DDB Brussels Attempts to Stop People from Googling Medical Symptoms

Belgium’s Flemish government recently commissioned DDB Brussels to come up with a way to get people to stop googling their medical symptoms, leading to myriad, and potentially harmful, (self) misdiagnoses.

The agency came up with a pretty intriguing solution, buying Google Adwords for the top 100 searched symptoms and directing searchers to the Gezondheid en Wetenschap (Health and Science) website through a message stating, “Don’t Google it, check a reliable source.” They also made a promotional clip (featured above) for the campaign, introducing the issue of the perils of self-diagnosing via Google search. “I have a deadly disease, and I’m going to die in six weeks,” says a man with a solemn expression on his face. Suddenly, though, his expression relaxes and he adds, “Or at least that’s what I thought when I used Google to diagnose my twitching eyelid.” It’s a good way to get your attention, using the most dire of scenarios to draw attention to the ineffectiveness of using a tool like Google for self diagnosis, as 75 percent of the population does. Since, on the Internet, “anyone can be a doctor,” the video states, you’re likely to find the wrong solution, which can potentially make things worse (as it illustrates through comic exaggeration). It’s a clever campaign, and by placing the information in the right place at the right time, DDB Brussels just may help change people’s behavior. (more…)

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W+K, 180LA Invite the World to Rio for Coke and Pepsi

The 2014 World Cup is coming to every continent but Westeros–and W+K Sao Paulo would like to remind us, on behalf of client Coca-Cola, what an international event it will be with the “One World, One Game” campaign.

The first spot in Coke’s “largest-ever marketing campaign” series is a global tour of  its latest “corporate social responsibility” project.

The company’s press release reassures skeptics: it surprised team members who “thought they were being filmed for a Coke documentary” with complimentary tickets to Rio, where they’ll “carry the national team flags onto the pitch during the Germany vs. Portugal match.”

We might point out that they were being filmed for a Coke documentary series, but we’re not quite that cynical.

Further chapters flesh out the local teams’ stories.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Milow – We Must Be Crazy

Voici le clip officiel de « We must be crazy » du chanteur-compositeur-interprète Milow réalisé par Norman Bates. Une réalisation touchant l’émotionnelle de l’humain, plus particulièrement d’un couple essayant d’avoir un enfant accompagné d’une musique sympa, à découvrir en photos et vidéo.


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