Brian Edward Miller

Brian Edward Miller propose des illustrations d’un rendu impressionnant. Réunissant ses œuvres sous le « Orlin Culture Shop », l’artiste américain démontre sa maîtrise parfaite du dessin et de la mise en couleurs. Des créations splendides à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.

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Its Miller Time! by DDB Mudra Bangalore

Advertising Agency: DDB Mudra, Bangalore, India
Executive Creative Director: Vipul Thakkar
Creative Directors: Deepak Singh, Saurabh Doke
Art Director: Aneesh
Copywriter: Ram
Illustrator: Aneesh
Photographer: Radhakrishnan


Blogs: the newest weapon on the corporate battlefield

The Wall Street Journal had a pretty fascinating story today that I’d only heard bits and pieces of before. The story basically details how former AdAge reporter James Arndorfer is writing for the Miller Brewing Company-owned blog, “Brew Blog,” where one of the primary topics of interest is Anheuser-Busch news. He’s continuously breaking stories on A-B, which is getting under the St. Louis brewing company’s skin.

While A-B and Miller have been battling for years, the internet and the blogosphere have opened up new and creative doors through which the battle can rage on. Miller sponsoring a blog that paints A-B in a lesser light is certainly a non-traditional tactic, but interesting that such importance is being placed on internet sites. Something worth considering as the internet continues to grow.

And despite working on several A-B accounts in the past, I have to say that I’m fairly intrigued by the whole Miller-backed-blog and the way it’s playing out. I’m also eagerly anticipating more corporate tactical use of blogs in the future. Seems ripe with possibilities. Anyway, check out the WSJ article for more details and analysis.