Fox Television has taken viral marketing to a new level. Everyone should take notice. Spawning from the new hit series Fringe, Fox has launched an ad campaign unlike any seen before. Rather than relying on the staple marketing ploys of late night talk show rounds, standard TV ads and review/word of mouth popularity, Fox unloads a strategy that is both in-your-face and yet somehow subtle.
Introducing The Observer. This secondary yet mysterious character now conspicuously appears at a variety of Fox televised events ranging from American Idol to most recently the Major League Baseball All-Star game. His striking appearance (bald head, no eyebrows, always clad in a suit) and expressionless gaze render him unmistakeably recognizable amongst hordes of otherwise regular-looking people. The genius of it all? He goes completely unmentioned by hosts/commentators and the like. He’s not followed by a screen-length banner trumpeting the show and its airing day and time. He’s not discussed or called attention to in any manner other than a brief camera shot (as depicted above).
It’s product placement in the most brilliant, subtle manner. Even those who don’t watch the show can’t help but be struck by his sullen demeanor. It’s a face that sticks with you. And for those of us who are annoyed with the banners and obligatory, “Folks, tune into…” spiels interjected into other aspects of our entertainment diet, it serves as the perfect marketing tool.
I, and I imagine many others, now feel compelled to at least sit down for an episode of the show just to see what it’s all about. All because of a four second clip of a supporting character from a brand new TV show. Now that’s effective marketing.
Dan Davis is a Freelance Writer carving out his growing resume, specializing in copy writing, and subjects from sports to the arts. Contact him on LinkedIn.