Impressive Photos of Baby Animals

Pour un documentaire appelé « Extraordinary Animals in the Womb », le producteur Peter Chinn de la chaîne National Geographic a utilisé des scanners à ultrasons et des minuscules caméras pour capturer toutes sortes de bébés animaux dans l’utérus. Des débuts de vie animale à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.





Requin tigre.

Ours polaire.





Requin Ctron.

12 Requin Citron
11 Puppy
9 Puppy
8 Ours Polaire
7 Requin Tigre
10 puppy
6 Serpent
5 Penguin
4 Guépard
3 Elephant
1 Chihuahua
2 Dauphin

Polar bear looking like ice floe / Ça jette un froid?

Click here to view the embedded video.

Greenpeace Switzerland – 2009
Source : Edi Award “special prize”
Agency : Spinas CH (Switzerland)
Greenpeace Turkey  – 2012
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : Memac Ogilvy & Mather Dubaï (UAE)

Plane Stupid : Polar Bear

Une nouvelle campagne impactante après le spot Quercus autour du sujet du changement climatique. “Votre vol a un impact” a été imaginé et commandité par l’agence de création Mother London, sur une production de Rattling Stick. Le tout dirigé par le réalisateur Daniel Kleinman.


Explications du spot : “Nous avons un problème. Nous volons trop, et cela change le climat de la Terre. L’aviation est la cause de la plus forte croissance du changement climatique. Mais au lieu de faire quelque chose à ce sujet, le gouvernement prévoit plus de vols et de grands aéroports.”

Previously on Fubiz

Losing Money to Keep Relationships

partnerI am going to use an example involving polar bears to start out this conversation on agency/client relationships. It may seem like non-converging subjects, but it will come around.

I like polar bears. I don’t want to own one or anything, and I’m not part of the PETA-Elite, but as bears go, they seem like simple animals to me… and I like simple. For example, we have documented evidence that polar bears attack and kill humans. My simple advice? Steer clear of polar bears, even the ones at the the zoo.

PolarBearAttackYet, polar bears are an endangered species. Thus, there are organizations fighting for their survival. Noah Wyle, an actor from the TV show ER, is the World Wildlife Foundation’s spokesperson for the “Save the Polar Bear” campaign. The advertising spot began in December 2008.

Unfortunately, every time I see the commercial, I say to myself, “I can’t believe they’re asking for money at a time when people are losing their homes.”

Yes, it pisses me off. Polar Bears won’t be receiving a check from Jeff Louis very soon. The vital point is that I have now formed a negative brand association with the WWF subconsciously, even though it has done nothing wrong.

I also wonder why the responsible agency hasn’t had the foresight to mention the possible negative aspects of asking for money in our current economic climate. Even if the spots are free of charge (PSAs), is the WWF willing to risk its brand for the sake of a single message? The polar bear’s won’t be extinct tomorrow… why not hold off a bit until things improve?

This is the point where client/agency relationships are defined. Is your agency a true partner, or is it simply a paid service provider?

Think about the differences for a second:

  • A partner has a vested interest in the relationship — its success stems from the success of those it serves
  • A service provider conducts business by taking orders and providing service — its success is based on $$
  • A partner would rather keep a relationship than commissions from a TV spot
  • A service provider is interested in the bottom line; there are other fish in the sea
  • A partner would say, “The economic climate has changed. I think we should reevaluate.”
  • A service provider would never voice that thought

True partnerships are forged by a mutual commitment to honest, often merciless assessment of what is best for the brand and the business, even if it means losing a few dollars along the way.

Jeff Louis: Strategic Media Planner, Brand Project Manager, Writer & Blogger. Unlike the other bloggers/writers for Talent Zoo, Jeff Louis is both cute and nice. Contact him on Twitter @jlo0312. Just kidding about the nice part.