Because We All Need a Little Gay in Our Day


If you love Daily Candy but can’t get it to jive with your Y chromosome, maybe it’s time to subscribe to Gay List Daily.

The Guild Wins Best Series at YouTube Video Awards


The Guild, an online show written by MMOG gamers for MMOG gamers, got some love at the YouTube Video Awards.

Scion Doesn’t Just Speak; It Speaks for You


In keeping with Scion’s build-your-own identity, StrawberryFrog launched Scion Speak, where you can create a Scion crest.

Pen Power Used to Market Wacom


Witness The Power of the Pens, the last leg of an email marketing campaign for Wacom by eROI. Wacom makes pen tablets and interactive displays for inputting graphics into computers.

Lovable Loser Challenges Celebrities for Cozy Cotton Underpants


With money to burn from Hanes, a scruffy guy called Dave — who’s clearly approaching midlife with misgivings — is challenging celebrities to games like Rock Paper Scissors or wrestling. (Somewhat more entertaining than watching Sarah Chalke moan off a wedgie.)

Quarterlifer Angst, Alicia Keys, Used to Sell Deodorant


Dove is using the (apparently) drama-rich life of Alicia Keys to appeal to women in their 20s. Dove Go Fresh and MTV give you “Fresh Takes,” a heavily promoted series about three girlfriends figuring shit out while looking pretty (an acquired skill).

Under Armour Goes Pink, Allegedly for Breast Cancer, But Really for the XX Vote


Under Armour is looking for three women to become the faces of its 2008 Power in Pink effort. In addition to using their faces to inspire others, Under Armour will also share their stories of courage and survival from breast cancer.

Stressed About College Funds — or Just Your College Kid? Shoot Both Into Orbit


NorthWestern has expanded — or further limited, depending on your viewpoint — its Wreck Your Worries campaign. On Let Your Worries Go, you can select from a set of personified worries and shoot them into orbit, launch them into the sky, propel them over land, or bury them underwater.

‘Out of Reach’ Stimulates Greed Factor for Scion tC


Ooh, ooh. More online executional madness for the limited-edition Scion tC in Galactic Gray. (Only 2300 available! Get your booster bait before it’s gone.)

Sony Walkman: Komiks

Sony Walkman: Komiks

Check it out, create your own comics:

Advertising Agency: Blueberry Group, Warsaw, Poland
Creative Director: Michał Lorenc
Art Director: Artur Hilger
Copywriter: Michał Lorenc/Piotr Mach
Illustrator: Artur Hilger
Project Management: Piotr Mach, Michał Lorenc
Released: March 2008

Has Eric Schmidt lost his mind?

Has Eric Schmidt lost his mind? – March 18, 2008

Or is the Google CEO crazy like a fox? He certainly has been talking some crazy smack lately about Microsoft’s proposed acquisition of Yahoo, as in this recent exchange in Portfolio.

Why does a merged Microsoft-Yahoo pose such a threat to Google
It’s an unstable situation. But the theoretical issue is the concentration of Microsoft’s resources and its history, combined with the very large share that it would have in certain applications—like instant messaging and email—that could be used essentially to break the internet and diminish choice.

Break the internet?
All internet-based systems today are highly interoperable, open systems. The whole antitrust trial that Microsoft went through was really about it breaking that.


Or this one from Reuters:

“We would hope that anything [MicroHoo] did would be consistent with the openness of the Internet, but I doubt it would be.”

Schmidt pointed to Microsoft’s past history and “the things that it has done that have been so difficult for everyone”, but he did not elaborate.

Given that the Internet is in the process of breaking Microsoft’s long dominance of desk-top computing, it’s hard to imagine anything it could do at this point that would “break” the Internet.

And Schmidt (a 2007 ContentAgenda Setter) can’t be serious about email and instant messaging. Given the overwhelming importance of search to the Internet ecosystem–which is overwhelmingly dominated by Google–even if MicroHoo did achieve dominance over email and IM, those applications would not give it anywhere near the leverage Google derives from its dominance of search.

And therein, perhaps, lies the secret of Schmidt’s foxy misdirection. Perhaps, by focusing regulators’ attention on Microsoft and its past misdeeds, Schmidt hopes they won’t notice Google’s own growing dominance of the Internet economy.

OK, that’s probably a stretch. But the fact is, search has become the operating system of the Internet, the basic tool that allows people to “use” the Internet. And Google’s dominance of search gives it a position within the overall Internet economy not all that dissimilar to Microsoft’s role in the desktop computing economy a decade ago, when it’s Windows monopoly ruled the computing world.

Just as any application developer then was dependent on Windows compatibility and Windows APIs to be economically viable–and was ultimately vulnerable to me-too competition from Microsoft itself–anyone publishing content on the Web today is dependent on Google and other search engines. If Google can’t find your Web site, or doesn’t assign it a high enough index score, you might as well not be on the Web because search drives the traffic you need to monetize your content.

You can have the most compelling content in the world, just as a decade ago you could write the most compelling application anyone could imagine. But if they aren’t “compatible” with the dominant user interface you can’t build a business on it.

Publishers like Content Agenda’s parent company Reed Business Information, for instance, have whole departments dedicated to making sure its content is “compatible” with the dominant search engine. Economically, it acts like a tax on Web publishers, just as Microsoft’s dominance of the PC OS market acted like a tax on applications developers and PC OEMs, and it places the same sort of constraints on the types of applications that can be developed.

That doesn’t at all mean the Google will necessarily behave as Microsoft did in abusing its OS monopoly. But if I were a regulator concerned with the future economic development of the Internet, I’d be paying at least as much attention to what Google is up to as to Microsoft, with or without Yahoo.

Modernista Entrusts Identity to Able Hands of Internet


For its latest site redesign, Modernista tossed caution to the winds. It did away with elaborate imagery, hype-laced content and the notion of using a website at all.

Now, users that run a search for Modernista — and that click on the link to — will be redirected to the search engine they used.

McDonald’s Happy Meals Go Digital!


In conjunction with Fuel Industries, McDonald’s Europe is launching digital “toys” for Happy Meals through April and May.

24 Mini-Sodes Used to Hawk Manly Man Deodorant

24-online.jpg’s hosting a sweat-inducing six-part mini-series based on 24. But that’s not all it’s serving up. Try balance. And freshness. It’s Degree Absolute Protection.

JellyBeats: The Musical Meme that Should Really Be a Snack Food


Check out the JellyBeats, which are like jellyfish you can alternately identify with and fantasize about eating. Each is themed with a genre of music (folk, easy listening, acid house — wouldn’t it have been funny if that whistle was a pacifier?) and comes equipped with its own playlist.

Because Get-Togethers, Shindigs and Casual Encounters are SO craigslist.


For interior design site mydeco, TAMBA put together a swanky Facebook app for all the users that are getting too old to cash in on their .edu cachet.

Warriors Unite Against Dance Factions. Blame MTV.


Imagine The Warriors took place in Manhattan. But replace all those vicious gangs with refugees from Flashdance.

Penny Denialer Makes Solo Debut on Sweetspot and Elsewhere


Penny Denialer, the well-preserved materfamilias of Mackenzie Investments’ “Denialers” campaign, began appearing in rich media ads on popular Canadian websites last week.

Ricoh Printers: Get a better worker

Ricoh Printers: Get a better worker

Check out the site:
This site is part of the get a better worker campaign for Ricoh printers. It features a range of comical employee candidates that highlight the difference between your average office worker and a Ricoh printer.

Advertising Agency: RazorJunior Sydney, Australia
Creative Director: Josh Moore
Art Director: Josh Moore
Copywriter: Nigel Clark
Interactive Agency: RESN
Released: February 2008

UGC Can Reinforce Existing Brand Messages? Yes, Says Dove


According to Collective Intellect, which tracked the brand lift before and after the Academy Awards, Dove outdid 10 other major advertisers, elevating its position 500 percent with pre-show buzz.