Ogilvy Goes Retro for American Express

Ogilvy takes a look back at American Express’ past in a new spot entitled “Retrospective,” which promotes the brand’s introduction of Apple Pay. The 30-second spot ran last night during AMC’s premiere of The Walking Dead and will also run during the NBA All Star Game on TNT next week.

“Retrospective” takes the form of a clip show, featuring past American Express ads, before finally looking ahead to Apple Pay integration at the conclusion of the ad. Among the memorable moments from the brand’s advertising history are appearances from Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Henson, Jesse Owens and Tina Fey. When the spot finally makes the transition to a man using Apple Pay at a store, it is accompanied by the message, “American Express’ timeless safety and security are now available on Apple Pay.”

With competitors like Chase, MasterCard and Capitol One all touting Apple Pay integration for months, it was only a matter of time before American Express joined the party. Allison Silver, vice president, marketing marketing at American Express explained to AdAge that the delay was due to the brand focusing efforts late last year on Small Business Saturday. “We thought it made more sense to stagger those messages,” she said, adding, “Apple Pay is certainly a priority message for us this year.”

10 Ad Mascots You Probably Didn't Know Were Related to Kermit The Frog

Jim Henson creations have a storied history in advertising, going back to the 1950s, when a violent proto-Kermit pitched Wilkins Coffee with 10-second TV spots.

Tappy, the latest creation from Jim Henson’s Creature Studio, is similarly off-kilter in his role as a living credit card reader at a checkout counter. 

Tappy is the new voice of Softcard, an e-payment product that works at McDonald’s and other major chains that now accept phone swipes as currency. Softcard needed a new mascot and some rebranding after changing its name from Isis, an unfortunate name since being co-opted by the infamous terror state.

Tappy is a bit out there as a concept, turning a boring inanimate object into a somewhat obnoxious little critter, but that’s what the Henson team has done for decades, building characters for brands to support their more artful Muppet projects. In fact there’s a roster of corporate mascots that come from The Jim Henson Co. that you might not know are basically cousins to Kermit, Oscar and Big Bird. For Instance, Snuggle bear is part muppet and so is Jack In The Box’s oversized snowman.

Here’s a look at the some of the characters made by Jim Henson’s Creature Studio for commercials and video marketing:

Tappy, Softcard
In a history of oddities, Tappy stands out among the Henson creations for sheer adsurdity. He’s a credit-card reading machine with teeth. We could learn to love him, maybe, on a long enough timeline.

Mel, Kraft
Mel the MilkBite is part dairy, part granola bar and totally confused. He’s a character with an identity crisis, pondering, “What am I?”

Life, Pacific Blue Cross
Life is a Muppet in the classic sense, and he promoted insurance for Pacific Blue Cross. In the commercials, he bites people in the butt, symbolizing unexpected events like dental emergencies.

Polar Bear, Coca-Cola
The Coca-Cola polar bear, which debuted in commercials in 1993, is a classic, and Jim Henson’s Creature Shop brought him to life for appearances with the public.

Puppet Jack, Jack in the Box
Puppet Jack has very similar mannerisms to Kermit, like when he throws his hands in the air and freaks out. A true pitchman who knows where to find a receptive audience, he shows up on couches to educate stoners about fast-food deals.

Great Chocolate Factory Mystery Experience in 4D, Hershey’s

Hershey’s Great Chocolate Factory Mystery Experience is an interactive show featuring talking candy bars at Hershey’s HQ in Pennsylvania. Henson made the digital puppets for the experience.

Lenny, Lending Tree
Lenny could be brothers with Kermit, given he’s so obviously Muppet and green. He basically just follows around a guy named Len, trying to talk him out of taking a loan from a bank.

Fairy-tale characters, Reading Is Fundamental

The literacy effort Reading Is Fundamental featured puppets alongside famous cartoon characters for this ad inspiring adults to read to children.

Rico, Air New Zealand
Rico was a rather NSFW spokesppupet whose South American accent and wordplay raised eyebrows, such as when he praised “a nice Kiwi beach.” He was best known for the viral marketing collaborations with edgy celebrities, including Snoop Dogg and Lindsay Lohan.

Snuggle Bear, Snuggle

Snuggle the fabric softener bear has deep Muppet roots. The bear debuted in 1983, a creation of Kermit Love (not related to the frog), who also made Big Bird.

Uncertain Economy: Separates the Cowards from the Lions

nullIn tough economic times, history reveals that the most successful businesses not only keep their hootspa, they take it up a notch. These days, sadly, many companies are making blind cuts in spending or running for the hills for cover, but giants like Trader Joes, Burger King, and even Jim Henson took a chance and got their start in uncertain times.
The absolute worst thing a business could do in these economic crises is cut marketing costs. I mean, does it really make sense when you need business to cut the one thing that gets you business? CEB (Corporate Executive Board) reports that 90% of companies that blindly cut sales, marketing, overhead, etc don’t maintain savings for more than 3 years. Now that doesn’t sound like sound decision making.

Some thinking says that the market will determine the direction on it’s own and if there really were opportunities out there, others would have already seized them. But industry articles reveal how market leaders like Whole Foods, Southwest Airlines and Macys have smashed that theory.

So whether you are looking for employment, new customers or new opportunities…do yourself a favor and don’t be a pansy…step out there boldly, take chances, and don’t make decisions based on fear.

Jinean Robinson is a CCIO (Chief Creative Infections Officer) who has been in the communications industry for over 8 years, specializing in creative strategy and implementation, 360 branding communications, and brand development. Join her at http://twitter.com/germllc or her firm’s website at http://germonline.com/