Here’s Ryan Reynolds’ Complete Presentation From Brandweek 2020

If star power were enough, the marketing world would be full of Ryan Reynolds. However, the self-effacing and subversively creative actor has rapidly transcended other celebrities in recent years to become one of the top talents on today’s advertising landscape. Honing his highly shareable marketing skills out of necessity when faced with the slim marketing…

Nick Offerman Sings the Ballad of the Responsible Whisky Drinker for Diageo

Nick Offerman loves whisky, his guitar, woodworking and horseback riding. But he’s man enough not to mix his favorite beverage with the last two—and quite upset that he doesn’t have three hands so he can mix the first two.

In this rather silly but resoundingly masculine ballad, Offerman offers us a slim glimpse into what companies like Diageo mean when they say “responsible drinking”—in this case, no power tool lacerations or horseback riding injuries. The dangers are believable but far enough away from the reality of drinking and driving, and other ways you’re more likely to kill yourself drinking, that we can all still enjoy the video.

Diageo’s portfolio contains over 100 Scotch, Irish, Canadian and American whiskies. This video focuses on Scotch whisky, as Nick is shown amid Oban distillery barrels in Oban, with a bottle of Oban 14, cutting peat in traditional fashion from the Scottish soil, roaming about old castles with his guitar, on a boat presumably on his way to the isle of Islay, and then on Islay, drinking Lagavulin outside Lagavulin.

From manning the helm of Movember to his role as Ron Swanson, Offerman has created a brand for himself as a latter-day Hemingway—a real man’s man who in real life is a master carpenter, boat builder and apparently a lover of fine Scottish whisky on the smokier side. The most interesting man in the world finally has some competition—from a real man.

Pense em como você bebe

Beba com responsabilidade. A frase costuma aparecer em tudo quanto é campanha de bebidas alcóolicas, o que não significa que os consumidores dêem grande importância a ela. Então, a Diageo, companhia que engloba marcas como Smirnoff e Guinness, resolveu mostrar como algumas pessoas envergonham a si mesmas – e a seus amigos – quando estão bêbadas. A iniciativa faz parte da campanha de consumo consciente Think How You Drink e está sendo exibida em diversos países da Europa.

A mensagem sugere que não se deve deixar uma noite divertida com seus amigos se transformar em ressaca moral no dia seguinte, com direito a flashes de você tentando encontrar seu sapato, desabando escada abaixo ou ainda mergulhando de nariz na calçada.

Think How You Drink também conta com uma calculadora online, que mostra quantas vezes, por exemplo, é preciso assistir ao filme Titanic para conseguir eliminar o álcool do seu sistema – meia garrafa de vinho corresponde a 237 calorias e seria necessário aguentar ver o navio afundando por 4.7 horas. Sério, seu eu tivesse de assistir a Titanic para eliminar o álcool, ia preferir parar de beber.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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The Art of Cocktail Posters

Mixionary est un projet de l’Agence de création australienne The Monkey en collaboration avec la société Diageo. Les cocktails sont transformés en affiches graphiques où les ingrédients deviennent des blocs de couleurs variant selon leur volume. Un hommage aux cocktails les plus célèbres à découvrir en images.










