San Francisco-based agency Evolution Bureau (or EVB if you will), which is perhaps still recovering from last Friday’s Ad Ghetto Bl0ck Party, has brought on a pair of senior writers in Kate Getty and David Satterfield. Normally, appointments like these might be relegated to the news roundups, but we got a little kick out of the Star Wars-referencing welcome memo sent to EVB staff last week announcing the pair’s arrival. But, as the EVB staffers who happen to be hardcore fans of George Lucas‘s brainchild have pointed out to the authors, the Star Wars quotes are from Episode III while the image toplining the memo is from Episode IV. Tsk tsk.
Anyhow, as elaborated upon below, Getty joins EVB after spending nearly four years as a senior copywriter at Draftfcb San Francisco while Satterfield worked as a copywriter at Boulder’s Made Movement prior to assuming his new role. Read on below for the somewhat colorful memo, complete with Luuuuuke:
“Subject: You were the chosen ones! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them.
Heroes of The Confederacy! You may have noticed some new faces prairie dogging up from the cubes this week. That is because we have three new members of the EVB team! I know, right?!
Check out Senior Writer Kate Getty. She came to us all the way from across the street. Big fan of bow ties, Bourbon (she’s from Kentucky), and dancing, that Kate. In her own words:
Kate spent the past three-and-a-half years directly across the street at, working on Air New Zealand, Kikkoman, Dockers, Ooma, EA and Habitat for Humanity. She doesn’t smoke, but still met Hilldawgg on the corner last year, where they challenged each other to a dance fight. Before that she was working in Austin in the green sector at the social marketing agency, working on keeping the world beautiful and water around for a while longer. And before that, she got her start as a bartender at The Cock Pit (really), while working at The Butler Bros. (now Bogusky/Fearless Cottage’s storytelling partners, for the Crispin boys) to get her start, working on Livestrong and Sweet Leaf Tea. She’ll talk to you about: food, surfing, dancing, physics, and spirituality.
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