RIP George Carlin


The Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television got him arrested and made him an Icon. Carlin knew the power of language. The "Stuff" routine can still make me laugh out loud. Thanks for the laughs, sir.

Sometimes we’re dorky. Okay, most times.

A few of us here at American Copwriter love the show Battlestar Galactica. Love it. A whole fracking lot. We like the show so much that we’ve created a blog ( to help discern who the final Cylon is. We’ll post some theories and break each one down with pros and cons. We’ll even toss in odds for each one. Yes, it sounds extremely nerdy, but it’s fun for us geeks.

There’s a submission form on the page where you can send in your own guesses. We’ll probably even publish a few of them, too. Check it out and tell us what you think.

Mentos & Diet Coke Booby Trap

I’ve been cheating on Diet Coke with another soda lately (the worst one you can imagine) and feel just awful about it. With the amount of DC I go through, I am sure the Coca-Cola company has noticed. To make up for some of my lost volume, some of you might consider this shenanigan.

Thanks to Paul Jarret.

Bushnell: A million bucks for a Bigfoot.

Coonhog1_2Bushnell makes all kinds of yummy optics and cool electronic gadgets. From binocs, to laser range finders to GPS units to scopes to trail cameras. You know what a trail camera is don’t you? You attach it to a tree somewhere deep in the forest and it waits patiently until it senses movement. Then it clicks off a few frames. The idea is to photograph nature without all that human intervention stuff. Sometimes the results are pretty interesting. Like the photo of the raccoon who decided to take a ride on the back of the boar.

Now comes the report that Bushnell seems to be preparing to offer a cool million to the first person who can capture indisputable proof of the Sasquatch with one of their trail cameras. As noted, the Sasquatch is an advertising favorite and probably deserves a spot here.

In any case, a tip of the hat to our friends at Bushnell. The promotion is coming soon. The buzz is starting now.


R.I.P. Harvey Korman

Too many of these this week. Here’s to you Mr. Korman. Thanks for the laughs.

Sidenote: There’s a "thing" in theatre about "breaking character." Sure, Conway is chewing the scenery here. But the real laughs come from Korman going ahead and laughing at him. Korman knew exactly what he was doing.

MySpace. The next “Fucking Merlot.”

It’s sad when the shunning starts. Funny interpretation of Internet brands as your friends and neighbors.

Spotted at the one and only Dear Jane Sample.

Macs and creativity on multiple levels

Tip o’ the hat to Wegerer.

Marshall, Will and Holly!


Will Ferrel meets Land of the Lost! Pop culture worlds colliding. Delicious.

$5 dolla footlooooooooongs.

I want to tell you that I don’t like it. That its lack of high concept makes me wince. That it utilizes a jingle. But I can’t. I just can’t. Dammit, I like the the $5 footlong spots. There I said it. And I am not ashamed. Much.

Oh,Lincoln likes them, too. Wonder what Jared thinks?

Fuck Hungry Man.

A movie can improve your life. Seriously.

The Mañata?

It’s amazing what kind of team TBWA and MJZ make. Or, maybe what’s more amazing is the campaign they’re putting together for Skittles. More tasty goodness from them:


Find more videos like this on AdGabber

Gotta Love Those Hitler Metaphors

I usually tire of the YouTube videos friends send me, but this one is pretty damn good. I’d say it’s pretty tough to use Hitler in a funny way, so kudos to whoever made this.

Will Ferrell smells like a turtle cage.


Will Ferrell + Old Spice + Semi-Pro Co-brand + user participation = pretty fuckin’ awesome. Check it. You really gotta hand it Old Spice and WK. This is one helluva brand renovation that’s underway. Irrelevant and cheesy to irreverent and, gulp, potentially cool. One can almost drop Old Spice in the shopping cart without shame.

Irene Done speaks for the nation.

When the lady is right, the lady is right. God bless Irene for speaking the truth.