New Balance 365 free iPhone application
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Advertiser: New Balance
You can download this free iphone app here.
Advertiser: New Balance
Have you ever dreamed about driving a Tuk Tuk in China?
Thanks to this free iPhone app from Tiger Beer you can now drive a Tuk Tuk in China and discover what is the meaning of Chinese New Year in the Year of the Tiger in the Chinese calendar!
The game called Tuk Tuk challenge where you[…]
Recession may be upon us but that doesn’t seem like it will affect the mobile internet industry as survey in the European and U.S. market. In fact, a dramatic growth is seen to occur, as the consumers intend to dramatically increase use of mobile data services over the next two years — with a significant ramp-up in the next 12 months.
The Tellabs-commissioned survey shows that up to 71% of consumers anticipate daily use of services such as mobile Internet. Yet mobile users continue to raise concerns about cost, speed and quality of service.
“More significantly, according to the research more than a quarter of the millions of consumers who do not use mobile data services today intend to start using them shortly,” said Jesse Goranson, senior vice president of Mobile Media, The Nielsen Company. “By delving deeper into consumer intent, the Tellabs survey comes just in time as the industry debates demand for services and capital requirements at MWC.”
(Source) Press
During these times of recession, you can expect the so-called experts to be on the hot seat. For one, their actual efficiency on business analytics will be put to the test and Intec is certainly one global company that is caught in this mix, being looked up by the mobile industry to improve the market saturation today.
“Given current economic uncertainties around the globe, operators are looking for high-performing solutions that will deliver rapid ROI and enhanced customer satisfaction,” commented Andrew Taylor, CEO of Intec. “Intec’s OSS and BSS solutions have proven track records in more than 70 of the globe’s top 100 network operators, and we’re delighted that both established operators and new market entrants continue to see the value in our highly relevant, cutting-edge technologies.”
With Intec’s mediation solution, Exatel, Novotel and Celcom will gain full convergent mediation capabilities thereby enabling the rapid deployment of new services and their respective ability to secure market growth.
With proven ability to handle the highest levels of traffic and multi-party settlement with a variety of third party providers, Intec’s InterconnecT addresses the needs of dynamic operators dealing with both traditional and next generation products and services.
As well as preventing revenue leakage and securing increased revenue streams, InterconnecT delivers rapid ROI, within a minimal time-frame, on one fully flexible and scalable platform.
(Source) Press