TV Land Names Mediahub/Mullen Media AOR

Mediahub/Mullen was awarded media buying and planning duties for TV Land, following a review that also included Fallon, reports Adweek. TV Land had previously been working with agencies on a project basis.

The assignment marks the agency’s second Viacom media buying and planning client, following being made media buying and planning agency of record for VH1 last November. Critical to the assignment will be supporting VH1?s new original series Younger, written and directed by Sex and the City‘s Darren Star, which debuts in January. Mediahub/Mullen will also work on other new and returning TV Land original series, including the Betty White-starring Hot and Cleveland, the show that marked the channel’s initial shift to original content. (more…)

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Air New Zealand aposta no estilo “old school” em novo vídeo de segurança

Se você era criança na década de 1980, há grandes chances de se lembrar com carinho de Betty White na série Golden Girls (aqui no Brasil terrivelmente “traduzido” como As Super Gatas). Aos 91 anos, a atriz continua tão atuante quanto na juventude, o que pode ser comprovado no novo vídeo de segurança da Air New Zealand, Safety Old School Style.

Criado pela agência True, o vídeo se passa no Second Wind Retirement Resort, um lar para idosos ficcional localizado nos Estados Unidos, e ainda conta com a participação de Gavin MacLeod, de O Barco do Amor.

O mais legal é que o vídeo consegue recriar as instruções de segurança de um vôo nas situações cotidianas do lar para idosos, sem deixar o humor de lado e ainda lembrando que a velhice é, acima de tudo, um estado de espírito. E afinal, quem melhor para falar sobre o assunto do que aqueles que já fizeram de tudo na vida?

Esta não é a primeira vez que a Air New Zealand aposta em uma grande produção para chamar a atenção dos passageiros durante as instruções de segurança. No ano passado, eles abriram o precedente com o vídeo temático baseado em O Hobbit, que contou até mesmo com a participação do diretor Peter Jackson.

Mais uma vez, mandaram muito bem.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Snickers Drops Down the Celebrity Hierarchy with Kenny G

Betty White, Joe Pesci, Robin Williams, and… Kenny G. Aside from picking the most odds-and-sods group of entertainers out there, Snickers and BBDO New York have a knack for choosing celebrities with just enough relevance for the “You’re not you when you’re hungry” campaign. The title for best Snickers jokester is a toss-up between White’s roughhousing football player and Pesci’s whiny wingman. The latest spot, “Cards,” won’t top its predecessors, mainly because Kenny G doesn’t speak throughout the whole clip, but you can always lose yourself in his patented melancholy saxophoning.

It’s strange to think that the first ad with White came out over three years ago, but these spots seem to have enough social support to keep on kicking, even as the celebrities get less celebratory. Maybe for the next one, BBDO could get all four celebs in one room at the same time – a group of hungry people who all need to eat Snickers. That way, we could get Pesci to look at Kenny G and unleash a “Who is this fuckin’ guy?” tirade. Everybody wins, even Kenny G, since he’d be in two commercials in the past decade instead of one. Credits after the jump.


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