Sci Fi : Life in 2050

Un magnifique spot 3D créé à l’occasion du London Sci-Fi Film Festival, et de l’exposition Life in 2050. Un travail d’identité du studio anglais FutureDeluxe sur une programmation graphique de Matt Pearson. Le tout sur une bande son de Harmonic 313 (Warp Records).


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Streamy Awards premia as melhores produções de vídeo online

Streamy Awards

Acontece amanhã, domingo, 11 de abril, a entrega do Streamy Awards, prêmio voltado para a produção original de vídeo online. Esse é o segundo ano do evento, criado pela associação independente International Academy of Web Television.

Você deve se perguntar: existe tanto conteúdo assim para justificar um prêmio exclusivo para o segmento? Sim, e se surpreenderá com a quantidade de indicados e produções de diferentes tipos e verbas, incluindo a brasileira “Flying Kebab”, que está na categoria Melhor Web Série Estrangeira.

O Streamy Awards conta com categorias divididas em genêro, como drama e comédia, atuação, roteiro e diversos prêmios técnicos, misturando produções de “grife” e independentes. Veja todos os indicados.

O festival ainda separa duas categorias para a participação ou produção exclusiva de marcas, como Melhor Integração de Produto em Web Série, e Melhor Série de Branded Entertainment: “Back on Topps” (Topps, Dick’s Sporting Goods), “Brainstorm” (Altoids), “Easy to Assemble” (IKEA), “Parts Art” (Lexus) e “The Temp Life” (Spherion)

O evento será transmitido ao vivo. Online, é claro.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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O lineup do Lollapalooza, uma letra por dia

O Lollapalooza resolveu, nesse ano, não revelar o lineup do festival de uma só vez, ou ainda ficar liberando nomes de bandas de forma homeopática. Ao invés disso, criaram uma espécie de Roletrando: uma letra por vez, e pedindo para que as pessoas tentem descobrir através do Facebook e Twitter.

É uma pena que quem descobre não ganhe nada, mas ainda assim é uma brincadeira divertida. Por enquanto somente as letras “O”, “S”, “R” e “I” foram reveladas.


Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Visual System for Exit

Dans la continuité de leurs différentes installations en 2009, voici une nouvelle création conçue par le collectif français Visual System et présentée dans le cadre du festival Exit à Créteil. Une collaboration des artistes Julien Guinard et Valère Terrier sur une musique de “Le Tone”.



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Os premiados do SXSW Web Awards

SXSWAconteceu ontem no SXSW, que começou na sexta-feira passada em Austin, Texas, a 13º edição do SXSW Web Awards, cerimônia do festival que prêmia os melhores sites e aplicativos em diversas categorias.

Você pode conferir todos os ganhadores no site do SXSW, abaixo destaco alguns:

Na categoria Business, ganhou o TheyMakeApps, que concorria com os sites das agências FL2 e mN, além de um hotsite da Ford para o Fiesta 2011.

Na categoria Experimental, o vencedor foi a experiência (duh!) da agência BooneOakley no YouTube, que criou seu “site” através de anotações em vídeos. Concorriam na categoria: Assassin’s Creed Twitter Experience, Bet Your Followers, Nawlz e HBO Imagine.

O Best Of The Show foi para o Wolfram Alpha, e na briga entre Foursquare e Gowalla na categoria Mobile, o segundo levou a melhor.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Spike Jonze x Absolut

Le réalisateur américain Spike Jonze présente son nouveau court-métrage “I’m Here” autour de la relation entre deux robots à Los Angeles. Il est issu d’une carte blanche avec la marque Absolut Vodka. Voici le trailer de 30 secondes pour une sortie du film prévue pour mars.




Pour aller plus loin : le site officiel du film

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Pavilion 21 Opera Space

De très belles images du moderne opéra temporaire pour le festival du Munich en 2010. Un design et une architecture par le studio autrichien Coop Himmelb(l)au. Une capacité de 300 visiteurs ainsi qu’une scène adaptable en fonction des événements. Plus d’images dans la suite.




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Metro Short Film Festival

Découverte de la campagne pour le festival de court métrage organisé par le métro espagnol. Une idée basée sur 3 symboles du cinéma, et imaginée par l’agence Bassat Ogilvy and Mather basée à Barcelone. Le tout sur des photographies de Garrigosa Studio.



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Offf 2010 Paris

Dédié à la création digitale et numérique, le festival Offf propose des conférences, performances, projections, workshops et concerts durant 3 jours. Après Lisbonne et Oeiras, OFFF 2010 s’installe à Paris en Juin à la Grande Halle de la Villette. Fubiz est partenaire de l’événement.





Le thème de l’édition 2010 : “Nostalgia for a past future”. L’équipe du Festival à déjà dévoilé une dizaine de noms, parmis les cents designers participant à la manifestation : The Mill, Koichiro Tanaka, Daniel Shiffman, Joachim Sauter, H5, Non-Format, DixonBaxi, Firstborn, Keith Schofield, Dvein, Sosolimited, Steven Heller ou Craig Ward.

Bonus : Facebook et Photos du OFFF 2009.

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Playground Festival

Un trailer réalisé à l’occasion du Playground Festival 2009 autour des arts et de la création numérique. Des photographies par Jasper Faber, une direction et post-production par le célèbre studio Onesize. Le tout sur un sound-design du Studio Takt.




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VisionSonic Festival

Une belle vidéo de présentation pour ce festival d’art numérique du 29 au 31 Octobre au Centre Madeleine Rebérioux et Le Cube. Des performances visuelles, installations, et ateliers entièrement diffusées sur le web. Visionsonic est une initiative de la Transversaux Pixels.



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Melbourne Writers Festival

Une belle campagne pour le Melbourne Writers Festival se déroulant en Australie. L’idée est basé autour de plusieurs situations pouvant êtres lues à travers 2 lectures différents. Une mise en scène de l’agence JWT sur des clichés de Bronwyn Kidd. Plus d’images dans la suite.



En grande taille : HorrorWarMystery

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A copycat? Yes they Cannes! / Bienvenue au Festival de la pompe

cannesoriginal cannes2
“As if you where in Cannes Party” – 2008
The CCB party from belgium launched in Knokke le Zoute during Cannes Festival for creatives who couldn’t get there. The image show a bar named Carlton that actually exist in the city of Knokke!
Source : Creative Club Belgium (CCB)
Agency : Unknown (Belgium)
Cannes Festival in Asnières (Paris suburb) – 2009
A french agency’s party launched during Cannes Festival for creatives who couldn’t get there.
Source : CB News Blog
Agency : Leo Burnett (France)
Pour une fête de créatifs et pour une annonce “libre” sans réel client, c’est dommage de faire une annonce si peu créative…
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Vanity and Pride on Full Display at Cannes (if You’re Lucky!)

newsImg_20090108145230“We’ve created a system that rewards work that is increasingly unknown to anyone outside the business. We have become connoisseurs of esoterica. And in the process, we’re becoming more about us, and less about changing the world.

“We are becoming irrelevant award-chasers.” -Jeff Goodby, in AdAge

There was a comment on my blog, Gods of Advertising, from an anonymous person that said, “awards shows (such as Cannes) are for people who like the smell of their own farts.”

A revolting notion but is it a criticism? First off, I believe people do secretly marvel at the odor they are capable of emitting! That’s the lesser point, however. What’s interesting about the comment is whether or not the idea of celebrating one’s own work is bad or not. Religious persons consider pride and vanity sins. But are they?

Here are my definitions of the two. Pride is regarding one’s self in high esteem. Vanity is hoping that others do. By this measure, then, it seems vanity has more potential for causing trouble –both to one’s self and to others. Vanity seems closer to the uglier sins of greed, lust and envy.

Advertising awards shows, particularly Cannes, are ripe with both pride and envy. By definition, all awards shows are. Something is being touted above all others in its category. Therefore there are losers. And losing breeds envy, which begets vanity. In order for we losers to avoid the sin of vanity we must process losing with humility, which is difficult, maybe even saintly. Most of us cannot help but feel humiliated when we lose. Sad but true. In theory, and sometimes practice, better men than I say, “there are lessons in this. I will take heed and be better for it next time around.” Unfortunately, my first reaction is usually more akin to this: “What do they know? The whole thing is rigged anyway!”

Winners, however, experience pride. And depending on how one handles his or her pride this can be a good quality. Obviously, boasting is pigheaded and most winners are rightfully careful about coming across as braggarts. But I venture we all hoot and holler a little bit among our peers, behind closed doors. Yet when we display our trophies back at the agency they instill a sense of pride within the company: We are good at our craft. We have value! This cannot be a bad thing, right? Yes, as long as it doesn’t go to our heads. Even the best-awarded agencies make their fare share (the Lion’s share!) of mediocre advertising. Often it is these accounts that pay the bills, allowing the agency to pursue sexier but less financially lucrative clients.

Pause for caution, then, especially during times of recession and layoffs. Perhaps the better comment, equally telling, would be to advise certain winners that their shit does, in fact, stink. Consider the Cannes trophy –the Gold Lion. Was not the Golden Calf a pagan symbol of man’s false pride?

The theme for my blog is “We make you want what you don’t need.” The tension of trying to do the next right thing (be it for agency, client and even oneself) is hugely important. I fail as much as I succeed. And I suspect I am not alone. Especially at Cannes. Here pride and vanity are on full display, both from creations and creator.

Steffan Postaer, Chairman and CCO of Euro RSCG Worldwide Chicago. He just completed a novel about God and Advertising and posts regularly on his blog, Gods of Advertising.