Byggmax: Price war, Tank

Byggmax: Price war, Tank

Price war on building materials.
As our competitors bombard you with explosive offers, our only weapon is building materials at constantly low prices.

Advertising Agency: Kitchen, Norway
Art Directors: Ole Henrik Stubberud, Björn Andreassen.
Copywriters: Heidi Mittun-Kjos, Didrik Hallström.
Illustrator: Björn Nordberg
Published/Released/Aired (Month, Year): March 2008

Byggmax: Price war, Fighter plane

Byggmax: Price war, Fighter plane

Price war on building materials.
As our competitors bombard you with explosive offers, our only weapon is building materials at constantly low prices.

Advertising Agency: Kitchen, Norway
Art Directors: Ole Henrik Stubberud, Björn Andreassen.
Copywriters: Heidi Mittun-Kjos, Didrik Hallström.
Illustrator: Björn Nordberg
Published/Released/Aired (Month, Year): March 2008

Byggmax: Price war, Battleship

Byggmax: Price war, Battleship

Price war on building materials.
As our competitors bombard you with explosive offers, our only weapon is building materials at constantly low prices.

Advertising Agency: Kitchen, Norway
Art Directors: Ole Henrik Stubberud, Björn Andreassen.
Copywriters: Heidi Mittun-Kjos, Didrik Hallström.
Illustrator: Björn Nordberg
Published/Released/Aired (Month, Year): March 2008