de la série américaine Breaking Bad. Il a décidé de monter cette vidéo reprenant des prises de vues – POV – faites depuis des objets inanimés tels qu’une machine à laver ou encore une piscine. Un rendu très réussi sur la musique Move de Jonathan Elias.

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Point of View Shots 6
Point of View Shots 4
Point of View Shots 2
Point of View Shots 3

One more shot? / Coup pour coup!

Pampero Against Drunk Driving  – 2005
“Driving loaded kills”
Source : Cannes Archive Online,
Agency : Leo Burnett (Italy)
Russian Ice “best shot ever” – 2009
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : Yirmiyedi Istanbul (Turkey)
Un coup pour rien? D’autant que l’utilisation du barillet était plus judicieuse dans la 1ere, ou le message est plus subtil et plus engagé.