Evian – We’re all babies inside

Dans la continuité de la campagne TV Evian Live Young, voici cette déclinaison d’affiches prints conçues par l’agence BETC Euro RSCG sur un shooting de la photographe Nathaniel Goldberg. La saga des bébés reprend forme sur ces tee-shirts portés par 5 ambassadeurs.






Previously on Fubiz

Does Weird Work?

Cadbury Eyebrow DanceIf you’re anything like me, you love YouTube. Maybe “love” isn’t a strong enough word. Alright, I admit it. I’m obsessed with YouTube – I could watch it all day long. Why? Aside from the astounding variety of content, I’m fascinated with the originality of the material – especially as it pertains to advertising.

My latest obsession is a relatively new spot from Cadbury, which is divinely awesome because of its sheer weirdness. A glass and a half full of joy, indeed. This spot makes absolutely no mention of the product, but I love it anyway and if loving the spot is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

Evian babiesI’m also intrigued by the “Live Young” campaign from Evian. This spot features onesie-clad babies grooving on skates and doing rail slides to “Rapper’s Delight.” Alright, Evian, I get the hint – drinking your product makes you feel young – but I still think those babies are kind of creepy.

So, what’s the deal? Are spots focused on the Internet being made purely for the creative joy of it? Are we trying to capture the imagination (and eventual cash flow) of the beaten-down consumer? Or have “the rules” completely gone out the window?

Sara Barton is a copywriter, social media strategist, and avid blogger who is in search of her next opportunity. Contact her via Twitter, LinkedIn, or her blog.