Oncam – Heist On Cam – (2015) 1:18 (USA/UK)
Posted in: UncategorizedIn a similar vein of discussion, how do we make security cameras cool? Oncam is a manufacturer of sophisticated 360-degree camera technology, as featured in private homes, businesses, banks and casinos. Their latest campaign invites you to become a detective, reviewing security footage to catch a gang of Faustian criminals called ‘The Magicians’. Most people go out of their way to avoid ads online. As an ad critic, I go out of my way to click on them, but only the ones which are genuinely interesting and feel fresh. The clever aspect of this campaign is it let’s you take part in a forensic analysis, looking through different scenes via a 360-degree camera, but you’re doing so for the story. Because which one of us hasn’t wanted to step into a Hard Boiled detective novel and become the hero? Sure the story is a little rough around the edges, but this is a branded microsite, not Raymond Chandler. It’s digital storytelling, well done.
We reached out to Oncam who told us they were really pleased with the results so far from the campaign and were happy to share some of their social media metrics with us (as of July 2015). As an ex-social media manager, these are great stats.
Total number of interactions with the campaign, to date: 1.6M
% increase of Twitter followers since launch: 450%
Tweet engagements: 2.01K
Number of likes: 776
Completion rate: 62%
Users returning to site: 13.1%
Therese Hume, Digital & Social Media Marketing Manager at Oncam told Adland:
We are only a small company and we have been delighted with the level of interaction and awareness the campaign has generated. We have received a number of business opportunities as a direct result of this campaign, although due to the sensitive nature of our business I am unable to give you any names.
And you know what – I bet they have. Brave marketing can change perceptions. This is my favourite digital campaign of the year so far. Professionalism can be interesting. A CCTV camera can be interesting. And brave advertising needs to be self assured, and unlock that interest.
Good luck detective: http://www.heistoncam.com/