Le Jardin Colonial Branding

Focus sur le travail du parisien Adrien Grand Smith Bianchi qui a imaginée toute l’identité graphique et la direction artistique du concept de thé « Le Jardin Colonial ». Avec des créations résolument vintage d’une grande qualité, cette création est à découvrir sur son portfolio et dans la suite de l’article.

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Characterizing your Product Brand

Brand Identity

One thing that products need today is identity. It can be an aggressive product or a purely intuitive one. But knowing the consumers today, there will always be one attribute that will associate products. It can be positive or negative but either way everyone must remember, products are not made purely for display. There has to be something that it can easily be associated with.

Most household named brands today have achieved this. One good thing about successful branding is that it will be carried out for years to come. It will not die down. A good brand marketing technique will build brand identity which in turn will become the carving niche whenever the ordinary consumer sees it anywhere he may be.

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