Horror Genre Informs Latest Wix Web Creation Campaign
Posted in: UncategorizedWhile its recent TV spots have been fairly benign and dare we say, sappy, Wix, the brand that lets people build websites for free takes a detour with its latest ad above, which is inspired by of all things, horror films. Case in point, the opening moments recall Drew Barrymore’s classic opening sequence in Scream and is soon followed by the sounds of chainsaws, a Paranormal Activity-like sequence and more. Of course, the overall subject matter of the ad is a girl’s fear of building her own website about, uh, cupcakes. The never-ending screaming can get somewhat grating as the spot progresses, but us horror fans can appreciate the little wink at the genre, even if the minute-long effort is somewhat corny. Of course, one can only wonder how the spot would turn out if Rob Zombie put his imprint on it like he did with that somewhat creepy Woolite ad from a few years ago. Ah well, can’t win ’em all. Credits after the jump.
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