Self-cleaning toilet


Yet another evidence that Europe is far ahead from us. Great commercial.

Lakai – Fully Flared skates


By far one of the most beautiful videos I’ve seen lately.
It seems the guys at Lakai took this video down from every streaming website there is. Quite a shame. For those of you who saw it, hope you liked it. Those who didn’t, I’ll try to find it again and when I do I’ll post it right here. 
Link: Lakai.
Via: ComputerLove.

NoFearToPaper release party


This is kind of a local event in Santiago, Chile. So if you’re not in the area maybe you won’t be interested in this post… Anyways…
My homie Veggie is spreading the word about the release party being held for his NoFearToPaper project.
At the event you’ll be partying with a lot of design people and also be able to see all the little boxes that made the cut.
It looks to be quite an event so if everything goes well, I’ll be seeing you there.
To view the bigger image just click on it.

Pythagoras Trees


At the great Iso50’s blog, with whom I share a healthy obsession for mathematical patterns, I came across the amazing image you see above that, as he himself explains, comes from what is known as a Pythagoras Tree, which as you’ll see at en Wikipedia are pretty simple in its basic composition but can come to create amazingly complex patterns.
Any graphics that involve mathematical perfection, amazing color palettes and is modular… is definitelly A+ in my book.

Snoop Dogg – Sensual Seduction


For those of you who don’t know, Snoop Dogg is a rapper. A gangsta, bitch-slapping-cop-killing rapper.
But Snoop, on top of this, is an artist with an amazing trayectory that has already surpassed hip hop, and he’s had the vision to collaborate with artists of all kinds.
Now, for a change, he recently released a hottt video. There are many like this one, I know, but this must be one of few I’ve seen that is so well executed.
Check the small details, like when the image repeats itself as the echo fades. Classic!.
And while we’re at it. The song is pretty damn cool too.
He’ll be coming to Chile soon, so those of you who are going, let me know how it was.

Fred Eerdekens



What you can do by proyecting shadows.

Bearded Ski mask


Gotta get me one of these… and so can you for about US$135.

The Futures Channel


I got to this website through a post in ComputerLove about cell phones design and the importance of millimeters. A really good video, but then I noticed on the side there was this video about skateboards design, and after I saw that one, I saw another one about bicycle design, and then another about guitars design, and I’ve been hopping from video to video throughout all morning.
An excelent website with videos on science applied to non-traditional matters under the m.o. “Connecting learning to the real world”.
Link: The Futures Channel.