I’m not a fan of pre-roll. No one is. Nevertheless, if you’re going to go there, you need to understand what works while you’re holding people hostage. To promote their Taco Sub—the first sub ever to make a distinguished sound when you eat it—Subway Norway and McCann Stockholm built a narrative around “Good cracks vs. […]
Skipping is for school children and web surfers. Be that as it may, you’re not going to skip this pre-roll advertising from GEICO. I don’t know about you, but I’m disrupted. Nice work, The Martin Agency.
Everyone who's ever tried to watch a video on the Internet knows that pre-roll ads are generally annoying. The Burger King marketing team also knows this. But marketers always want to have their cake and eat it, too. So New Zealand agency Colenso BBDO created dozens of variations on a pre-roll ad featuring a couple of bros making fun of pre-roll ads.
Each spot is themed to match the video that viewers are attempting to watch, and the actors groan in sympathy about having to endure yet another pre-roll ad. So, they consist, more or less, of a couple of guys saying "Oh, sorry guy, were you trying to watch that? Burgers!"
The case study video fulfills its reason for being by exaggerating the effects of the campaign, saying the ads turned "the worst thing on the internet" into "lolz." Credit to BK and the Auckland agency for making the best of a bad thing. It's clever, and viewers will probably find it worthy of a chuckle the first time around. That said, acknowledging you're an interloper doesn't really excuse it.
Heads-up for those at work: Mildly NSFW language at the beginning.
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