W+K Portland Unveils ‘Join Together’ Follow-Up Called, Yes, ‘Separate Together’

Last month, W+K Portland launched the “Be Moved” brand campaign for Sony with the broadcast spot “Join Together.” Yesterday, W+K revealed the follow-up, the four minute (and change) documentary, “Separate Together.”

“Separate Together” brings together Bruce Zaccagnino, the creator of Northlandz, the world’s largest model railroad located in Flemington, New Jersey, and Matt Albanese, a photographer who specializes in miniatures. The documentary takes place within Northlandz’s “52,000 square foot exhibit space featuring dozens of tiny towns, three-story papier-mâché mountains and hundreds of toy trains snaking through a warren of tunnels, past tiny windmills and over bridges made from thousands of toothpicks.” Albanese captures Northlandz in a unique way, utilizing the Sony QX100′s ability to fit into tight spaces to capture unique shots that wouldn’t have been possible with other cameras. It’s a great way to show off the QX100′s unique capabilities in fun, charming way.

The documentary is accompanied by an experience site which lets you explore Northlands from the unique vantage points available with the QX100, letting viewers zoom in on different areas and take their own shots, which they can then share on social media. It’s a great extension, and a fun way to explore the charm of Norhtlandz without having to make the schlep to Jersey. Stick around for credits and “Join Together” after the jump. continued…

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Jell-O, CP+B Give Young Boy an Unfortunate Comb Over

Men with comb overs look hapless. Little boys with comb overs look creepy. To see the difference, please watch the latest Jell-O television spot, appropriately titled “Comb Over.”

In the forty-five-second ad built by CP+B, a balding father whose depressing life resembles a deflated balloon schools his son on the importance of the little things, like a cup of Jell-O pudding. In turn, we see some surreal daydream where the son, still about six years old, goes through a day in the father’s life, only now he has a giant cone head and a comb over. If you ever wanted to know what the male offspring of Lord Voldemort and Francis Dolarhyde (Manhunter version, not Red Dragon) would look like, here you go. Is that not the definition of creepy, a little boy who somehow resembles two fictional psychopaths all because of a comb over? Still, the commercial’s surrealist twist manages to make it stand out in an otherwise standard concept. It’s almost sweet, if not for the whole hapless/depressing/pitying reaction that comes along with comb overs.

Credits after the jump.


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