JWT, MassMarket Make Using Tissues Seem Fashionable

MassMarket and JWT New York have partnered up with noted fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi to make blowing mucus into a tissue fashionable for Kleenex in the new spot “Do My Thing.”

The 30-second spot, directed by Grady Hall, highlights different women (there are only women in this ad, because men don’t use tissues — they just blow snot rockets) expressing their personal style with their Kleenex selection. The new designs follow the ladies, enveloping their surroundings in their patterns and colors. To achieve the effect, MassMarket “brought together an interesting mix of artists and techniques to smoothly unite the multiple shots for this project,” explains VFX supervisor Diego Vazquez. This included implementing “traditional 2D, stylistic motion graphics and dynamic 3D.” The team’s distinctive visual design really shines in the spot, succeeding at making Kleenex’s new styles seem appealing and inviting. Credits after the jump. continued…

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Barton F. Graf 9000, Psyop Charm with ‘Clash of Clans’ Anthem Ad

Gerry Graf’s Barton F. Graf 9000 NY has worked with production company Psyop, fresh off their game-developing debut with the Susan Sarandon-narrated Nightmare: Malaria, to develop this charming spot for the Supercell-developed strategy game Clash of Clans.

The one-minute anthem ad places the viewer in the middle of the action, on the same level as the melee taking place. To bring the game to life in the spot, Psyop “embraced the bright, stylized and saturated look of the game,” explained Psyop Director Fletcher Moules. “We wanted to fully conceptualize what the world would look like if we were running alongside the horde of barbarians, what would it feel like to be covered in their saliva.”

The impressively animated ad really does a good job transporting the viewer into the world of Clash of the Clans, thankfully without any saliva. One noteworthy moment occurs when two giants chuckle as they are hit with cannonballs. It was one of Psyop’s favorite segments to animate, as well. “It added the heart and the warmth that was only achieved when we removed ourselves a little from the ruckus to enjoy it from their perspective,” said Moules.

It would appear that Supercell’s audience is enthusiastic about Clash of Clans as well. The video was released on December 23rd, and garnered 14 million views in its first week. Credits after the jump. continued…

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