DeVito/Verdi, Legal Sea Foods Want You to go ‘Pescatarian’
Posted in: UncategorizedDeVito/Verdi launched a lighthearted new campaign for Legal Sea Foods, urging viewers to go “Pescatarian” while extolling the virtues of seafood. Pescatarian is defined as someone who doesn’t eat meat but will eat fish, but for the purposes of this campaign, it seems to mean someone who always eats fish, religiously.
The satirical proselytizing of the campaign includes broadcast spots (see above), print ads and a mock website extolling the virtues of the (fake) religion. Broadcast spots deliver satirical messages such as “Jesus fed 5,000 people with a few fish. We do that every single day.” in a tone mimicking religious evangelism. The broadcast campaign breaks next week in Boston, followed by print ads in a similar tone in July issues of two area magazines. We’ve included an example of the latter below.
Agency: DeVito/Verdi
Creative Director: Sal DeVito
Copywriter: Barry Flanik
Art Director: Manny Santos
Agency Producer: Barbara Michelson
Digital Team: Lauren Reddy, Yasmin Elgibali
Editorial Company: Kind Edit
Editors: Anthony Marinelli, Eduardo Wong