HP Advanced Photo Paper “Ripped Exit” – ambient/outdoor

When I first saw this I swear I let a little “How the f… did they do that?” and so, for once, the little photos showing how it’s was done were necessary. Now all I want to know is where the heck they’ve been hiding those swiss alps looking quaint towns in Malaysia. This clever little “exit” standee thing seems to have gone on a world tour. Jammy bastard.

Advertising Agency: Publicis Malaysia
Executive Creative Director: Andy Soong, Lisa Ng
Art Director: Chong Khong Lum, Hong Xiao Yeen, Ooi Toe Lee
Copywriter: Teh Le Vin, Lisa Ng, Andy Soong
Photographer: Chee Wai

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The Economist new campaign – bringing back the visual.

AMV BBDO London has launched a new branding campaign for the economist, and with it they bring back the visual. And not just any visual,s they’ve gotten a hold of Paul Davis, Anthony Burrill and Design team Non Format (who did the “Balance” ad you see here) to lend a hand.




Mark Fairbanks and Tim Riley were the writers on this project, together with Paul Cohen Art Director and Paul Brazier is the Executive Creative Director.




I love it, especially the “Balance” poster, my fave.






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Vegemite makes you shoot cricket balls straight out of the field, ambient Australia

JWT Melbourne, Australia has done this little ambient stunt for Vegemite – the stuff that like Marmite you’ll either love or hate. Like most foods that have an acquired taste, Vegemite is really good for you, in fact it’s rich in Vitamin B and a great source of natural energy. To highlight this JWT put these tricky stickers on cars around the Melbourne Cricket Ground, making it appear as if cricket balls had been shot straight off the field and into car windows. Who wants to bet the car owners got really pissed off when they first saw it?
Kudos: Richard Muntz (Creative Director), Scott Glennon (Copywriter) and Jason Ryan (Art Director)







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The Secret Diary of a Call Girl, outdoor billboards with skirt

More from New Zealand. DRAFTFCB in Auckland has also done outdoor posters for the Secret Diary of a Call Girl to go with their print campaign

and when the wind comes… (outside wind! Not hers! Hehe.)

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The Economist – Red Hotels – (poster) Singapore

From Ogilvy & Mather Singapore comes this poster for The Economist. Look closer. Yep. Teeny little Monopoly hotels.

Executive creative director: Todd McCracken
Copywriter: Troy Lim
Art Director: Ashidiq Ghazali
Photgrapher: Uan

Secret Diary of a Call Girl knows that sex sells, but is discreet

Over at DRAFTFCB Auckland, New Zealand they probably jumped for joy when they got the “Secret Diary..” brief, as we all know that sex sells and now they could do really sexy stuff. But like really classy callgirls they go all discreet and the ads looks more like fashion spreads than anything, until you inspect them just a little closer that is.

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Sominex – Knockout (2008) Print (USA)

Publicis – Dallas created this Knockout campaign for Sominex sleep aid featuring Boxing Glove, Mallet and Frying Pan.

The brand has been around for decades and has a loyal customer base, but hadn’t advertised in years. Maker GlaxoSmithKline wanted to increase sales by introducing the brand to a new generation of users who have never heard of the product. The campaign approach uses visually arresting images to dramatize the product’s reliability – this stuff knocks you out.

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AT&T – India/China/Japan (2008) Print (USA)

To promote AT&T’s international wireless coverage, BBDO New York created print and outdoor featuring painted hands which resemble iconic elements of different countries such as elephants for India, the Great Wall for China and Geisha girls for Japan. The ads are currently running in airports around the US and in travel/leisure, business and in-flight magazines.

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Grand Marnier – Win A Trip To Paris (2008) Print (USA)

Grand Marnier is a bit late to the “user-generated contest” party, but at least they’re fashionably late. Create their next ad and you could win a trip to Paris and other gimme, gimme, gimme prizes. But wait! This is really a contest for copywriters because you change the art direction or layout of their current ad.

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Acura TSX campaign overuses the word Luxury.

Careful kids, you might wear that word out. Now for the press release:

A fully integrated national advertising campaign for the all-new Acura TSX began on April 20. The strategy for the campaign developed by Acura and RPA, a leading independent advertising agency based on the West Coast, is to build excitement for the launch of the all-new Acura TSX by accentuating the vehicle’s sophisticated look and exhilarating performance, thus demonstrating “A New Generation Has Arrived.”

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Olympus Binoculars – Closer – (print) Australia

I’m not sure if JWT Sydney is telling me that the items viewed through Olympus Binoculars come a lot closer, or that Olympus Binoculars are magical animal magnets that suck the critters in. Either way, funny images.

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McDonalds’s – Giant Puzzle – Get your head straight – Stockholm, Outdoor

DDB in Stockhoolm are at it again, this time creating an oversized “push puzzle” outdoor poster that only people who’ve had a decent amount of coffee can solve. (actually the poster is located inside, at the central train station.)

Executive Creative Director: Andreas Dahlqvist
Art Director: Simon Higby
Copywriter: Martin Lundgren
Art Director: Viktor Arve

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Mr Clean / Maestro Limpio – Shine – Billboards, Argentina

Grey Buenos Aires has had some fun with the double billboards promoting the shiny floors you get when using Mr Clean.

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El Tesoro – Fermentation/Jimadores/Tahona (2008) Print (USA)

El Tesoro tequila considers itself one of the last truly authentic tequilas because it is crafted completely by hand using the same traditional methods that were used back in 1937. This print campaign via Publicis Mid America, Dallas, shows how this process hasn’t changed in over 70 years by using vintage photographs of workers in 1937 working in the same manner as their modern day counterparts.


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Band Aid Waterblock Tough Strips – Snitch & wire.

Tough (and sweaty) situations call for a tough strip. JWT Sydney went undercover to shoot this ad with photographer Simon Harsent.

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Save The Children Romania – Ioanna, 9 years older a.k.a Mascara tears

Beautiful portrait, and that’s all I have to say about that. If you can’t see what’s going on, click on the image for the art director-size to drool over. 😉


Client: Save The Children Romania
Agency :Saatchi&Saatchi Bucharest

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Mercedes Benz wants to stop traffic – long copy billboard.

Not sure what to make of this exactly, does Mercedes Benz want to kill their customers by whiplash, or are traffic jams so common where this billboard exists that there is simply nothing else to do but ponder their copy? Either way Colenso BBDO, Auckland decided to get all philosophical on a billboard in New Zealand when launching their new Mercedes-Benz campaign. Fascinating. 😉

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Has your third nipple lost its charm? Cannes young lions competition.

King James in Cape Town, South Africa, have amused themselves while making this campaign call for entires for the 2008 South African Young Lions.

Headline on post blatantly stolen from Claymore who once wrote a rejected ad with that line. It’s featured in Zeldman’s ad graveyard but the image (seen at archive.org) is currently missing.

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Pay Gap – women are worth exactly half as much as men.

Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann, Vienna sends us this note with some..uh… notes. Using bank notes in advertising never made this much sense before.

Women are severely discriminated when it comes to their income. The worldwide
avarage income of a woman is still more than 40% less than the avarage income of a
man. Many banknotes with a female portrait are worth 50% less than banknotes with a
male portrait. This perfectly reflects the discriminating situation of women in the

See ads inside.

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Child Protection Foundation of Thailand – “branded for life” – print ads

Disturbing graphics in these ads from Creative Juice\G1 in Bangkok for the Child Protection Foundation of Thailand. Cringe inside.

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