Interactive Projection Mapping

Après Interactive Multitouch Sphere, voici cette projection interactive axée sur le mapping pour le client Nokia et son produit “Ovi Maps”. Une installation produite à Covent Garden dans Londres par le collectif Seeper. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite de l’article.


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IKEA Facebook Showroom

Not really new, but  still the imho best use of Facebook since “Whopper Sacrifice”.

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Dacia Status Symptoms

Dacia Germany is attacking the established German car manufacturers and the status orientated car owners.

Teaser Spot 1:

Teaser Spot 2:

Full Spot:

Those concerned or interested can take a status test to find out the extent to
which they are affected by status symptoms on

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Dacia – Status Symptoms

Dacia Germany is attacking the established German car manufacturers and the status orientated car owners.

Teaser Spot 1:

Teaser Spot 2:

Full Spot:

Those concerned or interested can take a status test to find out the extent to
which they are affected by status symptoms on

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Color Sensitive Interactive Billboard

Une vidéo originale présentant l’idée de la marque IBM. L’innovation : un véritable système de tableau interactif personnalisé, permettant de détecter la teinte et la couleur des vêtements de chaque personne. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.


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Hot Wheels Custom Motors Cup Challenge

Fun Youtube flash game for Hot Wheels

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Milk it!

For those of you that haven’t actually tried the real thing, you can now do it online. A very fun concept for Keso – Cottage Cheese

via ilovenewwork

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W+W, evolution thru combination

Clear and concise, that’s how director David Ruiz made this new animation to promote an ecological new concept from Roca, the W+W.
The film, commissioned by Tiempo BBDO agency, and produced by 8 de agosto explains very graphically how new ideas that can improve our lives sometimes born by cleverly combining two different working ideas…

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Casting Playboy with playmates behind a webcam video

Great interactive idea from Playboy, the casting playboy is recruiting the next playmate via internet.

Playboy is using the website below to allow sexy girls at home to take themselves in pictures with a webcam.

Then, the users like myself can rate the playmates! Have a look on this sexy[…]

Noteput – Interactive Music Table

Voici le projet Noteput conçu par Jürgen Graef et Jonas Heuer : une table de musique interactive avec des notes tangibles. Un concept combinant les 3 sens (l’ouïe, la vue et le toucher) permettant l’apprentissage du solfège et de la musique classique de manière pédagogique.





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Spot the difference game with Wonderbra sexy babes

Great interactive remix of the Spot the difference game with sexy babes from Wonderbra.

You can play the game for free here.


Advertiser: Wonderbra
Agency: Bureau347

Impossible soon the experimental online magazine

Impossible Soon is an experimental online magazine (fashion art and culture)
The idea was mixed the interactive to an editorial classic project.
In this way every title is a link and every photos is a video.
This is the third number and limited fashion # make with 3D effect into a magazine.



Blue Bell by Wrangler undress a man and play with him

Wrangler has launched a new website for its new collection of clothes named Blue Bell.
This website is promoting men’s clothing to women for valentine’s day.
Women are able to play with the mouse to undress the model.
Nice execution. I should admit I have received this link by 3 women today…[…]

This babe is a certified virgin

Do you want to be sure that your girlfriend is a virgin before your first nigh of sex?

Easy, you can now make it official with the certified virgin website.


Advertiser: AIDS

The search for the best bottom in the world American Apparel

American apparael is back with the most sexy ass in the world.

The search for the best bottom in the world is an amazing contest for the best babe ass.

Have a look here. So which one is your favourite?

Thanks to Vincent and his sexy blog about his sexy life in the sexy city London.

SixthSense Interface

Le SixthSense est composé d’une webcam et d’un pico-projecteur. L’appareil permet d’interagir avec le monde réel, et chaque objet du quotidien devient une interface. Les applications deviennent alors infinies, comme le montre cette démonstration vidéo disponible dans la suite.



Une réalisation du chercheur au MIT : Pranav Mistry.

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Soleil Noir Showreel

Découverte des nouveaux projets du studio interactif et de l’agence parisienne Soleil Noir. Réputé en flash et en direction artistique, voici leur showreel et leur carte de voeux pour 2010, entièrement conçu en stop-motion et représentant leur identité visuelle.



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The VIP website, only for very important people

The VIP website is the toughest site to enter. Like the night clubs in Paris, you will have to pass the bouncer…. thevipwebsite by lavirale Advertiser: The VIP website Agency: lavirale

Haiti earthquake Google crisis response will give $1 million #Haiti

Following the earthquake in Haiti Google has added a free sponsored link that is redirecting to the Google crisis response for Support Disaster Relief in Haiti. They are promising to give $1 million. You can safely give to Unicef or Care on this page below. And as I said previously here don’t […]

Happy New Year 2010

L’agence Fubiz Interactive et le site Fubiz vous souhaitent une excellente année 2010, pleine de réussites et de créativité. Découvrez notre carte interactive réalisée sous Flash. Il vous suffit de cliquez-glissez pour interagir avec l’animation.


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